The Twin Brothers

Chapter 14: Vomit Incident

Laughter fills the room. Adam who dancing so girly and trying to sing with his high-pitched note. Meanwhile, Liana laughed so hard, clutching her stomach. Tears coming from her eyes because of laughing.

“Come on, peanut. It’s fun!!” He pulls out his hands.

“Y–You si–silly!!” She laughs.

“Oh please, this silly will be your favorite.” He rolls his eyes before pulling her hand to make her stand up. “Come on, Darliana!!” Adam spins her and makes her dance.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“A–Adam!!” She laughs.

“Let’s twirl!!” Adam picks her up and makes them spin. “Who’s the princess!? Who is the beautiful princess here!!??” He laughs.

“Put–Put m–me down!!” Liana struggle to get down but the guy wouldn’t listen because he thought she just playing. “A–Adam… d–dizzy…” Something wanted to come out.

Out of a sudden, she pukes on his face making him stop his movement. Now, silence fills the room. How stupid he is to forget that Liana is still sick and easy to vomit when it comes to this.

Liana closed her mouth in shock also. The guards around them tried their best to hold their laughs even though some of them had tears in their eyes. Adam slowly put her down. At that time also, the door opens and the twin Felix comes in.

“We still need to tell Matthias about that,” Felix suggests.

“We will.” Enzo agreed.

When they arrive in the living room, they stiff. Except for Felix who easy to catch what was happening, laughing his ass out. Liana closes her mouth while making eye contact with them, Adam has liquid on his face while he closing his eyes and their guard looks like dying holding their laughter.

“What’s… going on?” Enzo frowns. They walk towards Liana who still looks shocked and embarrassed. “Little baby, what is happening? Why are you closing your mouth?” He tries to pull her hand away but she insisted.

“That was… unexpected,” Adam mutters as he walks away to the bathroom.

Leo pushes Felix away who supports his weight on him while laughing. He goes to ask one of the guards. “Speak.”

“M–Ms. Darliana… puke on Sir Adam’s face because he kept twirling her.” He answers, trying his best not to laugh.

“What!?” The twin yells. “Little one, are you okay?” Leo grabs her face.

It was so embarrassing. How can she puke on someone’s face!? It is so rude and disgusting. Liana closes her eyes tightly, not to make any eye contact with anyone. The twin exchanged looks knowing what she felt. Leo picks her up, balancing her on his hip.

“Little baby, can you take off your hand, please? So that I can wipe your mouth?” Enzo said, taking the wet wipe from the small drawer in the living room. When he saw Liana didn’t make any move, he sigh. “Come on, baby. Do it for me?” He asks again.

This time, Leo’s hands hold hers to encourage her. “Nothing to embarrass about. It’s not your fault. It was that stupid Adam.” He said.

Liana’s shaky hands slowly pull away from her mouth but her eyes still shut tight. “Good girl. You are such a good girl, Liana. Poor my baby. Everything will be fine, yeah?” Enzo spokes that comforting words while wiping her mouth.

“Felix, go get water,” Leo said.

“Y–Yeah, sure.” Felix chuckles. On his way to the kitchen, he couldn’t help but still laugh. “How can I miss that scene!!” He laughs so loud in the kitchen.

Leo just shakes his head.

“What do you feel right now, baby? Body aching? Headache? Anything?” His brother asks.

“L–Less.” The only thing she said. Knowing she is still shy because of the incident just now, they let it be. “I–Is… Adam um… w–will be–be f-fine?” She asks timidly. Her chubby cheek now turns red only to make her cuteness overload.

“He’s going to be fine. Don’t worry.” Enzo answers.

Felix came in holding a glass of water and give it to Enzo. He brings the glass to Liana’s lips, encouraging her to take a sip. “That’s my good girl. I know, it is probably uncomfortable. Just take a slow drink, baby.”

While they were busy with their own world, Adam went down with different clothes. Thank goodness, he did leave some clothes here just in case. His eyes met with Felix. The laughter fills the room again. Felix laughed until he fall from the couch.

“Before I shoot you, Felix, you better stop!!” Adam threatened.

“Oh come on!! How can I miss the fun!? I wish I can take a video of it!!” He laughing.

Adam rolls his eyes and sits on the couch. While he busies glaring at his friend, a soft touch touched his cheek. He snaps out of it and lifted his gaze meeting the unique color eyes. Liana is still in Leo’s arms, maybe she ask him to bring her closer to him.

“I–I’m… so–sorry…” She pouts.

“It’s fine, peanut. It’s not your fault. I should have known not to do that while you still sick.” Adam gives her a reassuring smile.

“If it happens again, please call me,” Felix told the guard who still dying with their laughter.

Adams had enough, he tackle his friend to the ground. “Ahhh!! It hurt you dumb shit!!” Felix yells.

“Laugh!! I want to see you laugh again!!” He locks his head. Of course in a playful way. If not, Felix will be dead and he doesn’t want to lose his best friend.

Liana chuckles while watching them. But her head still spinning like crazy and she has an urge to puke again. She didn’t say anything but just put her head on Leo’s shoulder.

“Little one, are you okay?” He asks, patting her back. The only thing he receive was a whimper. “Little one, I can’t help you if you didn’t tell me what’s wrong.” He follows Enzo when his twin mentions him to go to the kitchen.

“We will eat medicine, okay? So that, none of us torture.” Enzo spokes, taking out the medicine.

Oh no.

Her grips on Leo’s blazer become tight. It is not that she doesn’t want to eat it, she knows she will puke it over again. This is all Adam’s fault. She’s fine just now but after the twirling session, she back to her sick side.

“Now, open your mouth, little baby,” Enzo said.

“N–No…” She shakes her head on Leo’s shoulder.

“Little one. You have to. We know it tastes bad but we can’t handle seeing you in pain.” Leo butt in.

Still, the answers are still the same. Liana shakes her head and whimpers.

“Come on, little baby. Do it for me? For us?” Enzo trying to encourage her.

When he says that, Liana didn’t have a choice but do it for her friends. She slowly takes the medicine and drinks the water. The twin gives her a proud smile. “That’s our good girl.”

But, everything was silent when Liana puked it out on Leo’s blazer and a little bit spilled on Enzo. The embarrassment was too much. How can she puke on people two times!? Tears slid down her cheeks. She looks down, avoiding any looks from the twin.

Then, she notices them in front of the sink. Leo slowly washes her mouth. “Shhh. It’s okay, little one. No need to be embarrassed. It’s just a puke. How about we go to the bed and take a rest, yeah? Sounds good” He whispers.

Liana nods slightly.

“I know, I know. You must feel dizzy right now. Poor my little one. It must be hard for you, hmm?” He said while stroking her back. On their way to the ‘her’ room–yeah, it was already her room. On their way there, he only gives comforting words to the girl.

Leo slowly put her down on the bed. He turns on the television and brings the duvet to cover her body. “Not going to abandon him, arent’ we?” He shows bunbun with a smile.

She chuckles. “Nope.” Hugging the bunny stuffie in her arms. While Leo is busy handling her stuff, she asks, “W–Where… i–is L–Lorenzo?”

“He will come back. Don’t worry. He’s not angry or anything.” He answers while taking his blazer off. “I’ll come back. You take a rest, okay? I will come to get you when dinner.”

She nods slightly. Leo went out but not before giving her a kiss on her forehead. The door shut closed and Liana gives all her weight on the mattress. She clutched the bunny tightly.


After changing his clothes to something comfortable, Leo ruffles his wet hair with a towel while going downstairs. He saw Felix and Adam playing PS5 in the living room but he straight to the kitchen. He needs to make dinner for Darliana. Enzo sitting on the bar stool in his black shirt and basketball pants.

“Have you checked on her?” Enzo asks without breaking his eyes from the paper.

“No. But I’m sure she is asleep so I don’t want to disturb her. Knowing her, she looks like a light sleeper. Just guessing though.” Leo said, bringing the pan out.

“Are we sure we want to take over Thaver’s clan?” He asks.

“Then? Who else you trust to take over it?” Leo turns around to face him. “Damien? You know neither of us believes that dickhead. He will abuse power.”

“I know. It just… I have a bad feeling about this. About Damien. Knowing him, he will do anything to get what he wants.” Enzo sighs. He’s right. If people were asked to describe one word about Damien, it was selfish.

“Let’s just focus on searching for Thaver’s son,” Leo said. But his movement stops, “But… we have to be careful with Liana. No matter what, we have to keep her hidden.”

Enzo’s eyes hardened. Thinking about Darliana being hurt, makes him furious. “I agreed with that.”

“Agreed with what?” A soft voice spoke. They turn around and they almost died by seeing the scene. She is still in Leo’s hoodie and sweatpants, holding the bunny in her arms while she rubs her eyes.

“Hey, little baby. How was your nap?” Enzo softly spoke to her, opening his arms, “Come here, little baby.”

She shuffles toward him slowly. “I… I’m… h–hungry.”

“We know. Take a seat beside Enzo. I will cook something for us.” Leo spokes.

While waiting, Liana looks over at the paper on the counter. Obviously, Enzo working right now. As her eyes wander, something caught her eyes. The words name Thaver. And there’s a picture on it. It was a guy around 40 or above like that.

“Leo, don’t make it too spicy. I can smell it from here.” Enzo groans. It is not that he hates spicy, it just is not in his mood to eat spicy today.

“Eyo!! I can smell Leo chef cooking right now!!” Felix screams with Adam following behind him. “Is that grilled chicken!!??” He gasps as he rushes beside Leo.

“Don’t even think about it, Felix,” Leo spoke dangerously to him. Making the guy pouts.

Liana can’t take her eyes off of that picture. Something in it made her familiar. She slowly grabs the single picture and analyzes it. “That was Thaver.” Enzo spokes when seeing the girl curious about it.

“T–Thaver?” She frowns.

“Yes. He’s the powerful mafia after these two idiot.” Adam said munching the biscuit. “But he being kill and now, Matthias is the one whole hold his clan. So, Matthias decides to hand it to this twin but they have to find his son.”

“Where… i–is his s–son?”

“That’s what we working on.” Enzo butt in.

She back to the picture. Without telling anyone, she put decided to take the picture with her. Doesn’t know why but she decides to.

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