Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Galen’s POV con’d

I look into her eyes, I see a wariness and resignation in those violet eyes. Like she’s already knew what

we were going to ask her, and was resolved to answer, but didn’t expect us to believe her. For some

reason that made me sad, she seemed so lonely, but if Darien had been her boyfriend…..why had she

been so happy to see him with another she-wolf.

This wasn’t adding up with the rumors about her. I have a feeling things were finally coming to light

about this she-wolf today, at least to us. There was an air about her, one that I hadn’t noticed before,

like she was someone I should respect, if she were to give an order, it should be obeyed. Finally I just

asked, now hoping not to hurt this she-wolf.

“The rumors said that the two of you were dating. However, based on what we just saw, I’m really

doubting that’s true now. There are a lot of rumors about you, none of them good.” I pause a moment,

she’s standing there with a patient look on her face.

So I continue with my query. “But I’ve personally witnessed She-Bitch Sarah and her posse spewing

some of those rumors, I’ve also seen you turn down many a male, one more harshly than others when

he got handsy, so those two situations combined, make me believe some, if not all, the rumors are bull

shit.” I finish and wait.

There was a rumor I didn’t want to ask about. If the others were lies, then the one about the abuse her

family meted out on her was most likely true. But how did you ask a she-wolf if her family abused her. I

couldn’t bring myself to, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the answer.

She looks at me for a few moments before speaking. “Almost all of the rumors are, as you say, bullshit.

Darien is my best friend, we never dated, we’ve never been intimate, as for some of the others. I’m still

virgin, and my sister has made sure that the only friend I have in school is Darien.” she never once

raised her voice.

The entire thing had been said in a calm patient voice. Then she goes on and says “But maybe now

that your sister has both of you and Darien for protection, I might finally be able have another friend.”

Alora’s comment makes me still a moment and look at Kian, we mind link each other. As siblings are

able to do so, even when not phased to our wolf forms, all other wolves in the pack, with the exception

of the Alpha, Luna and Beta, had to be phased to wolf in ordered to mind link, unless you were directly

related to each other.

I think it was a way for a mother to find her pups should they wander to far. Which my brother and I had

done, a lot, till our mother made us responsible for our baby sister, because we were only a little over

six months apart. Werewolves have shorter pregnancies than humans, and healed almost immediately

after giving birth. Few births were difficult, and rarely was there a death.

Kian, she said protection, do you think she meant from her sister? I ask, I could hear my tension in my


I’m aware, and it makes me think back a bit… he paused a moment before continuing. You remember when Kelly had all her hair burned of and was poisoned with that wolves bane tablet?

Yeah I remember that, why? trepidation starts to fill me, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like this.

Well, I was there when she told Sarah to stop ragging on her sister, she had been doing it for half the class, and wouldn’t shut up. The next day Kelly came to school after being mutilated like that. His tone


It was Sarah and her cronies, it had to be I can’t help but feel sorry for both Alora and Kelly. If Sarah

was willing to do that to someone, and could get away with it, then no wonder Alora didn’t have any

friends besides Darien. If Sarah were to fuck with him, it would be the last thing she would do, him

being a son of the Alpha.

I think it’s time this she wolf had a few more friends I say to Kian.

Yeah I think it is, we can take care of ourselves against that she-bitch, and now she won’t dare touch our sister, with her being the mate to an Alpha’s son. He said the last in a wry slightly amused tone.

Darien would rip her to pieces if our sister didn’t first. Amused at the thought of my sister tearing Sarah

to pieces I chuckle.

Alora’s POV

I waited for them to finish their silent discussion. I didn’t get a sense of malice or disbelief from them.

They seemed to understand and believe me. I was hesitant to hope for something good to come out of

this talk, but I was getting a sense that this was fate, that the Goddess brought these two wolves to me

while bringing their sister to Darien.

I could feel the power they had, deep and strong as the Mountains they worked and lived on.

Something told me I was going to be connected to them somehow. I just didn’t know how I knew that.

There was also still the sense of foreboding in my gut. I still couldn’t get rid of it even with this deviation.

“We’d like to be friends, you shouldn’t have been so isolated because of your sister.” Galen said,

speaking first.

“Your sister is evil incarnate, and it looks like we’ll be hanging together now anyway, with lover boy

being our sister’s mate.” Kian adds.

“Plus we need someone who’ll be an outsider with us while they make googly eyes at each other” said

Galen, amused.

That last comment makes me giggle. “I don’t know what’s worse, that you’re right or that a wolf as big

as you said googly eyes.”

That made them laugh as we watched the couple, they’re no longer standing in the parking lot but on

the lawn not that far from us. They were indeed making googly eyes at each other, the term making me

giggle again. Then I hear a familiar engine sound and the blasting sound system.

My sister and her friends pull up in my sister’s cherry red convertible all singing badly and off key to the

song. It was some song about brushing their teeth with a bottle of jack, which I found the thought

disgusting. But that just showed you how much of a party girl she was.

As her and her cronies are getting out of the car, having parked not far from us, another vehicle races

into the school’s lot. This one is another off road Jeep, it’s color red, and it belonged to Matthew, or

Matt to his friends.

He is my sister’s boyfriend, the second son of the Alpha’s Beta, Beta Boris. Technically Darien and Matt

should have been best of friends. But his like of Sarah and his treatment of me had made that

impossible for Darien. He didn’t approve, and to Matt that, was unacceptable.

They had a big knock down, drag out fight that Darien won. They haven’t been friendly to each other This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

since. They would outright avoid each other, if they did meet, there were no words between them. Just


“I don’t like that guy” I hear Kian say. It’s funny, but now that I’ve talked to both of them I can recognize

which one is talking, without having to look at them, despite their voices being nearly the same. But I’ve

always been good with sound and pitches, music was something I thrived on.

I loved to be able to go to my favorite quiet place, and soak up everything around me, while allowing

my music to sink into my body and soul, to rejuvenate me when things got really bad. Then I would let

Xena out, so she could run and feel one with the earth and life around us. The feeling I had in my

stomach is threatening to bring my breakfast back up at the sight of him.

My sister noticed Serenity’s Jeep. Being as incredibly stupid and un-observant of everything not

pertaining to themselves, so they stupidly start to make comments. “Ugh, it’s that raggedy Ann wolfs

Jeep.” Agatha starts. “Who get’s one in purple, it’s so gaudy.” Beatrice adds.

Like she was one to talk, she actually wore a leopard print tube dress that threatened to leave her

breasts hanging out, leopard print stilettos with gold heels and big chunky gold necklace, earrings, and

bracelets. A wolf in leopard print, now that was tasteless.

“That little heifer is so ugly I feel sorry for whoever her mate will be.” Sarah said viciously.

“I’ll just have to step in and show her mate what a real she wolf is then.” Lauren said boastfully. They all

let out screeching laughs.

They were like a group of hyenas, instead of a group of She-wolves. Matt is out of his Jeep and joining

the group. Galen and Kian are angry and growling. “Easy boys.” I say. “It’s not you two, who needs to

defend her right now.”

They look at me in indignation, so I explain. “She has a mate now remember?” I let that sink in a

second “It’s now his job to defend his mate’s honor, and put them in their place, and he will.” I gesture

in Darien’s direction. “Look.”

The fury Darien felt was plain to see on his face as he held his mate in his arms, she was angry too,

and had tears in her eyes. I know Darien. He’s going to make them pay for the tears in her eyes. “I

wouldn’t touch a skank like you with a ten foot pole, and If you weren’t a werewolf, you’d probably be

littered with diseases. You disgust me.” The anger and loathing in his tone was like a whip to the face

for Lauren. He had the group’s attention, their eyes widen when they see Darien’s arms around


Sarah’s expression is particularly vile. “You have a pig for a mate, how fitting for someone who likes to

hang out with the trash.” She spits.

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