



I can’t make out the words, but I can hear angry voices. As I listen, my fear starts to subside, to be replaced with indignation. I’m just about to throw the blanket aside when Rogers returns.

He looks pissed, but his expression softens when he sees me. “Sorry about that. Just a concerned neighbor.

At any other time, I wouldn’t let an encounter go without question, but I have more urgent matters on my mind right now.

I grab Rogers’s arm, pulling him back where he was, on top of me.

I need you,” I breathe in his ear, taking the opportunity to nibble on my earlobe.

Rogers throws aside the gown he’d hastily put on to talk to his neighbor. His cock is still going strong. I reach for it, running my hand down its length.

It feels so soft compared to the rest of him. I give it a squeeze, pleased by how he strains up into my grip.

“Now, Rogers.”

I lay back on the blanket, spreading my legs. Rogers kisses me as he moves between my legs once more. I grab his waist, impatiently pulling him closer.

Rogers breaks away from the kiss, chuckling, using his tongue to start lapping at my nipples.

They start hardening immediately, by they’re nothing compared to the throbbing inferno down below.

Rogers’s cock presses up against the entrance to my pussy.

Yes,” I breathe. “Hurry.

He pushes into me with one swift thrust.

My head snaps back as I cry out, not. knowing or caring who might hear. Rogers pulls almost out, then thrusts back in.

He uses his arms to support himself, his mouth fastened around my left nipple, sucking on it as he moves.

I move my hips to meet him, helping create a frantic rhythm. I reach down and start fingering my clit while Rogers pounds into me, but he makes a noise of displeasure snatching my wrist.

“Let me.”

I don’t know how he’s supporting his entire weight with one arm, and I don’t really care. All I care about is that his hand takes the place of mine, his fingers rubbing firmly over my clit.

I put my hand over his guiding him in what movements to make. Rogers is a quick learner and is soon circling my clit in time with his thrusts.

I was already right on the edge of coming before we were interrupted. There’s no way I’m going to last long like this.

Our eyes meet.

Not for the first time, it seems that Rogers’s eyes are glowing with some inner light.

He changes the angle of his hips slightly, and that small change is everything.

I cry out as he hits my G-spot, coming harder than I’ve ever come in my life. Rogers’s yell matches mien as he comes too, thrusting twice more become going still.

I half-expect him to collapse on top of me, but he manages to roll to the side. I don’t know if I’d be capable of that amount of dexterity right now. My body feels like cooked noodles. Cooked noodles have never felt so good.

After a time, Rogers gets up, offering me his hand. I find myself staring shyly down at my knees like a schoolgirl.

I don’t know what it means, what we just did. I’m afraid to ask.

I’ll just go clean up.” I hurry to the bathroom. I turn on the shower, deciding that will give me the most stalling time.

I let the hot water run over me as I try to think.

I just got exactly what I wanted, but what did it mean to Rogers? Clearly, he’s also attracted to me. Does he want more? Do 1?

What am I supposed to do now?

I wash quickly and turn the water off. I try to do something to untangle my hair in front of the mirror as it steams up.

There really is only one thing to do.

Time to put on your big girl panties, Amelia. You need to talk to Rogers. That’s the only way you’re going to resolve this.

Rogers is waiting on the couch when I get back, looking nervous. I force myself to speak.

So, that was… pleasant.

The tension breaks, and Rogers laughs. “Very pleasant, I’d say.”

“I-is this part of the fake marriage?”

“If you want it to be.”

I hesitate. If I do this wrong, I could lose Rogers forever.

I value your friendship more than anything, Rogers. I don’t want to lose it.”

He moves over on the couch, taking my hands in his. “I value your friendship too, Lia. I have no intention of losing you as a friend. If you decide later that this was a mistake, then things can go on the same between us. I’ll still help you with the marriage. It doesn’t have to change.

But I’d be lying if I didn’t say I hope this can happen again. If that’s what you want, of course.”

I do want that. I just – what does it mean, to you? Is this just friendship, or something else?

I don’t understand Rogers’s expression. It’s pain and hope and fears all mixed into one.

What do you want, Amelia?”

I lean back, thinking. “I’m not ready for another relationship, not so soon after Raymond. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be physically together as friends.”

Friends with benefits it is, then.” Rogers gives me a searching look but doesn’t say anything else.

I try to sort out my thoughts.

Do I want something romantic with Rogers?

Not now, but I can’t deny that the thought has some appeal. Maybe down the line, when my broken heart is mended, when I’m truly sure I’m over Raymond.

It wouldn’t be fair to start something with Rogers now, even if I wanted to. Part of me still loves Rogers, as misguided as that part is. But maybe in the future… I care about Rogers more than I’d like to admit.

It’s too much to decide right now. I have Rogers’s friendship, and I even finally have the opportunity to live out my fantasies with him.

For now, that’s enough. For the future… who knows?Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

It’s awkward at first, but that fades quickly.

Rogers orders pizzas and we lie together on the couch. It feels good, nestling myself into his arms. I feel like I belong here.

I only leave when the sun starts setting. I always hate leaving Rogers. My good mood seems to sink with the sun. So, when do you want to move in?”

I’d forgotten about that prospect, and it cheers me considerably. “How does tomorrow sound?

“Eager, are you? That’s ok, me too.

“Tomorrow is great”.

Amanda will be pleased that her plot worked.”

I bet she will. I’ll come over tomorrow morning to help you move your stuff.


“Goodnight.” I hesitate, wondering if I should kiss him, or if that would be too forward. In the end, I decide not to risk making things weird.

We agreed to sex, not casual kisses. That kind of intimacy seems reserved for couples.

Amanda is just making supper as I get home. Hey, Amelia.”

She glances up at me and has already turned around when she suddenly does a double-take, spinning around to stare at me.

“What? Do I have something stuck in my teeth you slept with Rogers?”

“Ever considered a career as a mind reader?”

I mutter sourly.

I can see it – you’re glowing. It’s like you’re walking on air.” Manda’s eyes suddenly snap to my hand. “Aha! He agreed to it, didn’t he

I look down to see the ring Rogers put on my finger before. I’d completely forgotten about it.

I told him your ring size. You two are so perfect together!”

You know we’re just friends, right?”

“For now! You never know what happens. You’re letting me plan the wedding, right?”

Sure. I suppose we should send out the announcements.”

I’ll deliver Raymond s one personally. I can’t wait to see his face!

I laugh at Amanda’s evil grin. you’ll have to tell me about it. I’m moving into Rogers’s place tomorrow. It’ll be a good opportunity.

When we were – you know – something weird happened.”

Nope, don’t say another word. Friends we may be, but I am quite happy not knowing the specifics of your sex life.”

“It’s not that. Someone started knocking on the door. I told Rogers to ignore them, and he was going to, but then they said they knew what he was doing, and he got really scared. I don’t understand it.”

Manda frowns.”Rogers isn’t afraid of much… Amelia, I know I suggested this, but are you sure you know what you’re getting into?”

Her words send a shard of doubt through me.

Surely, Rogers wouldn’t let me move in if I’d be in danger there.

What if he doesn’t know?

What if we’re both in over our heads?


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