Legally Bound To The Mafia Boss

Chapter 99

“That’s too fast, is it even possible?”

She asked herself as she read the new article, finding out from the news she just became one of the richest people in the whole of Russia after her husband now ex-husband, signed those papers, it was overwhelming to read about and totally surreal.

“He really did everything and made me out to be the villain, a gold digger? A freeloader, a vile disgusting woman who only marries men for money? I am none of those things,”

She let out as she dumped her phone and paced up and down, she was so angry and sad, Luciano really did all this to her while knowing she would never do anything like that.

“I am going to make him pay,”

she let out still pacing up and down, how could he do this much damage to her in just two days, broke her heart, reduced her to a sex slave, and turned her into a bad woman all because he didn’t want to lose what he owned, why did he have to do so many bad things to her to achieve that? She never hurt him in any way or went against him.

“Maybe it is time that I go against him, make him pay, give him a fucking dose of his own medicine,”

She let out as a plan formed in her head, two can play his game.

Monday morning Arielle woke up feeling better than she had been the past two days, for the first time in two days, she didn’t wake up with tears in her eyes, and she also didn’t go straight to her phone to check the latest news about Luciano, which was a small win for her, if her plans were going to work out, she needed a thick skin, she needed to show them she was no push over, if her calculations were correct, Yoey would show up today to ask her to sign something, that’s when she will show him who the new boss is, she smiled to herself at the thought and got up from the bed to go take a bath after which she dressed in a mini white dress and for once she decided to leave her hair down.

She went down for breakfast and ate as much as she could after which she went and sat in the living room waiting for Yoey to show his annoying face. while waiting, she turned on the news and was greeted with images of her on the news channel, once again, she was being labeled something she wasn’t, the newsmen were having a field day having different think pieces about her. Leave it to some men to use every little moment to berate and talk down on women, she had only one person to blame for all of the insults she was getting and she hoped he was having a bad day too.


She let out as she angrily turned off the tv when one of the newsmen said something about her marrying him for his wealth and taking what she could right before his downfall, if only they know the true situation, maybe it would have been a different story but she knew that even if she tries to set the records straight now, no one will believe her because the devil she married made sure the divorce papers looked like they were from her, the thought of how much blow her reputation had taken because of his action made her so mad.

“Hi, Arielle, good morning,”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

Yoey said as he walked in looking a little too excited, Arielle glared at him.

“What’s good about this morning?”

Arielle asked making sure he feels the distaste in her voice, he stopped smiling and sat down next to her.

“Sorry, I can’t say, you will find out soon, anyway, I need you to sign a few papers for me if you don’t mind,”

He said dropping a document in front of them, Arielle looked from him to the papers and back to him, at first, she thought maybe they fixed the divorce papers but then remembered that according to what she read in the articles yesterday, it was already finalized. She picked up the paper and looked through it just to be sure and yeah, it was a fresh document, Arielle dropped it back on the table and picked up her phone, going through her screenshots to find the particular page.

“Can you please sign, I don’t have all day,”

Yoey persuaded, oh if only he knew what was coming for him, Arielle smiled and read the content of the clause out loud.

“This is what I signed on Friday night which means you answer to me and not the other way round,”

Arielle said dropping her phone on the table and waiting for him to talk.

“What’s going on here?”

He asked and she let out a little laugh.

“As you can see, I am the new owner of the company and everything Luciano owns as per the papers I signed on Friday night which got approved pretty fast if you ask me, I didn’t know it was that easy to divorce someone, I swear I thought it takes months and lots of counseling, anyway, I am the boss now and you will either work with me or get the fuck out, you choose,”

Arielle responded and watched Yoey’s mouth open and close multiple times, he was in shock, well he shouldn’t be, she was just playing their game, and they will pay for thinking she is a fool with no sense of her own.

“I knew it, I knew this would happen, I warned him but he didn’t listen, I wasn’t wrong after all, all women are the same, this bad,”

Arielle watched him ramble on and on, he was losing his mind and she loved every moment, this was fun and she will make sure even Luciano lose his mind.

“It is bad if you let it be bad for you because it is good for me, I don’t know what you guys were expecting to happen when you did what you did but I am determined to make the most of my new position, and I am not signing anything right now, I don’t have to and you can’t make me because I make the decision her,”

Arielle responded, spreading her hands out for emphasis, and picked up her phone, she searched for her name and gave her phone to Yoey who read what she showed him with a neutral face.

“See, you guys made me sign those damn papers and made me into a gold digger and a bad woman overnight, somehow, I am the villain here because I filed for a divorce while my husband of two months is going through shits, and now you tell me, what do you think I will do to seal my place as the evil woman that I am?”

Arielle asked, sitting down and crossing her legs over each other, she realized she was dressed too simply and made a mental note to remember to dress as a woman who is a gold digger would, heels, full makeup, must be red lipsticks and classy dress, no more flowery or simple dresses, to do that, she would need to go shopping which was easy since she has access to so much money, she smiled at the thought of Luciano losing his mind when he finds out she is spending his money buying fancy things, she looked up at Yoey who has been quiet since she asked him the question.

“You can’t answer that? Then let me ask you again, why did you guys make me sign those papers and then went right ahead to make it seem as if I was the one the filed for a divorce?”

She questioned further but Yoey remained quiet, like he wasn’t even trying to respond or say anything to defend himself or his boss, maybe he didn’t expect her to react this way to finding out what she now owned, bad for him.

“You have nothing to say, then you can leave, or go cry to your boss that I refuse to be your puppet, while at that, make sure to tell him that he created a monster and I will make sure he regrets everything,”

Arielle told him, stood up from the chair and walked away, leaving him standing there and still out of his mind, this was just the beginning, she planned on doing more, for now, she has shopping to do, also she needs to go see Lily, now that she is the boss, she will do whatever she wants and meet whoever she wants to meet, now more than ever, she wanted Luciano to be free so that she will make him suffer by her hands…

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