Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 98

After signing, a thought suddenly came to her, at first, she ignored it but the more she thought about it, the more it made sense, why else would Luciano sign over everything he owned to her, except he was trying to safeguard then and signing them over to her means they will no longer be in his name which means they can no longer associate everything with his name, she hoped that wasn’t the case, she knew she will find out soon if it was a mistake add if they really plan to use, she manage to fall into a restless sleep at about four am on Saturday morning only to be woken by a knock on the door, she sluggishly get off the bed and went to unlock the door and saw Yoey standing outside the door, she knew what he came for so she went back into the room and brought it.

“I signed it, I can leave the house freely, now right?”

Arielle asked as she handed over the file to him, he looked surprised and she wondered why when he had wanted her to sign so much yesterday, and he was here so early for it too, maybe he had thought she won’t. well, she didn’t want to but both he and his boss gave her no choice, if what she thought was what they truly wanted to do, they are in for a ride because she would make sure they pay for causing her so much pain, Luciano would wish he just told her the truth and kept her on his side instead of making an enemy out of her.

“Did you read through before signing?”

He asked flipping through the pages.

“I did, why? Were you not pestering me to sign just yesterday? Why do you suddenly look surprised that I did?”

Arielle asked glaring at him, she knew he wasn’t in the wrong and was just doing as Luciano told him to but that didn’t stop her from hating him, he was the bearer of news that changed her life so hating him was the right thing to do.

“I thought you won’t sign after seeing everything he was giving to you, I guess I was wrong, I just hope the boss isn’t making a mistake with this,”

He responded, he said the last part more to himself but she heard him which further confirmed her suspicions, they were using her, this was their plan all along, Luciano didn’t want to lose the things he owned which were being targeted by the authorities so he decided to use her, he caused her so much pain, said bad words to her, made her feel worthless just so she could sign those papers to protect his interest, she felt hurt and betrayed, she would have helped him willingly if he had let her in on what he planned, if he had treated her like a normal human being, like an adult who can make wise decisions but he chooses to make her his puppet and that hurt more than the words he spoke to her yesterday.

“When will this be processed?”

She asked even though she knew it might take months, divorce papers take a while to get approved and she knew because one time, her stepfather had filed for divorce but both of them had ended up going through marriage counseling and in the end, they resolved their differences and never got the divorce. They were made for each other, the two people that pioneered her meeting Luciano which also lead to her getting hurt, she would never forgive them.

“Why do you want to know? You have done your part, it will be on the news when it is finalized till then, I will be on my way, it may be the weekend but I have a lot to do,”

Yoey said and excused himself, Arielle glared at his back as he walked away, praying that whatever they had planned would backfire, nah, she didn’t actually mean that, she didn’t want more bad things to happen to Luciano, he may have been evil to her but she couldn’t wish him the worse.

“Such a pathetic fool,”

She berated herself as she went back into the bedroom in low spirit, her whole head banging because of her lack of sleep, she could care less because the pain in her heart was more than that in her head and it didn’t have any visible cure, being in the room she shared with Luciano felt like she was tormenting herself as he was everywhere she looked.

Arielle spent the whole of Saturday in a bad mood, just a couple of weeks ago, she was having the best time of her life with the man she shouldn’t have been with in the first place and she had the mind to think she has won in life even while knowing how they met and how fast they married, she felt so stupid and dumb forever thinking Luciano was a good person, of course, he wasn’t, which good person will buy a whole ass human being? Which good person beat people up? He was right about her creating a fantasy image of him in her head.

Saturday was like a wakeup call to reality, she had no will to even get up from the bed, she just wanted to hit a reset button that will take her back to the time she didn’t know Luciano, her life back then wasn’t so great but at least it was not this painful, no matter how she beat herself up, how she tried to make herself forget the pain, she just had to look around to be reminded of what she had shared with Luciano and she would be sad again, she had moved out of the room they both shared and went back to the room she had used when she newly came to the mansion but even that room contained memories of them together and once again she moved out of that room, now she was in the guest room and still she was reminded of him.

Whatever hope she had for them to make up came crashing when she woke up on Sunday morning and decided to check up on any update about him, she got the shock of her life when she saw the headline of the news article that had her face, the headline read ‘LUCIANO SIEGEL’S NEW WIFE FILES FOR A DIVORCE AFTER ONLY TWO MONTHS OF MARRIAGE AMIDS RUMOR OF HIM MURDERING HIS GRANDFATHER’

It was shocking to her because she never filed for a divorce, never even thought about it, she thought maybe they made a mistake and decided to read the whole article which was even worse because they wrote about her wanting everything he owned, she never did. Even more shocking to her was the fact that the media was aware already, she knew they always know things somehow but this time, she couldn’t help but think this is what Luciano and his people had planned, make her the bad person. What more will he do to make her life hell, she should have dropped the phone then and just turned it off but maybe she liked the pain because she went through the comments on these articles and they were horrible, they were calling her all sorts of bad names, the one that stood out most being gold digger and freeloader, she held her hands over her mouth as she read the vile things people who have never met her said about her.

“This is messed up, I didn’t do anything wrong,”

She let out as tears streamed down her eyes everything was too much for her to handle and she was slowly losing her mind.

She stayed away from her phone throughout that morning but after tossing and turning and walking around the mansion with all the workers looking at her weirdly and talking silently behind her back, she went back to her phone and found out the reason they were behaving like that, Luciano signed the divorce paper too and it was already finalized.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

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