Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


“Okay Jane, your turn! Get yourself undressed…”

You worked very hard in that moment to maintain composure. To keep your eyes shut, but not be visibly clenching them so. You could almost feel the embarrassed burn of the red-headed girl’s doubts as they glanced down at you. Yet, seconds later… You heard the unmistakable tumble of several pieces of clothing hitting wood, and the patter of small feet moving to lie on a smaller mat next to you. You kept your lids closed, but your head was caught facing her and you could not help your imagination filling the gaps of her movements. With great effort you remained blank and impassive… Feigning that previous comatose state while in actuality your nerves were all firing lightning at random.

You became intensely aware of a throbbing down below, as your cock was compressed by both body weight and willpower, but still jumped at each thought of what view you were missing. Why was your daughter doing this? Was it a test of loyalty, for you or her friend?! Was she judging your reaction to any other girl she arrayed naked before you? Or was she truly so ambivalent and trusting in the naturistic nature she imagined for your household? Was she hoping to one day simply get all visitors to hang up their clothing at the door?

You mulled over these thoughts, using them as distractions from the moment. As the gentle sounds of painting began again, this time upon another. You held out as long as possible, eyelids glued together. But eventually, you just had to know! Your neck was cramped with built up pressure. What vision was laid out before you? Surely by now the other girl would have relaxed and closed her own eyes, drawn into the sensations as you had been. You opened your eyes…

And were immediately met by the glint of cool green orbs.

She was staring at you. Clearly in a slight, cloudy daze, but awake and aware. You could do nothing but keep yourself pinned to that stare and offer a smile, innocent and reassuring. She smiled back, as if finally content about something… Then closed her own sight, dissolving into the experience you had just shared.

You looked up at your daughter, straddling her naked friend in a paint-splattered pair of denim dungarees. From this angle you could see she was wearing nothing else underneath: her small tits appearing, unfettered, whenever she leant forward. She gave you a knowing look and cheeky smile. A moment that said a thousand words and gave nothing but permissions. Then she focussed back on her work, ignoring you completely as she slathered her friend in colour. Leaving you to drift your vision across the two of them.

Jane’s skin was pale as ice, scattered only with the occasional freckle. She lay face down upon her own arms, surprisingly ample breasts exposed at their sides and pressed against the floor. Her body was smooth and curving, not as thin and limber as your daughter’s but fuller and more womanly. Her ass rose up behind your daughter’s; one resting against the other, clothed and unclothed. The trust she put in your girl was so apparent in all of this: She was willing to be seat, canvas and, unknowingly… a weapon in a battle of incestuous love. All for her adoration of your child.

You were not sure whether to feel pity or pride over their relationship. But could not deny your own delight in the rewards of it. They were two pictures of youthful beauty, and your girl had clearly set both before you intentionally. Yet another confusing twist in her games.

Chapter 5, A Question of Inspiration

You had time on your hands as your daughter worked away upon her friend… Slowly spreading winding patterns across her body.

It was fascinating to watch: Entwining vines of colour and feathered expression, slowly drawn into being on soft flesh. There were patterns and logic to it, you were well aware… but from this angle and appearing only shade by shade… each section remained a mystifying tangle up until the very moment it was finished. You were hypnotised by both your child’s skill and the way it drew out the already considerable beauty of her chosen workspace. You wondered if your own back was truly able to hold similar magnificence, but could only catch glimpses upon craning your neck.

Jane was incredibly pretty, you realised you had never really noted that before, whether due to her incessant shy demeanour or the modest way she dressed. It was only now she lay exposed before you that it became clear. You almost felt predatory simply in being allowed privy to that fact. She had kept her face down, buried in her arms, for the rest of your daughter’s work so far. Yet you had caught the glint of her eyes watching you again every so often… whenever she thought you weren’t looking. In order to try and ease her discomfort, you tried to start up some sort of conversation with your young artist. To distract yourself from her friend’s nakedness if nothing else.

“This is incredible honey! Where on earth did you even get the idea for it?”Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Your daughter swished another dash of red across soft skin, not looking away from her efforts for a second. “From Luscious Lisa, of course… My favourite muse.”

“Who?” You held no particular recollection of this strangely-titled woman, though you had certainly heard the name somewhere before.

“The famous model and video-artist?! Surely you must’ve heard of her Dad, you can’t be that out of touch!”

Your blank face clearly told her otherwise. This time she did look at you, and sighed…

“Mom introduced me to her work… She even took me to her shows a few times. She was the first person to really blend performance and pornography together in such a unashamed, mainstream way that it stopped being taboo… She’s part of this whole amazing family that shoot cam shows and porn movies from their mansion home. They have a huge cult following and even a whole community of fans that moved into the town close to them, sort of shutting it off as a secret sanctuary.”

Your girl’s eyes practically glowed at the mention of this, clearly alight with imaginings of what went on there.

“But there’s all sorts of rumours that come out. Like that no-one ever wears clothes there and they just make love with whoever they like… whenever they feel like it! There’s even whispers that she and her sisters all have children from their one brother and raise them all together as one big, happy family.”

She looked at you pointedly at this, but then seemed to catch herself and turn almost as red as Jane.

“But anyway… She’s always done this style of artwork where she paints her models, normally members of her family, and then arranges them for photos or to go through dance routines or whatever. Which is what I want to do here… Take a few photos of both of you, then pick the best one and paint over that… Kind of like another layer of fantasy on top… You see?”

You did see… Sort of. Though the prospect of now being in posed photos with Jane was yet another previously unmentioned layer to this situation. Was that acceptable? I mean she was over the legal age, technically… You just wondered what her parents would think. There was little time to worry, however… With a final flourish, your daughter declared Jane’s rear side “Finished!” and immediately told you to roll over.

Whiiiich presented a whole new level of concern. You had done well in concealing your dignity up to this point: Lying face down and fighting back any natural impulses as they came. But now she wanted you to open yourself to the room… the very young lady who had dedicated herself to generating and utilising said impulses at every opportunity. There just wasn’t a hope in hell you could hold back an erection if she began clambering all over you again. And though Jane appeared to be fast asleep for the moment, she could very well wake back up at any time!

You gave your daughter a wide eyed glance, but she pretended not to notice. Leaving you little choice but to play along, else draw attention to the very issues you wished to avoid. Thus it was with great trepidation that you found yourself staring up at the panelled roofing of your own veranda, naked as the day you were born and barely a foot away from an innocent stranger in similar circumstances.

While Beauty Sleeps

It was with a despicable grin that your daughter approached this time. Wondering why… You craned your neck to follow her gaze:

Jane was lying completely still now, her eyes flickering slightly but her breathing slow and shallow. Clearly asleep. You returned your attention toward the approaching predator and shook your head vigorously… It was still far too dangerous! She continued to creep forward though, on all fours like an animal, raising a thin finger to her lips.

Reaching out, she plucked a clean brush from the water-pot as she came, keeping that slow prowling pace. She crawled onto the mat between your legs and set it against your inner thigh, dragging a trail of wetness up the musculature. When she reached your balls she carried on, up and over: A thin line of feeling drawn all the length of your shaft. The soft bristles were flicked across the head of your cock, then played around the contours of it. This she followed with her tongue, a long, luxurious lick, like a cat upon cream. She played with this combination for a while: wide, wet tongue on one side. Thin, sharp brush on the other… Experimenting with the sensations she could generate in you as she had when first exploring her rights to your body.

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