“True.” She made a face. “After his numerous attempts to kill me, he’s now trying the equivalent of saying just kidding.”

“Maybe we need to take another look in Christopher’s office. Though she’s probably scrubbed it clean of anything that would even remotely implicate her, there’s always the possibility that she might have missed something.”

Vanessa brightened. “Good idea. Though I’m thinking the Sheriff or the FBI would have gotten a search warrant by now.”

“I’ll double-check.” Privately, he thought if they hadn’t, then no one was doing their job. He noticed the worry written on her face and tried to cheer her up, “It’s going to be over soon,” he assured her, “Things are like this now because we’re closing up on them and we’re coming to the end of all this. You’ve been strong and brave the entire time. You can’t stop now,”


Alaric returned from the station and Vanessa could tell from the look on his face that something was up. Alaric looked as if he had been run over by a truck. Immediately alarmed, she went to him and touched his arm. “What happened? Are you all right?”

Slowly he nodded, his expression tortured. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Then why-”

“I’m not.” Interrupting her, he took her hand and gripped it tightly. “I have something I need to tell you.”

For whatever reason, she hesitated. “I’m not sure I want to hear it. I can tell from your voice that it’s bad news. I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime.”

“Please just listen. This is important.”

“Do you mind if we sit down,”

Still worried, Vanessa nodded, “Sure,”

Vanessa perched on the edge of one of the leather chairs. “What’s up?”

Instead of immediately answering, Alaric dragged his hand through his hair. Whatever he wanted to say must be bad, because he looked as if pain was eating him up from the inside out. Watching him, her heart ached. “I’ve been lying to you,” he began, his voice catching. She saw him visibly gather himself, his handsome face a study in torment. “I’m not at all what you think I am.”

Studying him, she tried to make sense of what he meant. “I know you, Alaric Harper,” she said slowly. “You’re loyal and dedicated and strong. I’ve not known you for a long time, but I’ve always known I can count on you.”

“No.” Expression grim, he swallowed hard, apparently struggling to find the right words to convey whatever he was trying to say. Finally, he shook his head. “Damn. I didn’t expect it to be this difficult. Before I begin, know that I will always be there for you, no matter what you think of me.”

A shiver ran up her spine. “You’re beginning to scare me. I don’t understand.”

His phone rang, cutting him off. Swallowing hard, he checked it. “Sorry, I’ve got to take this.” He flashed a clearly forced smile. “Looks like I’ve been granted a brief reprieve.”

Then, to her disbelief, he stepped away and answered his phone, opening the door and walking out of the room, talking in such a low voice that she couldn’t make out the words.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

She sat frozen in the chair. What had he meant? He’d been lying how? She’d told him the truth-she considered Alaric one of the best men she’d ever known. Right then and there, she decided she’d rather not know. Lies were lies and it didn’t really matter what they were. Christopher had lied, so had Chloe. No one was perfect. She could forgive a falsehood or two, as long as no one got hurt. Decision made, she turned and eyed him outside on the patio, still deep in conversation on his phone. Perfect. She turned to leave the room.

And came face-to-face with Chloe Davis, holding a gun pointed directly at her. Vanessa froze, her heart beginning to pound. “Chloe? What’s going on?” she asked, trying not to reveal her fear.

“You’re coming with me,” Chloe said, her expression hard. “And don’t try to alert that bodyguard of yours. I’d hate to have to shoot you like I did Christopher.”

Shaking, Vanessa swallowed. “You killed Christopher? But why? I thought you and he were partners, both in his campaign and his legal practice.”

“Partners.” Chloe spoke the word as if it was unfamiliar. “Maybe we started out that way, but partners don’t screw over one another. Christopher stole money and planned to leave me to take the fall. Those cartels don’t mess around. They want what belongs to them and they have zero tolerance for waiting. I had to go into hiding so they didn’t kill me. All because your husband ripped them off.”

Vanessa took a deep breath, striving for the appearance of calm, though inside she was a mess. Did Chloe truly intend to kill her? Why not, since she’d already killed once? She had to figure out a way to outwit Chloe. Staying calm and keeping Chloe talking was all she could think of. That, and not revealing her terror. “That’s what Chris said. Was he involved with the two of you in this money laundering scheme?”

Chloe grimaced. “Of course not, you idiot. He’s the entire reason that Christopher decided to grab the cash and make a run for it.”

Aware she had to keep Chloe distracted, Vanessa nodded. “But why did you kill him? Wouldn’t that mean the money would be lost forever?”

Vanessa’s head was spinning. She’d never in a million years suspected the other woman would go this far.


“I had to prove my loyalty to the cartel.” Eyes gleaming, Chloe spoke the words as matter-of-factly as if they were discussing the weather. “That got them off my back for a bit. Plus, I was super hopeful that I’d be able to dig up a clue as to where Christopher stashed the money.”

The money. All Chloe really cared about was the money. Maybe Vanessa could somehow convince the other woman she knew where it was hidden, if only to buy herself time.

“Were you?” Vanessa tried hard not to sneak a look out the window at Alaric. Her one real chance at salvation.

She hoped if she could keep Chloe talking long enough, Alaric might be able to get in here and help her. If not, she’d have to figure out a way to help herself. Despite the way her knees were shaking, she couldn’t think of a better time to reclaim her strength.

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