The Lycan's Soul Mate

chapter 6 The Calm

chapter 6 The Calm

The first few classes of the day were not too bad. She had sciences this morning and those were her

comfort zones. She got to shine. She understood everything as she loved the sciences. Her new friend

was having some troubles with Anatomy but she was fine with Biology and Chemistry. She had offered

to help her with those subjects if she needed any help and of course Soccorah was so happy that she

quickly accepted without hesitation.

They had separate classes just before lunch so that was not too good as Luna had not gotten close to

anyone else in her class before lunch break. She walked into the lunchroom and grabbed some fruit

yoghurt some juice and a sandwich. She walked round and took a seat at a table near the window

alone. She sat and intently surveyed the room hoping to catch a glimpse of a familiar face but even

though she grew up in this area no one from her high school came here. Most of the kids went to work

or the few who went to college went out of state to gain some distance from their families or just to get

to know someplace new.

Luna sat alone at the table looking at the busy cafeteria as she quickly gobbled up her lunch. Students

were eating and leaving while others took their places. She sat for about 15 minutes and dropped off

her tray. She’d hoped that she would have been able to catch Soccorah to have lunch with her as she

was the only new friend she had made thus far.

Luna walked out of the cafeteria and headed outside to sit under a large oak tree. She had 2 free

periods after Lunch then her final class of the day her dreaded GYM class.Luna sat under the shade of

the great oak tree and took out her chemistry book and started to brush up on memorizing the periodic

table. She was a bit rusty as she began looking at hydrogen and shut her eyes trying to recall atomic

number and symbol. She spent the rest of lunch break doing that then put her book away and opened

her eyes.

Soccorah had Spanish as a second language with Luca before Lunch and it was a sight to see him

struggle with this. Give him that…. He was fairly good, but the fact that Luca was the best at

everything; she giggled to herself realizing that she was better than him at this one thing. They listened

and conversed together as it was a very nice and interactive class. You didn’t have to sit and listen like

must other classes but actually had to participate and actively to get a good final grade.

Soccorah glanced at the clock realizing that it was close to lunch. She thought whether she would meet

up with Luna the girl that she met who was so nice. She’d really like her to meet Luca. Afterall if they

were going to be friends then it was only fair that she met all her friends and Luca was supposed to be

her very best friend. As the bell went, Luna grabbed her stuff and got up to get to the cafeteria but Luca

had questions and he stayed back to speak with the Spanish professor and Soccorah had no choice

but to wait for him outside.

Soccorah was a bit impatient as she really wanted to speak with Soccorah again; however, she could

not leave Luca alone as they needed to have lunch together to create the impression that he was

taken. She waited for what seemed to be an eternity and her patience started wearing thin. She

whispered to Luca as she knew that he could hear her with his enhanced hearing. “Why don’t you just

take all of my time won’t you. You know that I can help you with Spanish. I’m not that bad.”

Luca ignored Soccorah and finished clearing up his doubts. When he finally emerged, he took her hand

and the walked toward the cafeteria. By the time they got there it was already 12:40. “Shit” Luca said

out loud. “I need to start and finish this assignment today.” Soccorah looked at him intently. Her gaze

mandating a response.

“First day of school and this guy has already given an assignment. I have to complete it at the soonest

because the full moon is in a few days and as you know, my nights won’t belong to me.” He explained

with a sigh. “Ahh. Right. Guess I have to thank the goddess for not blessing me with this problem.”

College would be a challenge for Luca as he literally was living a double life. Everything had to be

separated including his time as it was important that he did not keep his wolf imprisoned. He needed to

be let out, to run free in the woods, to howl.

While they were seated Soccorah searched the room looking at the various faces but looking especially

for the white-haired girl from her anatomy class. She needed to get hold of her before the end of the

day as she needed a contact for her so they could set up a study session as she didn’t want her Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

performance to suffer because of Anatomy. “I made a new friend” she told Luca. “don’t be a doosh

when you meet her.” Why would I be? Is there something wrong with her?” he laughed.

“Well, she has White hair and brows. Not something You see every day and she’s a wiz at the

sciences. She’s agreed to help me in that area. Was actually trying to get here early since I didn’t get a

chance to take her number to set up a study schedule.” She told him. “What! A girl with white hair? This

I must see. When you bring her over give me a heads up?” He said as he got up to return his lunch

tray. “I’m off to the library. Time is against me.” He gave her a peck on the forehead and set off to the

library to get started on this essay. This was all that Luca was concerned about.

Luca sat in the library getting the materials he needed to start his essay as time was against him. His

mind swayed back to what Soccorah had told him about the white-haired girl. He tried to imagine what

she would look like and smiled to himself. He silently wondered whether she could be his white wolf. he

shrugged off the idea as he wondered why he was so fixated on that wolf. He needed to get his wits

about him. He was the son of an Alpha. A special Lycan. A gift bestowed upon his pack by the

goddess. He needed to get his wits about him and get back to reality.

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