THREE DOORS: Chapter 15

“Hi, girls.” Deck shot us a lazy, charming grin.

“Well, hey, boys.” Shay presented an awkward, prissy wave as I simply stood there like a tool. See? I told ya. We’re so fuckin’ cheesy.

Mia, still recovering from her Three Doors hypnosis, crashed flat on her back at Deck’s feet and smiled at the ceiling. “I’m just gonna lay right here,” she sighed.

“Are you okay?” Evan furrowed his brows with concern.

“Oh, I’m better than okay.”

Judge flashed me a warm smile and patted the sofa cushion beside him with a thoughtful invitation. I settled in and scooted close while Shay snuggled up into Evan’s open arm on the loveseat. Deck laughed lightly at Mia’s seductive stretch and tossed his palms with no partner.

“You girls feeling good?’ Judge asked as he nudged my shoulder.

“Amazing, actually,” I admitted quietly. “It was unbelievable.” I glanced up at Shay and waited for her polite reaction, knowing that she wouldn’t embarrass her less than thrilling lover.

“I’m great,” she fibbed with convincing authority. “It was a blast.” That’s my girl. All class.

“I’m sure you all know I loved it.” Mia sat upright and backed between Deck’s knees against the blue chair, suddenly interested in the analysis. “What did you guys think?”

“I’ll be brutally honest,” Evan confessed, shaking his head in disbelief. “The thought of one of you behind that door waiting to fuck me?” He paused and took a breath. “It’s the hardest I’ve ever been in my life.”


“I really couldn’t tell who was with me.” Judge rubbed a palm along the back of his neck as his eyes crept around the room. “I’m sitting here now, looking at all three of you and wondering which girl…” He trailed off into a light chuckle.

Our attention shifted in Decker’s direction. “It was intense,” he told us.

Mia swatted his knee with frustration. “That’s it?”

Decker laughed, displaying a rare, bashful side as his dark eyes darted to his lap. “I mean, you’re all amazing women. I just fucked one of you, and I’m blown away. Just blown away.”

After hearing that my favorite guys had been sexually satisfied, relief settled in my chest. I wouldn’t have doubted my seductive skills nearly as much under ordinary circumstances. I’d made a man moan my name on occasion, and I could give a decent blow job when I put forth the effort. This scene, though? When the pleasure indicators were secret and silenced? Fuck, I needed the reassurance.

“So, none of you had any suspicions?” Shay asked. “Be straight with us.”

“None,” Judge confirmed with a palm oath. “I swear.”

“I didn’t,” Evan said with a shrug. “And I’m still fuckin’ surprised there weren’t any snags.” 

“I had no idea,” Deck added. “Still kinda shocked myself.”

Mia repositioned on the floor and gave us a brief glimpse of her thong-covered cooch. “Well, I sure as fuck didn’t know, but great job, buddy.”

Shay laughed and shook her head. “I had no clue, either.”

All eyes landed on me. “Oh, I was lost, too, but it was super hot in the dark like that.”

Decker tossed pleased palms of pride. “Sounds like the plan worked perfectly.”

So far, so good.

“Let’s cut to the chase,” Mia said. “Is this an every weekend thing?”

“Fuck, I hope so,” Judge chuckled.

Although I’d suffered a moment of worry before we sat for the summary, I found my footing again as the crew registered simple, positive reactions. “I need it,” I boldly confessed. “I need it like a fuckin’ drug. No going back now.”

Deck raised brows at my sudden spill. “Same here,” he agreed. “Totally addicted.”

“Let me just say,” Mia added, schooling each guy with serious eyes, “my man brought it this week. Like fuckin’ rocked me. So, pack your A-game, boys.”

“No fuckin’ pressure or anything, right?” Evan laughed.

“So, Saturday?”

“Saturday it is.”

~ • ~

Well, we held out until Wednesday.

I was daydreaming about a steamy bubble bath when I heard Judge calling out from behind me on my walk home. I turned with a surprised smile and waited on the corner as he trotted to catch up. Those deep dimples framed a wider smirk than usual. Something was up.

“I’d know that tight little ass anywhere,” he teased as he reached my side.

“Oh, yeah?” I said with a flirty grin. “Even in the dark?” He laughed and crossed the street with me to the housing complex. “Are you done for the day? I thought you and Shay had a late lab.”

Judge stopped abruptly in front of the entrance. “Haven’t you checked your phone?”

“No. I came straight from an advisor meeting. Is everything okay?”

He swiped his ID through the lock and held the glass door for me. “Oh, Callie.”


“Just check your phone. I’m gonna take the stairs. I need to grab a shower.”


“Yes, now,” he chuckled.

“Well, okay then.”

Judge glanced around the empty lobby, then he abruptly dipped in for a quick, delicious kiss. I blushed with a shrug against his stubbly cheek and beamed up at him. “See you later, girl,” he whispered.

I called out to him with confusion when he suddenly hauled ass to the stairwell. “See me later?” I whipped out my phone and scrolled through the texts that I’d missed from earlier.

Oh. Fuck yes.

Evan: girls?

Shay: I’m here

 Mia: yes?

Evan: how was your day?

Shay: awesome, my lab got canceled

 Mia: yay! you’ll be home early!

Evan: we miss you

Shay: aww

 Mia: wanna come over later?

Evan: yes, please

Shay: dinner?

Evan: not exactly

 Mia: oh

Shay: we need to check with the others

Deck: I’m in

Shay: have you been reading this whole time?

Deck: yeah, I’m sitting here next to him

 Mia: fuckin’ creeper!

 Mia: why didn’t you say anything?

Deck: just waiting for Evan to close the deal

Judge: I’m headed to the library, but I’m in

Evan: why hasn’t Callie answered?

 Mia: in a meeting

Deck: I guess we’ll see

I’m not sure which responded quicker, my heart rate or my fingers.

Callie: I’m in, getting in the elevator now

  Mia: ohhhh yeahhhh

 Deck: it’s on

 Shay: what time

 Deck: 7?

  Mia: it’s a go

I rushed through the apartment door to find a freshly showered Mia dancing in her robe and Shay already opening a bottle of white. I slung my bag on the dining room table, stripped from my winter coat, and joined the sex celebration. “Girls!” I shrieked with a happy clap. “We’re gettin’ laid tonight!”

Mia laughed. “I knew we wouldn’t be able to wait all week.”

“I need a shower,” Shay said as she sniffed her hair. I’m sure it smelled like sunshine, but she was being extra.

“I need to shave again,” I groaned. “Hurry the fuck up.”

Mia toasted us with a shrug. “And I’ll just sit here and drink.”

“You can’t get too drunk!” Shay warned with a laugh. “We may be getting weeknight peen, but we still have to study and that alarm rings early.”

“I won’t get wasted,” Mia assured us, “but I need just enough to relax in case I want anal.”

Jesus, Mia.

“We may have a problem,” Shay cringed.

‘With my hypothetical anal sex?’ I held my belly with a hard laugh. Mia was fuckin’ ridiculous.

‘Oh my God. No. Get fucked however you want, but the nightgowns aren’t clean.’

‘So, we’ll just wait naked this time,’ Mia proposed. ‘Robber outfits until we hit it.’

‘Sounds like a plan.’

~ • ~

Our guys arrived promptly at seven o’clock and greeted us each with fresh, minty kisses as they stepped inside. We’d all be slurping on each other in a few minutes, so I didn’t mind the quick hello. I sipped on my wine, peering over the rim of my goblet at each hunky neighbor and already excited about which would provide me with secret peen. Evan had worn those khakis today, and I followed the outline of his shaft as we chatted in the dining room.

Judge held up a navy duffle bag. “We brought our pajama bottoms. Too many curious eyes in the hallway.”

Mia nodded to the bathroom door. “Go for it.”

Evan eyed our not-so-revealing sex attire for the evening. “Where are those dress things you wear?”

Dress things.

“Dirty.” Shay broke the bad news and pointed to her tits. “This will have to do.”

Decker smirked between us and licked his lips. “I have some fond memories of those outfits. No complaints here.”

We offered the boys beer and chatted casually about classes until Judge emerged from the hallway wearing nothing but those gray cotton pants. His chest and arm muscles swelled with seduction, so I took a long gulp and admired each dark ridge and ripple.

“I have an idea. Not sure how it will go over.” He rested against the bar and tossed a palm. “Since we have class tomorrow and can’t stay late, how about Three Doors quickies?”


My impatient side had always been a fan of the fast fuck. This could be hot.

Evan raised brows. “I like it.”

“Hell, I’ll take a quickie,” Mia tipsy laughed. “I need to work on a paper before bed anyway.”

“As much as I love the full version, I’m in,” I said.

Shay bumped my hip with hers. “Even microwave pizza is still pizza, right, Callie?”

I choked on my wine as a giggle erupted. “And we fucking love pizza.”

“I won’t ask,” Deck laughed as Evan shuffled away to change.

Mia pinched our beefy blond hard on the ass as he passed. “Make it quick, mister!”

“I’ll light the candles,” I offered. “I liked that.”

Decker smiled at me. “Me, too.”

~ • ~

I was already feeling warm and fuzzy from the wine as I stripped in my blackened bedroom. I’d enjoyed fucking in my own bed, so I stuck with it during the brief pre-game hallway huddle, as did my teammates. We had no clue how our dicks were choosing doors, but I hoped that the skilled shaft from the weekend drew number two. Not that it mattered. I was about to be fuckin’ hammered, so I couldn’t go wrong.

Did I prefer the same peen as before? Or would I be sampling a new flavor?

As long as that new flavor isn’t fucking vanilla.

I giggled silently at myself as I climbed on the bed wearing nothing but a smile. Let’s be honest, I was positive that I couldn’t identify any length in the lineup. Other than my bare tip teasing with Judge during the porn, all my cock contact had been hindered by clothing or disguised by darkness.

I rested on my knees over my soft comforter and shivered in my lonely room. My pink nipples tightened as a chill tickled my naked skin, so I tucked my palms around my tiny tits and rocked my anxious hips. The guys didn’t realize that we would already be bare, so that thought warmed my cooch up a bit as I waited.

Fuck, the boys had initiated this unexpected round tonight. Had they been daydreaming of our slick, smooth pussies during class? Did Evan and Deck mumble to each other on their walk home, suggesting secret sex under their breath as they strolled to their apartment?

Minutes passed, and my busy-bodied brain tried to decipher the delay as my greedy hands threatened to travel south. Perhaps they were performing final primps in our bathroom or getting an early start with a few swift strokes. Hell, at this point, maybe our men were making sandwiches and indulging in some intentional, mind-fucking agony.

Christ, I loathed it, but I loved it.

I released a heavy sigh and dipped my fingertips downtown, feeling my plump clit already slick with anticipation. My tensed muscles loosened as I rubbed my achy center with slow, selfish circles. Gratifying sparks pulsed underneath my fingers, tempting me to spread my knees wider and bring myself to the brink before my boy brought the real burn. I stretched my shivering neck and strummed, pleasuring myself in the darkness as I imagined a hot, twisting tongue tapping through my wetness. I shifted on the mattress as a potential peak lingered low, then candlelight suddenly flooded the wall before me. It disappeared with the closing click of the door, and I sucked in a harsh breath.


My senses found strength again in the seconds between us. I listened through light shuffling as he presumably dropped his fancy bottoms. The community cologne greeted me as he approached, and my cool skin tingled as I waited for the landing of his first touch. My heart slammed with the urge to prompt this play, my wet hand still resting anxiously between my thighs, but I forced myself to relinquish control and let him lead the way.

Thick fingertips brushed my bare back just after the creak of the mattress, and my entire body quivered in response. Realizing that I’d stripped off my sports bra, his curiosity immediately slipped lower to my exposed ass. He groped both cheeks with surprise, forcing my pelvis to thrust forward against my palm, so I dragged my fingers one last time over my aching clit.

That’s right. I’m ready. Let’s go.

He urgently tangled my hair around his fist, then yanked hard and high, presenting my neck for his puckered lips. Wet, wild kisses slathered below my ear and under my jaw, leaving me breathless and squirming uncontrollably under his command. His hairy legs straddled my calves behind me, and he circled my body with strong arms, trapping me with an implicit warning to hold still for his entertainment. His swelling shaft lay cushioned against the top of my ass as his wide hands surveyed my curves. One reached high to my breast, massaging my thickened nipple with pinching fingers while the other slithered low between my moist, eager folds.

This guy was fuckin’ on it.

My smooth pussy clenched as he dropped merciless pressure against my primed clit, nearly compelling waves of the climax I’d already launched. I rolled my head back against his carved chest and slung my arms around his neck, displaying my entire tight body for his lustful enjoyment. I longed for him to take whatever he wanted and ravage me until I unraveled in pretty pieces between his palms.

He accepted my invitation, snatching my earlobe between his snarling teeth as he exploited my exposure again. He switched positions with effortless slides over my stomach, his hand now slick with my warm juice as he tweaked my other hard nipple. The filthy, wet sensation shipped painstaking throbs to my core, enhanced even more as he continued to fuck my soaked slit with rapid strokes. I writhed against his firm frame for release, fumbling until I found his parted lips over my shoulder, then I forced my fingers in against his rough tongue.

I wanted him to taste the damp desperation on my fingerprints. I needed him to realize that I’d been so hungry for his big cock, I’d indulged in my own dirty deeds as I waited in the dark.

Was that his first sample of my goods?

He sucked the moist pleasure from my hand, lapping with insatiable thirst as I thrust my demanding pussy against his finger friction. I preferred to come all over the steel shaft begging against my ass, but as ripple after ripple edged me closer to my crest, I didn’t give one fuck where I finished. I clenched my inner walls and clawed the back of his buzzed hair in preparation to explode, but my partner slowed and left me hanging by a delicate thread over my climax cliff.

I wanted to scream in frantic frustration, interrupting every studying student in the building as my lungs bitched for release. He suddenly grabbed my hips with primal need and jerked me through the darkness, throwing his legs over the edge of my bed and escorting me to his lap.

Oh, he wanted me to ride. No problem.

I swung my bent knee over his thighs with blind trust, facing him in the pitch black of the room, and he clutched my ass cheeks to keep me from toppling over. As soon as his swollen tip breached my wet, aching pussy, he tightened his grip and yanked down, forcing that demanding cock deep inside my tensed hole. He pumped his pelvis hard to fill me, his thickness stretching my slick walls until I almost cried out with pure fucking pleasure. I tipped my chin to the ceiling and gnawed at my bottom lip, my heart thundering between my ribs and pounding in my ears.

He used the opportunity of my arched back to lick hot, wide laps over my left nipple, savoring the sweet juices that he’d smeared over my pink skin. I flailed again between his muscular arms with no fuckin’ discipline, that swollen shaft grinding deep in my desperate pussy, but he hardened his hands and jerked my hips forward with a demand for attention.

No more warnings.

I dangled aimlessly over his thighs, far too short for my feet to touch the floor from his lap, so I clutched his rugged shoulders and clung for dear life. I had no leverage, left completely powerless to his rhythm and pace. As if I were nothing more than a weightless toy, he bounced my burning slit over his throbbing tip, sliding in deep over and over to meet his greedy needs first. I squeezed the head of his thrusting cock inside my wetness, feeling so overwhelmed by his thirst that I found myself craving his sinful spill.

We exchanged humid breaths, our sloppy tongues and sticky lips brushing against each other as we panted silently through mutual pleasure. Tap after relentless tap, his firm ridge raked over my trigger spot, dragging my euphoria along with his. He stiffened underneath me through sudden, slow thrusts, then he raised his groin from the mattress and shoved that long shaft in as tightly and deeply as it would fit. His last drag emptied a splash of wet heat exploding against my aching center.

Fuck! Not yet!

As my smooth pussy pooled with his pleasure, I bucked weakly against his buried cock to alert him to continue. I swallowed whimpers as he taunted me inside and tickled my core through our dripping juices. His buff shoulders shook lightly underneath my fingers, and my mouth dropped in the darkness between us.

He was laughing at me.

Fucking laughing.

And as sick and twisted as it was, it drove me wild.

I tiptoed fingertips from his shoulder to his face until that stubbled chin scratched my palm, then I grabbed with both hands and yanked forward, jamming my demanding tongue down his throat like a fuckin’ boss. I dominated his surprised lips, completely covering his mouth with mine and choking him with the frustrations of my unresolved hunger.

Yeah. Laugh at me now.

He must’ve sensed that I wasn’t letting this go. One of his big palms slid north from my bare hip, stopping between my shoulders, then he pushed me back to rest against his flexed forearm. I ripped my slick mouth aggressively from his and angled my hips so he could slide out through our dripping mess, then I placed my sacred trust in the hands of this mystery man once more.

I rested back against the safety of his arm, my naked body on invisible display before him, and opened my knees wide with an invitation. I offered my tight, throbbing pussy again with a slight pump, and prayed that he would somehow relieve me this time. The delayed finish clawed for escape deep in my pelvis, and puffs of sweet oxygen hitched inside my chest.

The dramatic level of vulnerability twisted my gut with erotic flutters. As he paused over me in the shadows, I pictured the sexy smirks of all three addictive men, wondering which one had taunted me as his cum trickled between my thighs. This friend had dangled my delight all fucking night, and now I submitted to his clutches like a coveted possession. And, at that moment, I didn’t mind being owned.

His teasing touch brushed painfully past my throbbing clit, then he forced two curved fingers inside my slippery slit and fucked me again with full force, knuckling my wet nerves as he pumped in and out. He tugged fingertips directly against my tightened trigger like he’d designed the fucking map, my back arching sharply at this unexpected show of pussy expertise.

My helpless legs quivered and jerked as my mind abandoned all sense of pride, allowing his skilled strokes to coax the climax that his dick didn’t deliver with the quick ride. I hugged each unbearable thrust until a deep, excruciating crest flooded me in fresh waves.

My arms fell limply at my sides as my wet walls weakened and, unable to release the cry muffled in my throat, I dug nails into my palms with complete exhilaration. With a smug sense of arrogance, he painted my juicy finish over my bare folds as I hung there, smearing stickiness over every tight inch of my cooch and silently bragging that he’d finally completed the job. Hell, I almost laughed, too.

When he urged me forward with that wide hand between my shoulders, I hoped for the same level of sensual aftercare that my first anonymous fuck had furnished. Our lips naturally navigated within the recovery breaths, and we kissed with slow, flirtatious appreciation until our heart rates tumbled back to baseline.

God, it was such an incredible ending.

We parted ways as planned, and I shifted onto my bunched comforter to face away from him. A giddy grin stretched across my flushed cheeks as I waited for him to dress, my patient brain waiting eagerly for a moment of focus to consider the playful antics. As soon as the door clicked closed, my loose analysis took shape.

This freestyle fun had been so different from my first experience. Both unhinged nights had littered my reflections with both intrigue and enthusiasm. Hell, I wasn’t sure how much weight to throw behind the theory of each potential partner. After we’d all dipped our toes in these erotic waters over the weekend, there was no telling which tools each experienced man had hidden in those sexy pajamas. All I acknowledged was that I couldn’t fucking wait for my next roll of the dice…

…and maybe ending up in the arms of my favorite without even knowing.

~ • ~

The notification knock arrived quicker than expected. Fuck, we must’ve taken the longest. I was still positioning my black sports bra over my perky nips as I peeked out my bedroom door several minutes later. Shay and Mia were already lingering in the bathroom threshold, so I stepped quickly through the dim candlelight and joined them inside. Mia signaled to the boys that we were good, then she switched on the bright overhead lights and closed the door behind us. We batted lashes at each other as we adjusted our vision.

“Well?” I asked Shay with hope as I rushed to pee.

She smiled radiantly in the mirror. “It was amazing.”

“Mine, too,” Mia sighed dreamily. “Totally blew my mind.”


I wiped my privates and wiggled back into my leggings. “I had a great time, too. Fuckin’ loved it.”

“Did you get anal?” Shay teased as she fixed one of Mia’s wild strays.

“No. Maybe Saturday, though.”

I cracked up and shook my head. “Well, it’s important to have goals, Mia.”

She lowered her voice and coaxed us closer. “So, wait a minute. No one got Mr. Vanilla?”

“Hell no! Not tonight!” Shay whisper-yelled.

“Definitely not me.”

Mia doubled over and lost it laughing until we just had to join in. “There’s just three guys out there, right?”

~ • ~

Our boys were nosing through the kitchen when we joined them. Evan buried his head deep in the fridge as Judge and Decker scoured the cabinets for scraps. They’d already changed back into their school clothes while we’d been jacking around in the bathroom, but I still scoped their tight tees and perfect asses with thirst. I loved the bare-chested look, but we had things to do.

Fucking Wednesday.

“Good luck, guys!” Shay laughed as she sashayed through the space. “We haven’t been to the store.”

Decker raised brows at our giddy smiles. “Well, you’re all bubbly as fuck.”

“Just what were you laughing at in there?” Judge asked.

“Oh, girl stuff,” I teased with an eye roll, my cheeks retaining their post-peen pink.

“Anyone want a water?” Evan offered, raising his golden stubble from behind the fridge door. We all accepted and settled in for the presumably quick discussion. Would my guy leave any subtle hints?

Mia hoisted herself up onto the bar and took a drink. “Time for your therapy, people. Tell Mia all about it.”

Judge raised a mock toast. “I feel exhilarated. Fucking awesome.”

Evan smiled arrogantly. “Short, sweet, and sexy…just like whoever was in that room with me.”

“It was faster but still fantastic,” Deck added, crossing his ripped arms over his chest with a naughty smirk. “You girls up for another round tonight?”

“I fuckin’ wish,” I sighed as I met his eyes.

“I’m loving this too damned much for my own good,” Mia said, swinging her legs with a guilty grin.

“I kinda like this weeknight thing,” I giggled. “Too bad we have so much fucking work to do.”

Evan nodded through his drink. “I hear ya. As soon as my last class ended today, it was all I could think about.”

Shay yawned with a glance at the microwave clock. “Speaking of class, it’s time to get to it.”

“Goodbye kisses?” Judge flashed a darling smile.

I drifted into the dining room for a semi-private farewell, parking my water on the table and letting my mind check out until I opened the books. Although I’d moved past the prospect of discovering which dick had spilled inside me, I longed to listen to each man’s whispered words and taste the desire still seasoning their tongues.

Evan’s baby blues twinkled as he joined me near the front door, and my pussy instinctively sparked with raw heat. My eyes darted directly to his groin and back. Was he the one who just finger fucked me until I saw stars?

“Did you have fun tonight?” he asked softly, snaking an arm around my bare waist.

“Yes.” I blinked long lashes up at his inviting smile. “I hope he did, too.”

“I’m sure he did, Callie. Look at you.”

“Stop.” Red embarrassment rushed to my cheeks under his gaze.

“I can’t,” he rasped with a slow lick of his lips. “I think you’re perfect.”

His brazen compliment threw me entirely off guard. He scanned my shock, then covered my surprised mouth with his, wrapping his tongue passionately around mine until my knees weakened with ignited lust.

Judge claimed his turn the second Evan stepped back to switch. He gently fingered the blond strands cascading over my naked shoulders, and I shrugged away sparks of tempting tingles. “I’m looking forward to Saturday,” he admitted before lowering his voice barely above a breath. “I have some things I’d like to do to you.”

Christ, he was so fucking smooth.

“Oh, I can think of some ways you could use those lips,” I teased seductively.

Judge cocked a sexy brow. “Well, let’s start with this.”

When that delicious mouth met mine, I looped my arms around his neck and urged our sultry french kiss even deeper. I craved that swirling tongue over my smooth skin, and I wanted him to know just how welcome he was.

Decker sauntered over as soon as I was free and smirked down at me before his hands landed. “You’re glowing,” he whispered with a gorgeous grin.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

I swallowed hard as those dark eyes pierced through me. “I am?”

“You are.” He suddenly swept me into an entrancing embrace, then he swayed my hips as if we were slow dancing to non-existent music.

“I guess the night shows on my face.” I beamed up at him through my blush. “I had an incredible time.”

“And I hope I was the one who gave it to you.” Deck kissed me with that leisurely, determined tongue, lapping up the remains of the other goodbyes as we finished the silent song.

~ • ~

After finally closing my notebook for the night, I slept like an exhausted rock and felt surprisingly refreshed on Thursday morning. Hell, I guess all this fucking was the perfect form of cardio, providing much more entertainment than an hour at the gym. Classes throughout the day proved quite interesting, despite the competition with my erotic nights. I assisted the professor and my classmates in dissecting a newly donated human cadaver in my fascinating anatomy lab. My watchful instructor glowed with pride and patted me on the back after I carefully extracted the femoral nerve from the surrounding thigh tissues. Joy sprung in my heart to the skip of my step as I left the science center and stepped into the cool breeze outside.

I met the girls at a café near the medical arts building late that afternoon. Succulent homemade chicken noodle soup warmed my belly even more than the sun spilling over my window seat. We rehashed our busy days, comparing notes from our different class sections and developing a loose study schedule for the upcoming week. Shay and I were bragging about our cadaver skills when Mia interrupted.

“Oh, look! The boys!”

Evan, Judge, and Deck were jogging across the street, hamming it up with bright, boyish smiles and long, lanky strides. Something clicked about seeing the three of them together, their not-so-innocent grins and apparent inside jokes sparking a simmer for the days before our nefarious nights. I loved the individual attention behind closed doors, absolutely fucking loved it, but restlessness for more prompted me to speak my mind.

“Girls, I need to talk,” I mumbled as I stared. My best friends immediately stammered over each other with concern.

“Are you okay?”

“Tell us.”

I took a deep breath and returned my eyes to the table. “Let me start off by saying that I absolutely love Three Doors…”

Mia shot Shay a side-eye. “This doesn’t sound good.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“It’s good,” I reassured them. “I’m all in. But something is missing.”

Mia cocked her head with a puzzled frown. “Like what?”

“Like the group excitement we had before. Spin the Bottle, Hour of Power, dirty dancing, porn night,” I explained, listing our naughty sex acts on my fingers. Although I voiced it vaguely, I missed the watching. I missed my crew members being sucked and seduced as my mouth watered with desire from across the room. I missed scoping perfect bodies grinding and listening to parted lips whimpering, all while being ushered to the edge by my own irresistible partner.

“I’m not bored,” I continued. “I’m getting fucked better than I ever have, and it’s thrilling when I’m in there, but…”

Shay nodded. “I see what you mean.”

“Am I crazy?”

“No, not at all.” Mia grinned over her half-eaten salad. “Group foreplay is fire.”

“I liked all that stuff, too,” Shay said with a wave of her spoon. “Maybe I didn’t even realize that I missed it until you brought it up.”

Mia leaned in with those big, eager eyes. “So, what do we do? What’s the fix?”


I’d noticed an intriguing ad online during my last porn scroll, back when self-satisfaction was my only viable option, but I hadn’t given it any real consideration until now. I cringed and sank into my sweater, then I decided to try it. “I maybe have an idea to spark things up again, but you might not go along with it.”

Shay narrowed suspicious eyes. “Why wouldn’t we?”

“It’s filthy.”

“All that stuff was filthy,” Mia chuckled.

“No,” I elaborated, shaking my head, “I mean physically filthy. Disgusting. Dirty. Like ‘wear old clothes’ kinda nasty.”

Both raised intrigued, perfectly arched brows, so I pushed my lukewarm soup aside and described the potential plan under the hum of the busy dining room. When I finished relaying my blueprint for the boys, Shay fell back in her seat and gawked at me with shock.

“You’re serious?” She scowled with a prissy crinkle of her button nose.

“I’m all in,” Mia giggled beside her. “I’m so fucking down.”

I laughed out loud at my beautiful best friends, expecting both those responses practically verbatim. “One more thing,” I added with a satisfied smirk. “I wanna do it tomorrow night.”

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