Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 97

Arielle felt like her heart was going to explode in pain, she tried so hard not to feel hurt and prepared herself so much for when she meets him, telling herself all the way through the drive here that all she wanted was to hear it directly from him, hear that they were over from his mouth while she looked at him but when he did say those words, it hurt so bad, and then he kissed her and made love to her only to say the worse shit to her right after yet she didn’t hate him, she felt hurt of course but she just couldn’t bring herself to hate him, she hated herself for it, she should hate him, that was the right thing to do after how he treated her but like a fool she still cared for him and wished he overcomes his present situation, she didn’t like meeting him like that, he lost weight and also looked like he hasn’t been taking care of himself, he didn’t even bother to shave.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Yoey was waiting for her at the entrance with a look of pity, she so wanted to beat him up for looking at her like that but she knew she wouldn’t be able to do that and will just end up embarrassing herself, all she wanted to do right now was get back home and let the tears she has been holding fall, she needed to take a bath too and wash his touch off.

“Are you okay?”

Yoey asked and Arielle sent a glare his way, the audacity to ask her that when he could see she was in distress, men were so mean, what had she expected from him, she knew he blamed her for her current situation even without asking because he would say he told her not to come here, she ignored him and looked out of the window of the car, it was closed but she could see outside, tears welled up in her eyes as her mind went back to everything that happened with Luciano, at least she had not been stupid enough to tell him in that moment that she was in love with him, she had wanted to so bad, wanted to if that would stop him from pushing her away from him but she had stopped herself because she knew he would mock her, like he said, she made up everything in her head and fell for the image of him she created, the Luciano she met today was the real one not the one she made him out to be, it was her fault for creating a new version of him in her head, she wiped her eyes, she didn’t want to cry in front of Luciano’s men, that would give them something to tell him about, she closed her eyes and tried to erase the past one hour from her brain, but the more she tried, the more her brain brought back everything that happened, thankfully, they got to the mansion, she got out of the car without waiting for Yoey and made her way into the house, walking straight upstairs.

“Arielle, you left your bag,’

Yoey called and she stopped long enough for him to give her the bag and also the file he heard which she was meant to sign, she took it from him and walked away, when she got into their bedroom, she sat and the bed and let the tears flow, it was better to cry than keep the tears in.

After about thirty minutes of just crying and feeling bad for herself, she got up and went to take a bath to scrub off his touch, she had been such a fool to have allowed him to touch her when he had told her the only thing he needed her for was sex, yet she had given herself to him again in a place where anyone could have walked in on them, she had shamelessly thought he would have a change of heart after the way he kissed and made love to her, only for him to be even colder to her right after, oh what a fool she had been, she teared up again as she tried to scrub off the memory of his touch from her but it was a fruitless attempt when the only male touch she knew was his, there was no forgetting his touch, she just have to live with it which she refuses to accept at the moment.

“I hate you so much for what you did to me,’

She cried as she scrubbed harder, nearly peeling off her skin, she stopped then and let the cool water flow over her while she stood there, her heart barely able to do its primary job which was to pump blood not fall in love with a literal demon.

After about thirty minutes in the shower, she gave up and got out, wrapped her towel around her body, and walked back into the bedroom with her hair still dripping water, she laid on the bed like that and stayed like that for another ten minutes before getting up to wear something, she meant to lay back on the bed but then she saw the file and decided to go through it and just sign since she told Yoey that she will sign once she meets Luciano in person, there was no reason to not do it now, Luciano already told her where she stood with him and she wasn’t about to beg him, that will be a step too low for anyone.

There was nothing much to look through, at least that’s what she thought when she had first started reading, she did consider just signing but after what happened the first time she signed without reading and also what happened with Don, she decided to read through properly, lucky that she did because she came across a clause that made no sense to her.

“Why will he do something like this? Is he out of his mind?”

Arielle asked herself as she reread the clause again and again just to be sure she wasn’t interpreting it wrongly but that seems not to be the case, Luciano just handed over everything under his name to her, everything he owned, the question is why? What would he gain from giving her everything he worked hard for? Was this his way of apologizing for pushing her away? It just didn’t feel like it, this was way too much for an apology, this was him giving away everything he owned, maybe there was a mistake somewhere, they may have mistakenly included the clause, she dropped the file and tried to call Yoey but his number was not reachable, she read the clause again to make sure her fuggy mind wasn’t playing tricks on her but it was there and it was pretty clear.

Arielle sat staring at the file in front of her, it was way past midnight and she has been sitting there for over four hours, she was sleepy but didn’t want to go to sleep, over the last four hours, she has gone over the file more than five times and each time she stopped at the clause that made her sole heir and sole owner of everything Luciano owned and it just didn’t make any sense to her, and she tried calling Yoey again and again, even tried to call Luciano too but she couldn’t reach anyone of them, she didn’t have any lawyer or legal person to call either, after much debate with herself even with a banging headache and a broken heart, she decided to sign, if it was indeed a mistake, then they will correct it before submitting the document, when she was done signing, she went back to the bed to lay down and get so sleep but she couldn’t fall asleep, instead her mind went over the event of today and the past couple of days, whoever killed Don was the reason everything happened, even after what Luciano did to her Arielle still believed he didn’t kill his grandfather, that’s why she hadn’t asked him about it, she hope the real killer would be found soon, even though Luciano was the one that broke her heart the killer was the reason it happened so soon if not it would have taken two years and by then she would have been more prepared.

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