Fates Hands

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Chapter 11–Book 3

Archer was just waking up he was holding the sweetest smelling pillow he ever had. It was so warm

and soft, The woke up then. Rachel was still

asleep in his arms. He had promised that until she was more comfortable with everything sex was off

the table.

He didn’t like that conclusion but he didn’t blame her. Still, he wasn’t going to wait forever, especially if

this is what he was waking up to every morning

He whispered into the morning sunshine coming through the window…

“Oh, my sweet little catnip don’t worry it won’t be long before you re comfortable. When this much is at

stake I can play the slow game just as well.”

He managed to get Ava Ravensong to wait till morning after assuring her that both of the sisters were

well and no blood had been taken from them.

Although she was finally talked into waiting till morning, she wouldn’t explain anything till she could talk

to both sisters face to face.

Archer felt Rachel starting to wake up and decided that he was going to kiss her. She didn’t say

anything about kissing.

He slowly kissed her eyelids, a little one on the tip of her nose then a full one on her lips. He played

with her lips toying with them, she responded to the kiss half asleep but it was enough for him to take

full advantage.

He felt the moment she came fully awake, he slowly pulled away and gave her a cheeky grin. She


*Talk about pushing it to the limits, I see that from now on the next time I make limitations I am going to


to give you a line itemized list.”

“Also I have a lot of questions about you being a shifter and that there are other kinds, perhaps later

tonight we can come back up here and you can answer some of my questions.”

She didn’t complain about the kiss, so for Archer, it was a win. He had no trouble answering all her

questions. They both got up and got ready to start the day.

It was time to eat breakfast and talk with the shifter witch. Archer hoped that it wasn’t more bad news.

When Archer and Rachel were almost to the kitchen the smells coming from there were amazing. It

was making Rachel realize how hungry she was. Archer was busy calming


Solis down because he smelled bacon.

Anna came walking out of the kitchen with a stack of pancakes, bacon, and some scrambled eggs.

Along with juice and coffee. All on a tray as she headed for the dining room table.

She noticed how both of them were looking at her food, go get your own it is all in there ready to go.

Ava is an amazing cook, she is in there right now making some kind of puffy doughnuts in the deep

fryer that when they are done she dips them in cinnamon and sugar.

Harry the guy who drove her here was almost drooling watching her make them. August came walking

out of the kitchen next with a tray loaded with everything that Anna had and more. He paid no attention NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

to either of them, he was focused on the food.

2 PM O Archer looked at Rachel.

“We better get in there, since August just walked out I don’t know if there will be much left. Let us get

what’s left before he goes back for seconds.”

They walked in and the room was transformed into some sort of breakfast bakery. There were chafing

dishes filled with everything and anything

The doughnuts that Arina mentioned were cooling on the counter as Harry sat on a stool with a big cup

of coffee and a plate full of them. It looked like he was dipping them in icing,

“Good morning you two, help yourself to anything you want. Harry got a text that the group would be

here within the hour. Once they saw how Harry was moving they decided to up their game.”

I made enough for everyone but if I were you I would grab a doughnut before they get here or they will

be gone. We can talk afterward, it is always good to have a full stomach when dealing with this kind of


They didn’t need to be told twice they both loaded up trays and went to the dining room table.

They all ate in silence, it tasted soo good and they didn’t want to ruin the pleasant atmosphere at the

moment. They all had a feeling that they were not going to be happy with what Ava had to tell them.

Ava sat with the two sisters and their mates it was time to discuss everything and tell them of their true


“This is going to be a long story. I will try to keep it short but there are many things you need to know

before things come to an end. First of all, let me start by saying this.”

“Both of you are more than just Human.

* You are descendants from the first and his white witch mate. Your line is almost gone, you both are its

last generation. If you are killed then it is lost to the world forever.”

“I am sorry Ava, who and what was the first? How is it that we are the last? And what does it have to do

with what is going on right now?”

“It is alright to ask questions little Anna, I will answer if I can. I see the past and I get flashes of the

future. That is how I know all this. Let me explain and I will be happy to answer any question I can


“I guess I should start by telling you the story of the first WereLion, his name was Dargon. He was

loved and feared throughout the ancient kingdoms.”

“He was a warrior but he was also fair and kind. He was fierce when it came to protecting his lands and

his people. He had a witch that helped with protection and battle. She had fallen in love with Dargon.

Dargon however did not reciprocate her feelings, he merely saw her as one of his people nothing more.

She tried and tried till finally, she decided to use trickery to gain his love.

She brewed up a wonderous love potion, it would make him fall in love with her instantly as long as she

was the first person he would see after he drank it.

During the winter solstice

PINH celebration, she slipped the potion into his cup while he talked to another guest. What happened

next was something no one could have


Dargon’s friend Joran stood before the great hall to announce that Dargon had found his true mate, at

that moment the great doors opened and there stood a beautiful woman with dark red hair and brilliant

green eyes, She was dressed in the garb of the White Witch Clan.

Everyone raised their glass to her in salute, Joran took Dargon’s glass, saluted the bride and the

groom, and to Selena’s horror drank the contents down in one gulp.

Joran set down the glass and looked straight into Selena’s eyes, she knew at that moment that all her

plans were gone. She stood up and ran from the room. What she didn’t know was

that foran followed her.

When she arrived at her tower room she Forgot to close the door, no one ever bothered her rooms.

She was going through her book of magic for something that could help her. She was angry and hurt,

how dare he do this to her.

True, he didn’t see her in any other light other than her place here, they never kissed or touched he

wouldn’t even use her like a whore. She didn’t have a claim on him. He was her’s just the same that is

why she even joined his clan. She fell in love with him at first sight. He was her’s dammit, if she

couldn’t have him then no one else could either.

Just as she found the right spell and potion she realized that she wasn’t alone anymore. There in the

doorway stood, Joran. She wasn’t all that worried though she knew that he

drank the love potion. He wasnta threat.

She was very wrong. Joran knew of her infatuation with Dargon. He also knew she would try something

to change his mind. That is why when he saw her put something in Dargon’s drink he had to put a stop

to it.

“Hello there, little witch. What kind of trouble are you thinking about brewing up now?”

“It is a good thing I asked Dargon’s new mate to make me a counter potion for whatever it was that you

dropped into Dargon’s drink. I knew you would try something so I was watching you closely all night

and I must say you didn’t disappoint.”

“You do realize that you could be executed for this act of treachery? I should take you to the courtyard

as we speak and take your head.”

10:27M OD

Instead, I will banish you from this kingdom, don’t worry I have permission from Dargon himself. You

are to be taken from the tower to the back gates and left to your own devices. You are to take nothing

from here except for the clothes on your back and a cape to keep you from freezing

You have been given these mercies because your help in the past has been invaluable. We can not

have you staying here with the knowledge that you will try to harm Dargon’s mate or their future


With that two men at arms came into the room, they were carrying grey clothes. She looked at them in


NO! you can’t do this to me, please don’t do this to me.

“Strip her and give her these to put on, make sure she takes nothing with

her. Only these clothes nothing more.”

When they were done she stood before them dressed in all grey wool clothing, the grey color was

reserved for criminals and traitors that were not executed.

She was dragged from the tower and tossed into a ditch outside the back gate. She stood there in the

road for the longest time as the cold winds and snow fell about her, her heart full of hate with a vow that

she would get her revenge.”

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