The Vampire’s Omega



“You damn fool, stop walking like a fool and go get me the chicken before I use you as a meat for the feast”

A voice said, Resonating through the room, which had an a big effect on Bella as as she ran towards the store room, the store room had imprinted a lasting memory in her head.

The festival had began, but she was not allowed to leave for the festival unless she was through with the numerous chores which the pack had loaded on her.

The words of her mother still rang in her ears, making her increase her pace. Walking into the store room brings her memories, memories she never planned on having.

Bringing the meat from the store room, she was surprised to see the store room already filled up with food items, how had that happened, had the alpha brought enormous food items that could last the pack for a year.

She stepped out from the store room, the hall leading to the store room was a little bit void of light, that she could not see who was coming towards her, she bumped her body on a male, from the person’s structure, it was not hard to decipher that the person was a male.

“Watch your back omega, and stop walking as if you can not see with those two eyes of yours , they were never made for decorations”

Lucas said, throwing her a smirk, Bella tightened her eyes, was her day going to get more worser.

“I hope she doesn’t infect you with her bad luck. All thanks that you are not entering the throne today when you find your mate, you need to pass through some rituals. So even though you get affected by her bad luck, it is not your crowning day”

Simone said, he was the son of the beta, and he would take over his father’s position when the alpha’s son takes the ruler ship.

“Ooh please, i can’t bear her laying her disgusting hands on me on my coronation day”

Lucas said, his words making the three friends to rip off in laughter.

“Let’s go and leave the omega to her work, the meat smells like her, I can’t believe she tried forcing her self on you”

Livia said, making another bolt of laughter to fill the room as they walked out from her presence.

Bella bowed down lightly with the bowl of meat on her hands. She looked so scared, even to look at the alpha’s son. Wiping the tears that came out from her eyes, she braced her self, as she walked back to the kitchen.

“You came late Bella, do you know how long I have been awaiting your arrival huh”

Envylin said, collecting the meat from Bella, as she ordered the other maids to arrange the foods. Envylin was not the chef, but when it comes to cooking special dishes on special occasions, she was always involved in it, she is a good chef, with wild knowledge about different food.

“Bella, go fry those chicken with the maids. The festival have started, you got to serve the entire pack”NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Envylin said, looking at Bella for a moment. There was a probability she do find her self a mate, but there was a bigger probability that her mate would reject her and that means, sending her to the mines. That would be a waste, she will be sent to mines, Instead of working here with her.

“OK mum”

Bella said, forgetting the rules of her mother, which she has always made sure she had memorized in her thick skull.

A heavy knock came descending on her head. Bella turned immediately, almost dropping in the hot oil. The knock has come from Envylin, her mother.

“I will not have to tell you these again. You are not my daughter and never will you be”

Envylin said, looking at her with wild eyes, daring her to speak.

“Am sorry Mrs Envylin”

Bella whispered as she bowed her head slowly, as tiny pieces of tears escaped her eyes.

“Good, then I guess I will not have to repeat my self again”

Envylin said, walking out from her presence.

Bella’s stared at the woman whom she had think will hold her hands when she falls down weak, the woman who would her held her hands in weak time like these, instead, add misery to her life. But the woman had disappointed her. She wished her father was alive.

“Hey, you don’t have you cry much over these. Is a phase that you will pass soon enough”

Mrs Dozza said, giving her a light part, she continued with what she was doing.

“And when would the phase pass, when I start having a grey hair”

Bella said. She was not sure her torturing would end anytime soon.

“Bella, its time for the feast, the festival have started. Go serve the pack girl”

Envy shouted in the kitchen, her voice ringing out through the whole kitchen. Quickly, Bella ran out from the kitchen, taking the meat with her, wolves loves meat, the fried ones mostly.

As she ran, she nearly tripped on the floor, she was to hand the meat over to the Luna’s personal maid, who would present it to the Luna for the final ritual.

She saw the Luna’s personal maid standing just few feets away from the door, not knowing how to enter such room without been caught, she opted in to mind linked her.

(Hello Penny, I was wondering if you do help me give the Luna these meats, I can’t seem to be caught in here)

Bella said. Hoping the Luna’s maid accepts her request.

(Sure, coming to the door to take it)

Penny replied, looking at everyone who looks busy with their party, she left the door, coming to meet Bella.

She saw how the whole hall dazzled with lights and shiny objects. She wondered what they were for.

“Hey Bella, you are not coming for the festival”

A voice said to her, bringing her back to realty. She turned around, it was Penny, the only servant who does not treat her like the others.

“Ooh, you of all people know why I can not be in these party. My family will never allow me be part of these festival. I will bring disgrace to them”

She said in a low tone, her voice sounded as if she wants to weep.

“Aww poor child, OK, will have to take these”

Penny said, taking it from the girl, she had come to realize how everyone hates the girl, all because she was also wolf less. The pack’s character is disgusting. Turning to look at the party which was no longer hot as before, people seems to quieten down. That was when it clicked in.

“Bella Bella Bella why is everyone staring at you, they are looking up at you”

Penny asked, at first she had thought she was the reason why the whole room looked at her, but when she looked closely, she realized that the stares were meant for Bella.

“Wha… t”

Bella whispered, a look of fear appearing on her face. She was not afraid by the stares she got, no, she was used to those stares. Some thing else made her lot more of afraid.

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