Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


However her true task was not completely forgotten. Once she had teased you suitably that there was no chance your erection would fade back into safety… She moved over to one side of you and drew her palette of paints within reach. Positioning her body between you and Jane she began working on her intentions for your chest. Layering paint onto the very instrument she had just been torturing you with. Meanwhile her other hand took charge of its usual role, stroking up and down your length in a steady beat. Thus you could find no separation between the application of her art and the perversions you undertook together. They were one and the same, as you had always really known. You simply lay back and let the feelings wash over you, praying that you would cum before Jane woke up again…

There was no such luck though. You were far too used to the casual motions of your daughter’s hand. This was how you spent so many afternoons after all… while reading together or watching television. It wasn’t that her efforts were no longer pleasurable, just that your body was so used to them as to prolong the experience near indefinitely. She could make you cum whenever she wanted, but knew how to delay that moment just as well. When had she become such a controlling master of your physicality? You realised the process had been so gradual but continuous that you had not noticed.

Jane still slept, but you were no closer to climax when your daughter ran out of places she could reach to paint than when she started. You were not in the least bit surprised when she clambered on top of you to gain a new vantage. You could see in her eyes the burning desire that had built up inside her while she maintained such outward composure. Throwing caution to the wind she slid your cock up one of the legs of her dungarees. The short denim tube was loose about her thigh, allowing room for your width to share the space. At the top you felt a sodden void waiting for you. She couldn’t quite manoeuvre you inside her at this angle, but she could rest your helmet against her eager slit. She leaned in close to your chest, being careful not to smudge her earlier imagery. She kissed you, long and deep… Then set to work finishing the top of your chest and over your shoulders. Meanwhile her hips bobbed up and down… Grinding your shaft through a passage of soft denim and dipping you in and out of her gushing entrance.

For ten minutes or more she fucked you more with her clothing than herself. Gradually increasing her rate of breathing and struggling to keep her hands steady. You yourself had lost all ability to move or complain, lying back while this young bundle of talents fucked herself upon you. Until at last your body gave in to the joy of it. You felt spurt after spurt of semen, squeezed by the tight grip of her outfit, splash up the insides of its crotch. Your daughter sat back up upon you, grinding her hips into this mess. Jane was forgotten, the painting was finished, all there was left was this climax…

Only, suddenly Jane was not forgotten. A sudden hint of movement caught both your eyes. Snapping your necks round like rabbits in headlights you both turned to meet a groggy-looking girl, lifting herself up off the mat and rubbing her face in confusion. With a gasp she suddenly squeaked in embarrassment and rolled back round to face the other way.

“Sorry! Sorry!” She screeched, in a panicked but muffled voice… “I forgot I was naked!… I didn’t mean to flash myself at you, Sir!”

You and your daughter looked at each other, caught in between humor and pure terror… As your erection shrank back from her cum-drenched crotch. Laughter won out, as she clambered back off you. Taking the chance while Jane was still cowering.

“I wouldn’t worry about that too much Jay-Jay… I’ve just finished on Dad’s front for the moment. Which means it’s your turn again next. Don’t be shy though, I assure you… He’s seen it all before…”

And with that the room returned to only the generally awkward space of industry it had been before. Your daughter slaved away, decorating the front of her friend with a dazzling tangle of coloured patterns. While you tried not to keep glancing at the occasional drip of white liquid that slipped down her leg. Jane was mostly far too caught up in her own embarrassment, yet also clear delight, in the attentions of her friend’s brush; to spot those. Yet she also kept glancing at you, in a way that you were not entirely comfortable with. Never for long. Never in suspicion. But always with a sort of lingering, longing sense… that drew back that unplaceable pity you held for her.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Once again you got the feeling there was more to the girl’s simplicity than she let on, and perhaps less truth in her blindness to you and your daughter’s relationship than you would like to believe.

Love’s Unfair Use

Once Jane was completely decorated: Your daughter’s artwork crisscrossing her entire nubile form from front to back… Said daughter excused herself, claiming she needed to go collect her camera equipment and ‘freshen up’.

Of course, you were aware ‘freshening up’ in this instance involved trying to work out how to deal with a pair of dungarees internally sodden with cum. The thought brought back uncomfortable rushes of blood to places you had hoped had been sated enough to stay quiet. Yet, before she went, your girl made absolutely sure such awkwardness could not be avoided:

She requested that Jane finish off the last bits of your painting that were left to do. Of course the ever-obedient friend leapt into agreement without a moment’s thought. It was only when she trotted over to the illustrated design she was supposed to follow… That she realised her mistake. That grand pink blush reassembled across her cheeks. The only places upon you left unpainted were those which, moments before, your daughter had been straddled over: A thigh-sized band across your crotch.

Still… The shy redhead made no comment or complaint. She simply gathered up the brush and paints she needed and approached. She did keep averting her eyes from you though, it was clear this was making her extremely uncomfortable. And why should it not?! It was a wholly unreasonable task for your daughter to ask of her! You had to offer the girl an outreach of escape.

“You don’t have to do that Jane, if you don’t want to… I’m sure she’ll be back in a minute and can finish it herself…”

The girl’s cheeks only reddened further, but there was a determination in her eyes too, and confusion. As if going against your daughter’s order was just not something that computed within her. “No… She asked me to. I don’t mind.”

You tried a different approach… Maybe a direct drawing of attention to the problem might scare her off: “But… I have an… It’s not right to make you go near my…” You couldn’t quite get the words out yourself.

Jane shook her head, long hair flopping left and right. Then seemed to force herself to look directly at your budding new erection. The force of that stare only increasing its formation.

“It’s only natural isn’t it? Boys get… Those… When they feel good? The painting felt really nice for me too… So I can’t get upset about you liking it too, can I?”

Each one of these rationales came out more as a question than a statement of her own thoughts. Almost asking for permission to apply her own logic. Still… She didn’t allow argument. The small, naked beauty set up shop next to you and got straight down to work. Dipping her brush into a splatter of colour and starting from the very edge of your hip.

It was happening. As with anything your daughter seemed to plan, your own feeble protests had little effect. You decided the best thing you could do for the girl was simply try to retain an air of normality. After all, this was actually the first time you’d been alone with her without your daughter. You may as well try to learn a little bit more about the intriguingly-tempered young thing and her relationship with your flesh and blood.

“You’re… really close to my daughter aren’t you? More than I’d thought… She said she helped you out with some other girls one time?”

The redhead’s eyes snapped up to you in a sudden motion. For a second you almost thought you saw a flame flicker in them, the likes of which you could scarcely believe this coy little creature could contain. Her voice was momentarily made of steel. Though this quickly softened back down into a far-away sounding bliss of admiration.

“More than once. Every day! She’s the only one who’s ever looked out for me. Whatever they all said about me, whatever they whispered behind her back… She just laughs it all away. It’s like she doesn’t care at all about what they think… Not even a little… She’s so calm and smart and pretty… I… I wish I could be just even a little bit like her…”

Jane’s voice faded away into a daydream, even as her working brush got closer and closer to your standing shaft. It became clear to you now that the girl’s feelings were more than just grateful admiration. Did that make this current situation less threatening? Did it make your daughter’s apparent use of her as a means to play games with you more exploitative? You had no answers to either.

Suddenly you felt a tickle at the base of your penis. The girl had reached that milestone with her swishing brush. A small, cool hand pulled that stiff flesh into a more accessible orientation, while the other began twisting a coiled snake of colour around and around and up its length. This wasn’t the overt sexual teasing of your daughter’s earlier efforts, it was concise and directed work, carefully layering in detail. Yet the pleasure of such a touch was undeniable. At that moment your daughter reappeared, camera around her neck, but all other clothing discarded. Seeing where her friend’s attention lay she quietly offered you another of those sickeningly insightful smiles, as if every thought in your head was being teased and tested. When Jane noticed her arrival, her eyes barely moved anywhere else. Tracking those thin, swaying hips around the room with a hunger and intensity you realised must be comparable only to your own. A sudden guilt came over you at the thought that you had claimed so many times everything this precious young creature so clearly wanted.

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