The Vampire’s Omega



The werewolf threw her on the rough ground, igniting a scream from her, she was weak, there was no doubt about it and she could no fight the werewolves, she struggled to get free from them. But the more she struggled. The more she got bitten by them.

They wanted to eat her raw, there was no doubt about that.

But she needed to at least fight them off. She needed to do something, she had tried escaping from the pack, she wouldn’t still die in the hands of the same pack members who made her life difficult.

Quickly, she kicked her legs on the first werewolf which stood in front of her, her actions made the first werewolf to lightly loose balance, emitting a growl from him, but there remain another one. But she was weak. Her blood had filled the ground and there were evidence of huge bites which the werewolf had taken in her.

The second werewolf seeing what the omega had done to the first werewolf, she had used her weak leg to jam her feet on the werewolf. He growled, he was not going to have mercy these time, but why had the omega escaped from the pack, had she not gotten mated to Lucas, the soon to be alpha, but there was no doubt Lucas would reject her.

She was nothing and he would have go end her miserable life in one tide.

Without thinking twice, Bella saw the wolf jumped on her, ripping off a part of her tigh, which still hurts with pain.

A terrible scream more bigger than the first one left her lips, the blood flowed on the ground where she laid, she was dead, there was no thinking about that.

She fell flat on the floor, opening her eyes widely, then she heard a sound, it was a sound like a beast. Different from the werewolves sound she had come to be used to.

She was so weak to look up, she would die in few minutes, but there was something in her that made her believe she would not die.

But lightly. Her eyes closed, but she never failed to hear the howls and whimpers of her fellow pack members, as maybe they got killed from another dangerous monsters, which she might have stepped into their land.

Then slowly the scream reduced, so was her consciousness sipping out from her, she would not hold out for long. Then she heard voices. Strong masculine voices, then she felt someone looking at her, her eyes were to blurry to capture who the person was, but the person was not a wolf. He does not smell like one.

These was the last thoughts in her mind as darkness over took her entire body system. If she was going to die in the hands of these strangers, so let it be. Longe stared at the woman, the young female wolf who laid on the farm, she looked battered with huge large bites which covered her hands and upper tigh, she smelt of blood.

Quickly he stood up, the she wolf seemed to must have been attacked by the rogues. But what was a wolf doing in a vampire’s land.

Had she perhaps been pursued by them and landed in their land.

Or was she running away from something, someone.

“Should we kill her. Which I think is right”

Kish said, the young woman looked half dead already, there was no way she can survive such huge marks.

“No, she won’t be killed. Can’t you see she is so battered already. We were only sent to Kill the werewolves. We can’t kill her. We will take her along to the castle”

Longe said, he looked at the werewolf once more, the werewolf was in a human form when he had found her been attacked, her scent had indicated her identity, but why was she not running in her wolf form.

They had been fighting the other rogues in the other sides of the forest. But he had heard a scream. A female scream coming out from where he stood.

Quickly, he ran towards the other farm, and was surprised to see two werewolves attacking a female wolf on their land. What impetus of the werewolves.

And without thinking twice, they had attacked the werewolf with all their might.

“But the Vampire king Blade would not hesitate to kill her off, he hated anything that had to do with the werewolf, both weak and half dead”

Kish said, looking at the female werewolf which lay on the ground, he believed the werewolf would die in due time. She had badly been injured.

“Then let the king decide, he is the king, as for us, we will not lay our hands on the werewolf. The king knows what is right”

Longe said, and in a flash, he took the werewolf in his arms, controlling his hormones from biting the little weak young lady which he took on his arms and with a flash. He ran off to the castle. “King Blade, your men had returned from their victory against the rogues, they had killed them all and had brought some bodies back with them”

Carson said, he was the commander in charge of all werewolves. But just like the king, he could not fight off a common rogues.

“Good that is so interesting to know”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Blade said, as he sat in his chambers, drinking a blood tea, he would see if another rogue would dare come to his pack and attack his people again.

“But they had also brought a weak werewolf along with them”

Carson said again, and quickly, Blade looked up, his eyes shone with anger, how dare his men disobeyed his rules by bringing a werewolf which was alive.

“How dare Longe disobey my orders, I had commanded him to kill them all. And he brings back a living werewolf”

Blade said, tightening his hands around the glass tea cup, the glass breaking into pieces, shattering on his hands, causing his hands to bleed, but he never cared, these was a flimsy thing.

“It was a young she wolf, she could not be part of the rogues”

Carson said, but his words brought out a growl from Blade.

“I do not fucking Care who the sex of the werewolf is. But all I care is to find them dead. Now I will have to go kill her myself”

Blade said, and with a quick stride, he left the room. He could not believe a living werewolf laid alive in his pack, who was Longe to disobey his king’s orders.

Carson followed after the King. There was no doubt his king would kill the she wolf.

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