Under His Protection

Chapter 11 – Randell’s feelings

Chapter 11 – Randell’s feelings

“I’m going out with an old friend,” Isabella announced to Vincent the next morning, bracing herself for the questions she knew would come.

Vincent’s face immediately fell into a worried expression. He had noticed that Isabella had been restless all night, tossing and turning in her sleep.

He had assumed it was just pregnancy insomnia, but now he was starting to worry that something else might be wrong.

“Who’s the friend?” he asked carefully, trying not to sound too concerned.

Isabella arched an eyebrow, “It’s only been 24 hours since we got married, you can’t expect to know every single one of my friends.” She said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“I know that,” Vincent said quickly, trying to backpedal. “I just wanted to make sure you’re safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you or the baby.”

Isabella softened a little at his words, but she still felt a bit annoyed. She was a grown woman, and she didn’t need a babysitter.

“I’ll be fine, I promise,” Isabella said, trying to reassure him. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”

Vincent sighed, his shoulders slumping a little. “I know you’re capable, it’s just… I don’t know. I’m just worried.”

Isabella wondered if he was always this caring or all of these was because she was carrying his child.

Isabella could see the concern on his face, and she softened a little. “I appreciate that, but I promise I’ll be fine. I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“Fine, but only if you let my driver drop you off,” Vincent said, his tone brooking no argument.

Isabella felt a surge of irritation, but she knew it was no use arguing with him. “Fine,” she said, her voice tight. “I’ll let your driver drop me off.”

She couldn’t help but feel a bit like a child being sent off to school, but she knew it was for the best. She just hoped that she would be able to enjoy herself without Vincent hovering over her shoulder.

Vincent couldn’t quite put his finger on why he was being so protective of Isabella. Was it because of the baby, or was it something more?

He couldn’t imagine that he was falling for her, not after only a day of marriage. That would be against the terms of their contract, and it seemed too soon, too hasty. But still, the thought of her out there without him made him uneasy.

He tried to shake off the feeling, but it lingered like a dark cloud over his head. He hoped that Isabella would be safe, and that she would come back to him unharmed.

But a nagging voice in the back of his head told him that he was being ridiculous. Isabella was a grown woman, more than capable of taking care of herself. He needed to stop worrying and trust her to make her own decisions.

When Randell saw Isabella walk into the restaurant, a rush of joy flooded through him.

Despite everything that had happened, he couldn’t deny the way he felt about her. It was as if no time had passed, and the attraction he felt towards her was as strong as ever.

He had tried to suppress it all those years ago, knowing that she was engaged to his brother, but it seemed that time had not dulled his feelings for her.

He tried to hide his emotions as he stood up to greet her, but he could tell by the look in her eyes that she knew.

Isabella had grown fond of Randell but had always taken his likeness for her as just him being a child years back.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” Randell said with a smile as they sat down at the table. “You’re still as beautiful as ever.”

“You’re such a flatterer,” Isabella replied, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

She couldn’t help but feel a little bit flustered by his compliment, even after all these years.

But she also couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, knowing that this was the first time they had seen each other in such a long time.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. “So, what brings you here? The last time we spoke, you had one more year to finish college,”

“As soon as I heard about the broken engagement, I rushed here to see you,” Randell said, his voice tinged with anger. “I can’t believe Timothy would do something like that after all these years. He doesn’t deserve you, Isabella.”

Isabella appreciated his concern, but she didn’t want him to think that she was heartbroken over the broken engagement.

“I’m actually glad it’s over,” she said, her voice soft but firm. “I’m not sure if I ever truly loved him. But what I do know is that I’m much happier now.”

As the waiter set down the steaming pot of spicy soup, Randell immediately picked up his spoon and began devouring it, savoring the flavor that he loved so much.

But as he looked across the table, he noticed that Isabella was only picking at her food, her movements sluggish.

“Is everything alright?” he asked, his brow furrowed in concern. “You’re not usually such a slow eater.”

Isabella looked up, her eyes meeting his. “I’m fine,” she said, but her voice lacked conviction.

Isabella didn’t dare confide in Randell or any of the Cassey family about her pregnancy.

The mere thought of their reaction was enough to make her stomach twist in knots. They would no doubt assume the worst of her. It was simply not worth the risk of hearing such condemnation.

She knew that it was only a matter of time before the truth came out, but for now, she would keep it to herself. It was the only way to maintain her sanity.

“You know, we could always order another soup for you,” Randell said in his typically good-natured manner. “It’s no trouble at all.”

“No, truly, I’m fine,” Isabella assured him. “I just don’t have much of an appetite. It’s nothing to worry about.”

Randell still looked unconvinced, but he relented. “If you say so,” he said, though she could tell he didn’t quite believe her.

As they ate, the silence between them hung heavy, broken only by the occasional clink of a spoon against a bowl.

Isabella tried to eat a few more spoonfuls of soup, even though the thought of it made her stomach churn. She didn’t want Randell to worry, so she forced herself to eat, even though every bite was a struggle.

She could feel his eyes on her as she ate.

“Bella,” Randell said, his voice soft and gentle. “You know I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for you, even though you were off limits because of my brother. But now that things have changed, I just wanted to let you know that…” His voice trailed off, and he looked away, suddenly shy.

Isabella felt a knot in her stomach as she realized what he was about to say. She wasn’t sure how to respond, so she remained silent, waiting for him to finish his thought.

“I just wanted to let you know that I still have feelings for you,” Randell finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I know things are complicated, and you might not feel the same way. But I just wanted to be honest with you.”

Isabella felt a wave of emotion wash over her. She cared for Randell, but she wasn’t sure if she could ever return his feelings.

“I’m not sure what to say,” she said, her voice shaky. “I care about you, but I’m not sure if I can love you in the way you want me to.”

If circumstances were different, perhaps Isabella would have considered Randell’s feelings. But as it was, she was carrying Vincent’s child, and Randell was Timothy brother. The situation was far too complicated, and Isabella couldn’t imagine a way for it to work out.

Randell must have seen the uncertainty in her eyes, because he took a deep breath and looked away. “I understand,” he said, his voice barely audible. “I just wanted to be honest with you, that’s all.”

Taking a deep breath, Isabella steeled herself for what she was about to say.

“Randell, I’m married to another,” she said quietly.

Randell’s eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open in surprise. “You’re married?” he said, his voice incredulous. “When did this happen? To who?”

Isabella could see the confusion and disbelief on his face, and she felt a pang of guilt. “I got married yesterday,” she said, her voice soft.

“That’s not possible,” Randell said, giving a chuckle as if Isabella was joking. “You ended your engagement with my brother just a few days ago. How could you have possibly gotten married already?”

Isabella could tell that he still didn’t believe her. “It’s a long story, but it’s true,” she said, her voice steady. “It’s a bit complicated, but I can not explain for now,”

As she looked at Randell, Isabella was tempted to tell him that her marriage to Vincent was merely a contract, and that there was still a chance for them in the future.

But she knew that would only cause more problems, and it wouldn’t be fair to either of them. So she kept her thoughts to herself and held her tongue.

“Isabella, I need you to be honest with me,” Randell said, his voice serious. “Are you happy?”

Despite the uncertainty of her emotions, Isabella found herself saying, “Yes, I’m happy.”

She knew it was a strange response, given the circumstances, but it was the truth. Despite the rushed nature of their marriage, Vincent had been a kind and caring husband in the last 24 hours, and she couldn’t help but feel grateful for that.

Randell studied her for a moment, as if trying to decide if she was being honest. Finally, he nodded. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy for you,” he said, though his tone was a bit melancholy.

The rest of the evening was filled with uncomfortable small talk, forced laughter, and stilted conversation.

Isabella felt horrible for putting Randell in this position, and wished that things could be different. He had always been the kind of man she had wanted, even when she was engaged to his brother.

It was a tragic irony that she now found herself in this predicament, and she couldn’t help but feel like she was betraying Randell in some way.

As they finished their dinner, Isabella made her excuses and left, her heart heavy with regret. She knew that things would never be the same between them again.

“The boss has been calling to check on you,” Vincent’s driver said as Isabella approached the car.

“I’m not a child who needs to be monitored,” Isabella snapped as she slammed the car door a little harder than necessary. It was clear that she was upset about her date with Randell, and the way it had ended.

She sank into the seat, her head spinning with conflicting emotions. She was angry at Vincent for trying to control her, but at the same time, she couldn’t deny that she had enjoyed his attention and concern.

“I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you,” Isabella apologised, feeling guilty for the way she had snapped at the driver.

“It’s quite alright, ma’am,” the driver said with a reassuring smile. “No harm done.”

“I just can’t believe that your boss is so attentive to me,” Isabella said, unable to keep the curiosity out of her voice. “He doesn’t seem like the type to be so concerned about other people.”

The driver hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether or not to speak his mind. “If you don’t mind my saying so, ma’am,” the driver continued, “you seem to have had a special effect on the boss. He’s never shown this much interest in anyone before, not even his own mother.”

The thought crossed Isabella’s mind that maybe, just maybe, Vincent’s concern was not about her, but about the child she was carrying.

Could it be that he was only showing interest because he wanted to ensure the baby was taken care of?

Another thought also crossed her mind – how would his mother react to the news of her son’s marriage? Would she be angry or upset?Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Isabella took a deep breath, picturing the potential drama that could unfold in the future. She imagined the rage and confusion that would erupt when Vincent’s mother found out about the marriage.

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