Fates Hands

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 12-Book 3

Jessica Winchester walked up to the apartment where Archer and August were hiding out. She was in

a dress that was so revealing that it would make a stripper blush, with three–inch red heels.

She was wearing her family‘s ruby necklace, the pendant rested between her breasts in full view.

Makeup and hair were a picture of perfection, she was ready for this it was her time to grab the brass


She giggled to herself, perhaps that should be brass balls instead of rings... (Daily latest update


She was at the door, just before she knocked she took out the potion and drank it down. She lightly

tapped on the door. Nothing, she tapped again this time louder. Perhaps they had gone out?

She was getting pissed, she was told that one or the other was always there. Are they ghosting her

again? She decided to calm down, they could just be out for dinner or something, she just didn‘t time it


She decided she was going to wait down in the lobby, she would catch them easier there. She was

almost to the elevator when she heard the maid‘s cart pull up to a door. She punched the button and

had to wait.

She watched the maid thinking of what it would be like to have such a useless life. They were nothing

but cannon fodder, they don‘t deserve more because they are nothing, to begin with. Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

It was in the middle of her thoughts that she realized that the maid was stopped in front of Archer and

August‘s door.

She quickly went back to the apartment, perhaps she could bribe the maid and wait for Archer in his

bedroom. She waved a 50 dollar bill in front of the maid‘s face. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

“This is yours if you let me in to wait for my lover to come back.”

The maid took the money and let Jessica inside.

“I will come back later then.”

The maid shut the door and started laughing. That was the best 50 bucks I have ever made. Stupid

woman if she was “The Lover” then how come she didn‘t know that they had already moved out.

Her shift ended in ten minutes, she was just stopping by the place to make sure that they were gone.

Winchester was in the bedroom looking around, she had been there for an hour. Looking in the full–

length mirror at herself, she couldn‘t decide if she should stay dressed or go naked.

She decided that she would go naked but she wanted to wear one of his ties. she went to his closet

and was shocked when she discovered that it was empty. There was nothing in there but

the hangers. It was then that she went looking throughout the apartment.

It was all empty!!!!!! How dare they, this isn‘t ghosting this is a fuck you. No one does that to Jessica

Winchester and gets away with it.

They are gone she let out a roar of anger. With that, the spell of the potion was triggered.

It was then that she felt the sensation of warm prickly fire going through her whole body. Then she

knew no more. She walked out of the apartment and out the front door of the building. (Daily latest

update www.noveljar.com)

She was unaware of what she was doing, she got into a cab and gave the address, soon she would be

with her new mistress.

Selena opened the door for her newest slave.

“Welcome home Jessica, I have just the place ready for you to move into right away. I have informed

your parents and good news, they approve.”

She took Jessica by her arm and walked her to a room. It had no windows and only a door, in the room

was a bed and a chair. There were clothes on the bed they were simple grey scrubs like the ones you

would find in a hospital.

“For now you will stay here for a little while, you will eat and drink only what I give you. When you are

ready you will be of great use to me I hope.” (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

Once Selena shut the door, Jessica went and lay down on the bed, waiting for her next instructions.

Selena wasn‘t sure about Jessica, the stupid ones were always easy to catch, however they can also

turn out to be rather useless. If Jessica was the useless kind, Selena would have no choice but to kill

her or perhaps let her be a mindless sex toy for her two new beasts.

Ava sat back in her chair taking a break after her first part of the story. It was not time to tell the second

part though. First, she must train and prepare them for what is to come.

“Now that the history lesson is complete, I have to tell you now that you are both...shifters and white


“Ava, how can that be possible, I think that we would know if we could shift into Lions or something.

Wouldn‘t they have already made themselves known to us? I mean I am now 22 years old, Anna will be

18 soon. Why have they not shown themselves yet?“|

“They wait for the right time to come out, if they had shown themselves too early they could have been

discovered and killed a lot easier.” (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

“It is time for the story to come to its end, it is time for your line to thrive again instead of dying out.

Selena has to be stopped once and for all. She is causing discord amongst the Lion communities in

hopes of taking your line Archer off of the leader‘s throne.”

“If she can replace your family with a more controllable family then she can use the Lion shifters to start

a war with the other shifters, in hopes of destroying all shifter lineages. Thus finally gaining the ultimate

revenge she has been longing to achieve for so long.”

“I am here to awaken your powers of witchcraft, as for your lion counterparts that job belongs to your

mate‘s lion counterparts. Don‘t ask me how they will do it, I don‘t know. I was hoping that they would

know and wake them up.”

Solis spoke through Archer... was “It is from the old days, I can awaken her. I can also teach Khan how

as well. The only problem is that our mates have to trust us completely. It doesn‘t involve mating, we

have to find and join with them in the other realm.”

Ava got up and went over to the bag that she had brought with her, she handed them an old looking


Rachel looked at the book she could feel power come from it and flow into her, she gasped as the

knowledge started to fill up her mind and soul. Everyone was staring at her, she was glowing in golden

tones it was like she was the sun.

When she was done the glow went inside her as she handed the book to Anna. At first, Anna didn‘t

want to touch the book, one look at her sister told her that it would be alright.

When Anna held the book she felt the same power that Rachel had only in a different way. She glowed

with a white light that surrounded her, like the full moon on a clear night. The light went inside Anna

and a smiling Ava took the book out of Anna‘s hands.

Archer and August watched it all take place in awe, their mates were shifters and witches. Holy crap,

Archer thought. No wonder Solis goes gaga around her. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

Archer wasn‘t sure if he wanted all this to be dropped at Rachels‘s door. She was dealing with so much

now, but when he saw her with that book he felt like things might go easier for them from now on. He

wasn‘t sure what she learned but she seemed calmer.

He wasn‘t sure what this was going to do for August and his mate, Anna is still underage. Even if

Archer didn‘t see that big of a problem with it since she was so close. He knew that August would

Ava was looking at Archer like she knew what he was thinking.

“You know Archer, the age of consent for Witches is 16. That would make the bond between Anna and

August legal. If that is what the worry is. It is of course up to them what they will do.”

Ava turned her attention back to the sisters.

“As for what just happened to the both of you, your powers as witches have been awoken. You have all

the knowledge that you need and more. Including everything about shifters and their history as well. All

the medicinal knowledge of the healers, everything.”

Both Rachel and Anna were staring at their Mates differently now. In complete understanding.

“Now we go and have something more to eat, you four are going to need your strength for what is to

come in the next stage of your awakening.”

August Mind linked Archer...

“Does this mean that I don‘t have to wait? That I can take her as my mate now? I still feel odd about it

though. We were raised to respect the laws. Tell me Archer what should I do?”

“Little brother you know that I can not tell you what you should do, I can only tell you this. What does

your heart want? More important than that though, You should be discussing this with your mate, find

out how she feels about it, and then go from there.”

Archer patted August on the back and went to find some more food. All of a sudden he was starving,

Solis was getting grumpy because he wanted food as well.

The Beast was sleeping when Selena came into his cage. He became aware of her almost instantly

and stood up to greet her.

She walked around in that dark musty cell like she was doing him a great honor. He wished she would

just get on with whatever she came to do and leave him be. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

“You know I now have two wonderful slaves almost ready to take their place as my guardians. You will

have to train them of course. I have also acquired a female slave.”

That made him take notice, she never took in other females she was always so jealous of them.

“You are probably wondering why I am telling you all this? I am telling you all this that as soon as my

two new toys are ready to go, I will no longer need you.”

“I will make you train your replacements and then I will let them have you as their first official kill. There

will be nothing you can do about that. You have been a loyal if not difficult slave, but I am afraid that

through all these long years I have grown bored with it all.”

With that the evil bitch walked out and locked him back inside. There was no way in hell he was

going to do any more of her bidding. He felt that he was close now to gaining his memories back, he

could also feel the bond slipping. It was just a matter of a little bit more time. Just a little bit more


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