Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 71

“I’m so scared that he still loves her. And I can’t get that picture out of my head. My biggest fear is what if I hadn’t walked in? Would he have fucked her and cheated on me the night before our wedding?” Sam sobbed.

“I think things happen for a reason. That you were right where you needed to be at the right time. Just remember nothing other than kissing happened, and it was mostly one sided.” Jax reminded her.

“I don’t know. I feel like our trust is broken, if it is, there is no future for us other than parents. I can’t live with someone I can’t trust. I can’t live in fear of him not being faithful to me. I can’t help thinking if he truly loved me more than anyone, he’d not let himself get in that situation. And that he did allow it, raises so many questions for me, so much doubt.” Sam’s voice trembled.

“I admit he was stupid taking her to his room. But I really believe the alcohol and shock of seeing her after all this time messed his mind up. Dealing with that shit sober is bad enough, but drunk as he was?” Jax shook his head.

“I’m not saying it’s right, just saying I can understand.” He replied.

“I’m so confused right now. I’ve got so many feelings going on, and then he’s out of it, so it’s just at a confusing standstill.” Sam sighed.

“So? What’s going on with you and Snake?” Jax asked.

“Nothing anymore. Why?” Sam asked.

“I see how that brother looks at you. Same way Smokey does, as does Ice, as do I at our women.” Jax cautioned.

“I made Smokey end the threesome when we started trying for kids.” Sam explained.

“Good move. But while you guys may have moved on, I don’t think he did.” Jax warned.

“I was getting feelings for him too. I could tell he had feelings for me, and I felt it was right to end it. I didn’t want to lead him on thinking he was going to be a part of us.” Sam replied.

“Whose idea was it to start that anyway?” Jax asked.

“Smokey’s. He actually begged me for weeks before I gave in. He always made me so happy, I just wanted to do something he wanted to make him happy. He likes particular things.” Sam explained.

“I’m good, I don’t need to hear more.” Jax said holding up his hand.

“Sorry.” Sam grinned.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“I’m going to leave, let the others come in. You need anything? Are you staying?” He asked.

“For now, I’ll stay, see how I feel. If it gets too much I’ll go home.” Sam replied.

“Ok well if you leave make sure one the brothers know to stay in your place. And Sam?” Jax asked.

“Yeah?” She replied.

“Don’t turn to another man because you’re hurt and confused. Take time to figure out the mess, what you really want for your future and your baby’s. Before doing anything, he needs to be awake and you both need to talk. Don’t confuse the situation by adding to it. If you can’t work it out, then make a clean break first. But regardless you’ll both be in each other’s life for quite a while.” Jax explained.

“I can’t make any decisions until he wakes up and tells me where he stands with Jo.” Sam explained.

“Agreed.” Jax replied.

“Everyone can go home. He’ll be in a coma for a few days. No since in everyone being miserable in the hospital getting no sleep.” Sam explained.

“I will, after they’ve all had their chance to see him. But at least one brother will be here at all times.” Jax replied.

“Ok, thanks.” Sam replied.

Jax walked out to the waiting room. He told the brothers one at a time since Sam was staying with him right now. Then told them they can all go home afterwards except one to stay with him at all times and they’ll switch out.

“Snake? Can I talk to you in private?” Jax asked.

“Yeah brother.” Snake replied.

“Sam is in a fragile vulnerable state right now. I don’t want you taking advantage of her or confusing the situation more than what it is now. Her and Smokey need to work some things out and don’t need your interference.” Jax explained.

“I’m just here to take care of Sam and give her support while she went through this. Smokey would do the same for me. I’m not trying to move in on his girl or take advantage of her. She needs comfort and care in her condition and has no one to do that for her.” Snake explained.

“She’s got friends for that.” Jax growled.

“Who? Kim? Who has a business and a baby on the way also? Or maybe your wife who has your son to take care of. Or one the other brothers who’s not taken? I’m sure Smokey would love that. Far as I know I’m the only brother he’s ok with touching his woman.” Snake replied.

“Just watch yourself.” Jax growled and walked off.

Over the next few days, Jax had brothers take turns sitting with Smokey. Snake made Sam go home to shower and sleep. He made sure she ate too. He drove her back and forth to the hospital. He sat with her and gave the brothers on duty time to go eat and take a break.

He encouraged her to talk to Smokey about stuff they’ve done in the past. Happy times. Snake and Sam were at her house. She had just woken up from a nap. Snake was standing in the doorway with his hip leaning against the door jam. He was only in his jeans.

“Were you watching me sleep?” Sam asked.

“Just for a second. I was coming to see what you wanted to eat and couldn’t make up my mind if I should wake you or let you sleep.” Snake explained.

Sam couldn’t help but to look over his whole body. Snake was one sexy man. She was remembering their times together. The hormones and emotions had her horny as hell, and frustrated. Snake saw her looking and let his eyes roam over her body as well. The lust in his eyes mirrored hers.

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