Uncontrollable Tempration

Chapter 31

I was about to insist but I couldn’t say no to those beautiful hazel eyes that were staring at me softly. I took a deep breath, hoping I don’t regret my decision.

“Get in the car.” I said. My tone firm and my jaw tight.

She dashed over to the passenger side and got in. I instructed my driver that we wouldn’t be needing the spare car anymore and he transferred everything into my car.

I drove Sophia home, the car ride quiet all through. She didn’t seem to be angry anymore at what I had said to her at the meeting. Once in a while I felt her looking at me but she always turned away after a few moments. I kept my eyes on the road, refusing to look at her. I turned on the radio at some point to ease the awkwardness. I thought I would make it to Murray Hill on time before the rain started but I didn’t.

I pulled up in front of her apartment. Remembering I had an umbrella at the back seat, I decided to go get it.

“Hold on, let me get an umbrella.” I told her.

I came down from the car, the rain hitting me. I got the umbrella from the back seat and used it to get Sophia into her apartment building. I went back for her suitcase and tried to avoid it getting wet but it was inevitable.

Once I saw Sophia to her door, I decided then to take my leave.

“Like I said earlier, you can come in much later on Monday. Please make sure you are well rested before you resume work. Ill see you then.” I said as professionally as I could.

I was about to turn and leave when she stopped me, something she seemed to be doing very often lately.

“Mr Wilson, w- would you like to come in…” She stuttered.

I stared at her. The last time I was here, she didn’t let me into her home. Why now?

“… please?” She added. Her voice merely a whisper. My eyebrows shot up.

Was she pleading with me or just being polite? I have no idea and I don’t know what to think. Throughout today, she has been acting strange and I was beginning to get worried.

I couldn’t and shouldn’t accept her invitation, but her eyes! Those eyes! They were so alluring that I didn’t know when I found myself saying,


She smiled and unlocked the door, moving aside to let me in.

“Like I said earlier, you can come in much later on Monday. Please make sure you are well rested before you resume work. Ill see you then.” I said as professionally as I could.

Fuck! Adam No! You were supposed to say No!

I stepped into Sophia’s apartment for the first time ever. It was somewhat different from what I was used to. I’m not sexist but honestly, her apartment was girly. Bright colors on the wall, lots of pink, floral prints, candles… It looked comfortable and well kept. Everything was organized just like her office.

The sky was dark and so low that her apartment felt small and close. The air was thick with the sweet smell of the rain and a feminine scent.

“Sorry for the dust, I haven’t been here for a while. Would you like some tea? It’s really cold outside.”

“Yeah I’ll have some, in the kitchen.”

She led me to her kitchen and I took a seat on the kitchen island. She boiled some water for the tea while I looked around. Pink plates, pink mugs, pink everywhere. I was starting to think that was her favorite color.

She handed me a cup of tea and sat next to me with hers. The cup was tiny and I finished everything at a go, the beverage warmed me up. “Can I have another?” I asked.

“Sure.” She herself had barely taken two sips.

She poured me another cup and sat down next to me again. I drank halfway and placed the cup back on the counter. Looking out I could see, through the pink curtain, the dimmed lights of the city. On a clear night the view was awe-inspiring, but on this night my only thought was to hurry up and to return home. Being here was not a good idea at all.

“Mr Wilson… d- do you remember anything from last night?” She looked at me carefully.

No wonder why she had been acting strange. I completely forgot about the ‘last night’ situation. I knew sooner or later, we would have to talk about it.

“No, I don’t.” I said finishing my cup of tea.

She seemed upset about my reply but she just nodded and looked away.

“Why do you ask Miss Parker? Did I embarrass myself? Perhaps I did or said something I shouldn’t have?”

She looked at me like she was calculating something in her head before she answered.

“No, you didn’t.”

“Then why have you been acting weird all day? In case you thought I didn’t notice, I did.” I told her honestly.

The Sophia Parker I knew would be giving me a hard time right now, considering yesterday, she had just thrown me into a pool.

She blushed and looked away.

Why was she blushing?

There was a mutter of thunder from the blackened sky as the wind howled. Sophia shrieked and jumped right into my arms. I held her in place as she buried her face in my chest. She was scared of the sound of thunder. I laughed in my head.

“It’s okay. Don’t be scared.” I comforted her. I could feel myself slowly backsliding from my decision.

She pulled back embarrassed and stood, facing me. Even though I was sitting and she was standing, our faces were still on the same level. She was so close to me, I could smell her hair. She smelled like fresh apples, absolutely delicious.

No! Adam you need to get out of here before anything happens! Remember the decision you made yesterday!

It was too late, our eyes locked. Those fucking eyes! And her beautiful face! Her cheeks were still slightly pink from blushing.

I couldn’t hear the rain against the window anymore, nor could I notice anything else around me. The only thing I saw was her.

It was like Sophia and I were in a staring contest. Her eyes was fiercely soft and bright, they made me feel like her soul was my place of worship. I knew they were full of laughter and love, passion and affection; her eyes were an icon.

They were orbs of divinity.

They were marvellous.

They were beautiful.

She was beautiful.

Adam! Don’t! Stop! No!

My brain warned me back to reality. This shouldn’t happen. I should leave but she put her arms around my neck and leaned closer to me even.

I lost my sanity again. Her face few inches from mine. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating by my side. No matter how much I tried to deceive myself that I don’t care for Sophia anymore, I know I did. I love her and I want to know everything about the woman standing in front of me. And more than anything, I want to feel her lips on mine. But I couldn’t kiss her. She had personally warned me never to dare kiss her again, and I wasn’t ready to be assaulted tonight. Still, I wish I could just have a taste of her.

She fulfilled my wish when she brushed her lips against mine, very gently and softly but I froze. As much as I loved that she was kissing me, I couldn’t help but feel confused. Why would she kiss me if she gets upset when I kiss her?

Her palm rested on my cheek and she kissed me, the warmth of her mouth sent a current running through my body.

Pulling back a bit when she noticed I didn’t return the kiss. She looked at me impatiently, her eyes pleading for me to possess her.

I shouldn’t kiss back, I should stop this right now.

“please…” She begged. Her eyes glistering with need.

All thoughts of stopping this went out the door. I pulled her tightly against me and possessed her lips the way she needed me to. She moaned going further, deepening the kiss.

She climbed on top of me until she was sitting on my lap, straddling me. I balanced her with my hands on her waist, bringing her even closer so there was no single space between us.

Later on, I let Sophia take control of the kiss. I simply followed her movements. She kissed me like crazy. Like her life depended on it. Her tongue slipped inside my mouth, gentle but demanding. Her fingers gripped my hair, pulling me much closer. My veins throbbed and my heart exploded. I have never wanted any other woman like this before. Ever.

The weight of her body on top of mine was extraordinary, I felt her-all of her-pressed against me. She moved from my lips to my jaw, kissing all the way down to my neck.

“Sophia…” I found myself moaning before I could stop. She felt wonderful, I wanted her closer closer closer.

I caressed her thighs and slowly moved up her dress. Her bare skin felt smooth and hot beneath my hands. I gave her butt one or two squeezes and my hands moves up to her stomach, stopping just below her breasts.

I wanted to be delicate with her so I retracted my hands, placing them back on her waist. She was now rocking her hips against mine and I could feel myself getting hard.

We pulled apart to catch our breaths, when Sophia began tugging her dress down. She was about to show herself to me but I quickly stopped her, holding her hands.

“Don’t.” I warned her sternly. Reality hitting me like a trailer. This shouldn’t be happening and if she pulls down her dress, I wouldn’t be able to control myself anymore.

I arranged her dress back in place and gently slid her off me, setting her on her feet once again. She clung to me, not wanting to separate yet.

“Adam, what’s wrong!” She protested while trying to climb on top of me again.

“Sophia stop.” I held her at arms length. “Why are you doing this?”

“What do you mean?” She smiled innocently at me.

“I mean, what’s gotten into you? Why did you kiss me?”

Her smile fell as she tried to think of what to say. She didn’t even know why she was kissing me.

“I don’t understand…”

“No.” I cut her off. “I’m the one here that’s not supposed to understand! Normally you act like I’m a repulsive creature but now you kiss me! I remember the last time you kissed me things did not go too well after that, you ran off and didn’t want to see me again. What sort of game are you playing this time Sophia? Because I don’t think you really know how I feel about you.”

“No, I’m not playing any games Adam.” She shook her head.

“That doesn’t make any sense! Just yesterday, you attempted to kill me! I should be upset with you but I’m not! Instead, I’m here, kissing you back like a moron.” I said that more to myself than to her. I stood up angrily and turned away from her. “Mason is right. I am whipped.”

Mason had taunted me many times about my unhealthy obsession about her but I refused to admit it, even though he was right.

I was a goner for Sophia.

She had me wrapped around her finger even if she didn’t know it. My goal in life had been to please her and make her happy, I could pretty much follow her every wish and do whatever she wants just to see her smile. No woman has ever controlled my head like this before.

Many people have ridiculed me because of her; Mason, Fred, Hendrix, Doctor Pipe from the Spectrum Health, even Henry Fetcher and everyone in the casino last night!

I turned around and faced her again. She was unnerved at my anger.

“I am sick of your routine. One minute you act like you like me, the next minute you act like you hate me. You’re so bipolar and confusing and it’s fucking me up! What do you want from me Sophia?”

“Adam please…” She was scared with wide eyes. Those eyes that got me here in the first place. They were now glistering, tears threatening to fall from them. I did not want to witness her cry. I had to leave.

“I’m sorry but I can’t do this. I think it’s best if we stick to working together professionally, only. Thank you for the tea. Goodnight.”

With that I walked away and left her apartment without looking back.

I slammed my fist on the dashboard when I got in my car. I need a long break from this, all of it! What I did back there was brutal but it had to be done.

I’m not one to go against my word. I made a decision and I have to stick with it. Being around Sophia wouldn’t make me realise that decision, especially after we had just shared a kiss. I turned on the ignition and drove off.

I had wanted to go home but all my plans for tonight had changed.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

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