The Wolf In Me

Chapter 57: Part 2 Getting back home

Chapter 57: Part 2 Getting back home

Nora's POV

I found myself breathing heavily with all the anxiety I was enduring, scared that he would leave the spot where I left him, or worse, get caught again from our enemies.

I rushed quickly through the corridors in the hopes of finding a wolf around.

I opened most of the bedroom doors in the hopes of finding the closest wolf I could get to, but they were all out in search of the child and Biorn.

"Shoot, what now?!"

Frustration started to get the better of me as I knew that I was now responsible to bring Mason back home and fast. Mei and Luka were both in no shape to shift and get to him so I was stuck in the thought of what would be best to do.

Coming into a sudden stop just at the stairs I leaned my body over the railings, breathing back some oxygen I lost during my run in the long corridor. As my foggy brain got clearer I realised that there was always someone else that rarely leaves these grounds. I smiled to myself, now getting a little excited.

"Steph," I breathed move once again, knowing that whatever happens, you would always find her in the kitchen, polishing the dishes, or getting them dirty.

Running as fast as my legs could go down the stairs, I barged into the kitchen finding her back bent low, placing a pie into the hot oven.

"Steph, Steph, quickly, it's Mason. I found the spot where they took him. I told him to hide in a bush, close to where us girls went out for some fun last time we went for some drinking, remember?" I breathed, watching Steph's change of expression.

Her eyes shot at me, as they were open wide. She removed her oven gloves quickly and started to get rid of her clothes.

"I'm on it Nel," she quickly changed into her beautiful brown wolf and got past me, out of the packhouse and into the woods.

"Did I hear properly Nelly? Did you find out where they took our boy?" The alpha king asked feeling emotional, limping towards me with his hand over his wound.

"Told you I won't stop until I find him. Steph is on her way to him. I told him to wait. I hope those f***ers won't manage to get to him again," I frowned, watching him get teary-eyed.

"Oh, my goddess, Nelly," Mei cried from behind her mate, running to hug me.

"Thank you for doing your best!" She wept in my ears.

"Don't thank me just yet. He is still out there for now, but I managed to make him go into hiding," I explained, not liking the fact that they overheard.

I wanted to let them know as soon as I was sure their boy was on his way back, not wanting to bring their hopes up for nothing.

"You both need some rest, especially you, Mei. You have a child in there too that you need to take care of. Why don't you go to bed? I will wait for his arrival," I suggested, looking at her bloated belly.

"I just. I can't. I wouldn't be able, even if I want to. My firstborn is out there, in danger. The pack is also in danger. Goddess knows what happens to them if any of them get caught."

Soon, I thought to myself. The fight will be over very soon.

Steph's POV

My mind was racing faster than Jenna's legs were moving, skipping over some high rocks and passing through puddles of freshwater rain. It would have been fun if I hadn't been rushing to get to Mason as quickly as I needed.

The pack was all out somewhere in the forest but as I was rushing I didn't spot anyone except for some howling in the distance, sending messages from one group to another.

My wolf suddenly came to a halt, sniffing to see if there was anyone other than Mason around the spot. I could scent him, but surely he was not alone, which only meant that I needed to be careful not to get caught. The stench of evil humans was everywhere so I started to move cautiously forward, crawling my way in, drawing closer to Mason's hiding spot.

I thought it was time to call for back up since I had no one to back me up if anything went wrong and so I decided to mind link, Jake.

"Hey, Jake. I am close to getting Mason back, but I need help here."

"Where are you Steph? He quickly asked back.

"Right side of the forest. As soon as you get near let me know and I call you out with a howl so you can follow my voice," I said, moving closer as the kid's scent gets stronger.

"No no, you will give away your spot. I will recognise your scent and follow it," he insisted.

"Fine, I am getting closer to the kid. I can smell him," I replied, now spotting a movement coming from a small bush.

"Listen, stay low and wait for us. Do not attempt to try getting the child out of his hiding spot until you see us. It's not safe!" NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

"Just come fast, Jake. I can't make you any promises."

I observed the area knowing that somewhere close were Biorn and someone else that helped him escape from the cell a few hours ago.

"There you are you pesky brats," I said to myself as I spotted them looking around for Mason a few meters away from me.

"Darn, that kid must be somewhere close. I'm no wolf, but I can scent as good as one. He musn't have gone far with those stupid tiny feet," Biorn raged, tearing away some leaves from a large umbrella plant, looking the other way.

At that moment I felt like it was time to do the leap of faith and cross to that bush where I was sure Mason stayed quietly hidden in for quite some time now but I couldn't spot the other scientist or whoever it was that accompanied him. Lowering myself down, close to the soil as much as possible I started to slowly make my way to him. Mason must have felt me as I noticed him putting out his head from the bush to look at me.

"No mason, stay!" I ordered from the mind link. "Shift into your wolf so that as soon as I get to you I just grab you and bring you out of there."

I eyed him for a moment to see if he would obey, and sure enough, he shifted. Luckily alpha pups can turn into their wolf as soon as they become toddlers, unlike us, omegas and betas where we have to wait until we turn sixteen. Observing our enemies I cautiously moved towards the bush in a hush.

"Stay Mason, stay," I insisted, noticing how eager he was to rush out.

He moved back inside, hearing Biorn's voice chatting to himself feeling annoyed.

Now was the chance. Biorn moved further away as he thought he should check another side. I ran to the kid, grabbing his white/ grey furry back into my wolf's mouth as he squeaked at my touch.

"Hold tight baby boy, you will soon be by your papa and mama's side again, I promise," I assured him, trying hard to make him feel as comfortable as I could make him in such a situation.


The two scientists were back checking the area where we were at, turning each rock, bush, leaf they found. We were stuck again, not able to move anywhere and our now hiding spot was not as good.

"Jake, where are you?" I asked in mind link.

Unfortunately, I got no reply which sent shivers down my spine, feeling like I was all alone, f***ing things up.

"Damn Jake! Answer me! I f***ed us up, please!" I whined in distress.

The pup was now crying, making noises, surely he sensed that I was in panic and he got scared.

"Such pup."

It took just one whine out of Mason's wolf for the monsters to spot us as they turned like two hungry lions, ready to attack. My wolf started to growl, lowering Mason down to my side.

"You thought you can sneak up on us you bastard?" Biorn's taut voice echoed in my ear as my wolf started to feel anxious.

"Stay!" I said steadily to Mason still looking straight into my enemies' eyes growling strongly.

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