Yearning For The Badboy Mafia’s Love

Chapter 80


Waylen handed me a glass of water and sat next to me.

“Thank you” I said and collected the glass cup from from taking a sip.

“You Okay? Are you feeling Cold?” He asked me and I shake my head negatively.

Well, turns out I won’t be able to be mad at him for long. I see know reason why I should be, expect that the reason is that I have to find out his name from his soldier.

“Can you take me to go see your brother? I told you, he held my best friend captive and I wonder if she’s still alive now” I pouts.

“Why? Chase don’t kill people.” Waylen said and I just looked at him.

Ofcourse he’s his brother, he’s going to speak good of him. I glare at him and he chuckles.

“What? Why are you glaring at me….?”

“You didn’t answer my question though, when are you taking me to meet your brother?”

I watched his expression calmly and noticed the way he sighed more like trying to avoid the question.

“You don’t want me to?… it’s just to meet my friend”

Waylen stood up and walked over to the get a wine and I just stood and watched him.

Things getting clear to me, it seems he’s not in good bond with his brother and that’s why he’s feeling uncomfortable by my question and request.

Waylen returned to the sitting room and this time, he sat opposite me.

“I’ll let my guard drive you there tomorrow morning. I have some business to handle so I can’t come with you” He said.

I look at him and nod. Smiling, I lean back on the chair.

I’m going to get to see Calista again after these months? She’d be so excited to see me.

“But Waylen… What if Chase refuses me to see her or anything?” I asked him worriedly and he chuckles.

“He won’t, I promise” he assured me.

“Thank you. You shouldn’t drink too much of that wine or you’d have a hangover tomorrow morning. ”

“It’s only this glass you don’t have to worry. You can go to bed now, I’m going out”.

“Again? Where are you going?” I asked him and he stood up and walk to me.

My eyes were on him as I watch every of his step. Waylen is tall and he’s just too cute that I start thinking I’m out of his league.

“You’re cute when you worry. I just want to handle a little thing tonight. I’ll be back early” he tells me and I nod.

Waylen brought his head down and pecked my forehead making me giggle.

“Goodnight and don’t try to run away from me again” He whispered and I nodded.

I watched him walk away, opening the front door he stepped out.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

Smiling, I picked up my phone and check the time. I wonder if I’ll be able to sleep tonight out of excitement.

Meeting Calista again? Oh God, I wish I have to meet her right away but I have to wait till tomorrow morning before that wish comes true.


Waylen walked into the clubhouse and shakes Rowan’s hand.

He was sitting in the club when Waylen arrived. It’s just their usual place so it’s normal to bump into each other there.

“You came out to drink? Why… What’s wrong?” Rowan asked his brother as he waves at the bartender for more drinks.

“Nothing. Just feels like drinking, You?”


“Geezzz… What are you doing here?” Waylen asked and Rowan just looked away drinking up the hot wine in his glass.

“Just came out to think. Father told me about Luciano Profaci’s daughter” Rowan tell him and Waylen nodded.

“He told me that too. But he just want us to help him find the daughter, it’s not anything serious. Why are you worried?” Waylen asks.

Rowan sigh and pull out his phone. Opening his gallery, he showed a picture of Calista to him and Waylen stare at him confused.

“What? You’re just showing me a picture of a girl. What? Don’t tell me you’re thinking it’s her..?” Waylen asked and drink from his glass.

Rowan put the phone away and look at his brother.

“I know it’s crazy..”

“Father don’t even know what she looks like.. So I don’t see how you’re find her immediately”.

“Father showed a picture of her as a kid and then he talked about something.. he talked about tattoo” Rowan said slowly and drink from his glass again.

Emptying it, he waved at the bartender for more drinks.

“A red butterfly tattoo?” Waylen asked and Rowan nods.

“I know it’s crazy but she was the only one my mind goes to immediately father said about all these”.


“Because she has a black butterfly tattoo on her neck!”

Waylen turn to look at Rowan for a while and then chuckle before looking away and bringing out a stick of cigarette from it’s box and placing it back on the table.

“It’s a red butterfly tattoo on the back!. Ofcourse everyone must have a butterfly tattoo wherever so don’t think is anyone with that tattoo is Lucia Profaci”.

Rowan sighed. “I still feel this strong aura around her like she’s just not a normal person. Yunno? Someone that holds a high personality”

Waylen didn’t say a word for a while as he just smokes. “Who’s she?”

…..”One of Chase’s Fling.” Rowan muttered and Waylen’s eyes widened.

“What? Calista Raymonds?”

Rowan nods and look at him in an attempt to read his expression.

“Do you know her? She’s mostly indoor and you don’t visit Chase either, how do you know who she is?”

Waylen took the phone from him and muttered on him to open his phone which Rowan did. He opened the picture and stare at it again before handling the phone back to Rowan.

“I need your help on something” Waylen muttered and Rowan arched his brows.


“How long have she been living with you Waylen?” Rowan asked as he slowly close back Emma’s door.

“Just a month?”

They both walked to the sitting room and sat down and Rowan just stares at Waylen.

“Don’t you have anything to say?”

“Yeah! So Chase have a girl living with him and the girl loves him but he doesn’t want to return the love, and now, Waylen have a girl who happens to be Chase crush’s best friend and Waylen and Emma is dating?” Rowan asked and Waylen glare at him.

“Stop saying nonsense”

“Wowh! I think it’s high time you and Chase put your difference behind. ”

“I have know issue with Chase”

“Yes you don’t.” Rowan roll his eyes.

“That’s not what I’m talking about Rowan, Seriously… Will you take her? ”

Rowan look away and lean on the Chair sighing. Maybe he should also find himself a girl to live in with him and he’ll fall in love with her too.


“Okay sure.. But we really have to look into that girl being Lucia Profaci. If she really is, Chase Is in a big trouble if Profaci finds out how his daughter is being treated by Chase”

Waylen laughs..

“Don’t talk nonsense. There’s no way she’s Luciano’s. Besides, since you seem to be her friend…. You should ask her about her parents and her background”

Rowan nods. “I have to be careful about Chase though. He’d kill me if he sees me hanging out with her”

“Didn’t you say Chase don’t like her?”

“He definitely loves him. He’s being that same Blinded protective Badboy he was until he realizes his feeling for Madison. I think the same is happening.” Rowan sigh.

“Argh! You should get going now. Come tomorrow morning to pick her up. ”

Rowan nodded and stood up before walking out of Waylen’s apartment.

Waylen sat back on the couch and sigh think about all Rowan had said about this Calista Raymonds..

Now, he’s curious on who Calista Raymonds really is.

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