The Lycan's Soul Mate

Chapter 5 Luca's Predicament

Chapter 5 Luca's Predicament

Luca walked into his classroom and took a seat in the back. He smiled to himself as he listened to the

chattering of the girls and the envious comments from the guys in his classroom as used his enhanced

hearing abilities that was natural to him. One girl practically walked into her locker while staring at him.

Luca laughed to himself for he didn’t know that attending college with humans would be so amusing.

He really would have to be extra careful as he could see that he would require no effort to get laid here.

His professor walked in and he thanked the goddess that he was not a female as this was way too Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

much attention for one man. You would think that people came here to learn but to Luca it seemed like

a whole buffet for choosing a mate well partner as humans don’t use the term mate. He was actually

grateful that Nancy had set him up with Soccorah. Initially he didn’t think it necessary but apparently, he

was wrong.

Come to think of it Soccorah would do good at passing the time as she was very beautiful, with those

green eyes that are to die for and her perfectly shaped body. He couldn’t complain. Nancy always had

his best interest at heart. The hookup with Soccorah would be ok for now ... that is until she finds

someone that she wants to get serious with. He didn’t realize that this many girls would be interested in

Business Administration. Females actually formed the majority of his class.

Luca was Heir to a billion-dollar Yachting conglomerate. After his mother passed away, they elected a

temporary CEO as Luca was still underage. His father was more into the pack and ensuring that our

secret remained a secret. He was involved in the business but as it was my mom’s family business he

chose to not be too deeply involved. This was something that Luca never understood about his dad.

Luca only recently acquired his voting rights and could now sit in on meeting with the board of


This had tremendously influenced Luca’s decision to study business as he was never one to sit around

and let persons do his work for him. He wanted to make his family proud. His father worried that he

would not be able to handle the burden of leading the pack and managing his business. Luca was

never really that interested in leading the pack but had to take on that responsibility as he was his

father’s only child.

He secretly prayed that the moon goddess would smile upon his father once more and bless him with a

son to lead the pack. He would then be relieved of this burden. But one cannot force love. His father

was after all a handsome man and still very young at that. There was still hope. Luca chose to not give

up on this wish. He was brought back to reality by the sound of a young Jock’s voice asking him

whether he signed up for the wrestling team.

“No, I play basketball and run track.” He answered. “Too bad” the boy replied with a disappointed look

on his face. Luca possessed super human strength and knew that it would be too easy to hurt a human

so he chose to keep away from sports that highlighted strength and violence. Now he not only had to

be careful with the girls and their raging hormones but he now had to worry about not hurting the guys.

But it was all worth it. He persuaded his father to put his trust in him and he was not one to go back on

his word or fall short. Maybe if he did well, he could persuade his dad to let him stay closer to the city.

He did love their home in the edge of the woods where his pack was located but he loved it here also.

He was half human after all. If only his father would choose a new mate, then all his troubles would be


Luca never thought that he would have to listen to himself thinking that but it is about time. It’s been a

little over 8-years since his mom passed away. His dad was a man and he has needs. Hell! He was

only 17 and was already drawn to someone he saw in his dream when he first shifted. His beautiful

white wolf.

Just then the professor interrupted his thought to begin the class. Business law was an integral part of

his course but what he wasn’t looking forward to was Spanish as a second language. While he could

understand the importance of learning a second language especially given his family’s business, he

was not good at Spanish. He would definitely be needing some help in that area.

He wondered how Soccorah was doing in her anatomy class. He smiled to himself as he knew how

much she hated Anatomy which was strange as it was necessary for her Nursing major. She also had

Spanish as a second Language. He had it at 3:30 for a whole hour. How was he going to survive that

class? Maybe if he sat next to Soccorah she could help him or distract him.

“I would like a 1000-word essay on “the legal limitations and conditioning factors of Business Law.” This

will be due next week 4:00PM. No excuses.” His lecturer stated. “The hell is wrong with this Guy? Who

gives an assignment on the first day not to mention the first class of the day!” He frowned to himself.

Some sighs and soft whispers could be heard but no one dared to challenge the professor. Luca

thought to himself what a challenge this would be for him with the full moon only 4 days away. He had

already started to feel it’s pull. During the full moon he would not be able to control his shifts. He would

have to spend his nights as a wolf and Wolves could not write papers. Luca Sighed deeply as he knew

that he would have to get to work immediately if he didn’t want to miss this deadline. “Bummer” he

thought to himself as he left the class. He had 2 free periods then his Spanish class after Lunch. He

walked over to the library to get started on his essay. This was really going to be tough to juggle 2 lives.

But it had to be done.

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