The Second Marriage Chance

Ties That Strain


Fear dissolved into oblivion the moment his lips met mine, drowned in the familiar scent of Philip that enveloped me. As he reluctantly withdrew, his gaze lingered on my lips, his thumb delicately tracing their contours.

Then, I shivered as his hand found its place on my buttocks, tenderly caressing, igniting a sensation that defied description.

“Philip,” I exclaimed, my eyebrow twitching with frustration. “That’s my ass!”

“I know,” he replied, unmoving.


Instead of conceding, Philip leaned his head on my shoulder, his arms enveloping me. Confusion and shock swirled within me as he unexpectedly became clingy, his hold tightening, his sadness palpable.

“I just wanted to be close to you,” he murmured. “Reflecting on our time together, I can see the mistakes I’ve made, each one a painful reminder of my shortcomings. I know I’m far from perfect; perhaps that’s why we find ourselves in this predicament. Just saying ‘sorry’ doesn’t seem enough to make things right.”

What was going on with him? Despite his evident sorrow, I resisted delving into Philip’s emotions, though they softly tugged at my heart.

Refusing to accept his apology was a choice I made, considering his family’s complicated actions toward me.

I cannot accept it because I foresee ongoing conflict with Madam Cornell and me. We will continue tearing each other’s faces because I’ve had enough of that woman. While she’s his mother, I can’t undermine the bond Philip shares with his family.

“It’s good that you understand an apology alone won’t mend things. I need to stand up for myself, Philip. I’ve suffered greatly, and what you’ve done is beyond forgiveness. What your mother did is equally unacceptable,” I expressed firmly.

Philip held me tighter. I knew I couldn’t demand that he choose between me and his mother, especially since we’re already divorced. It’s simpler to believe we’re not right for each other than to complicate matters further.

“What should I do, Sarah?” he pleaded.

“None…” I refuse to let love blind me once more. I won’t allow hope to lead me into another cycle of pain. “I’ve convinced myself that our relationship is beyond impossible because of the hurt you’ve caused me. I’ll always carry the sadness you’ve caused me,” I stated flatly.

It’s necessary! I can’t afford to let another panic attack overwhelm me.

While I’m being dramatic, I still felt the brute’s naughty big hands, groping my ass.

“Seriously! Are you even listening? All you did was grope me!” I protested, feeling a surge of annoyance.

But then his lips found my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His kisses and warm breath teased me ceaselessly. You know that sensation of being spellbound, like a shrimp caught in a current? That’s exactly how I felt at that moment. Then, Philip placed me at the cabinet top, his presence dominating the space between my legs as he claimed my lips in yet another exhilarating kiss.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

The door swung open, prompting me to nudge Philip forward. A head peeked inside the room; it was Mr. Reynolds. His surprise was evident as he spotted us in Philip’s room.

Feeling like a guilty cat caught in the act, I blurted out, “Nothing happened!”

Mr. Reynolds glanced at Philip, who was hurriedly smoothing out his rumpled suit.

“You saw nothing!” I reiterated to Amir’s assistant, my tone carrying a hint of warning.

“Sorry, Ms. Sarah. Th-this is urgent. Can I talk to you?” Mr. Reynolds asked, his demeanor slightly flustered.

Philip’s eyes narrowed, clearly suspicious of Mr. Reynolds’ intentions. Did he still believe the assistant was manipulating me? I stepped down from the cabinet, approaching Mr. Reynolds.

Remaining alert, Mr. Reynolds cast wary glances at Philip as I positioned myself in front of him by the door. Philip’s phone rang, adding to the distraction caused by my former husband. He answered it, indicating it was Megan calling.

I couldn’t help but frown.

“What is it?” I redirected my attention to Mr. Reynolds.

“Mr. Benner has arrived. He’s in the west wing with his mistress, meeting with Grandpa Mitchell,” Mr. Reynolds informed me, referring to my dad.

Considering most of the Benner transactions were present for Amir’s wedding, it wouldn’t be surprising if Dad had suddenly shown up.

I need to go, especially now that Philip is here. I can already anticipate the barrage of questions he’ll shower me with once he finds out about my relationship with the Benners.

“Thank you,” I expressed to Mr. Reynolds, sensing there was more he wanted to convey but couldn’t.

“Take care, Ms. Sarah,” he replied before departing the room. Glancing at Philip, who had just finished a call with Megan, I made my decision.

“I’m leaving. I’ve got nothing else to do here,” I announced before exiting the room. Checking discreetly that I had all my belongings-hexacopter, laptop, and whatever else-I stowed them in my bag.

Before getting into the car, I cast one final glance at Amir’s mansion before turning my attention to the neighboring building. Dad and I locked eyes; amidst his conversation with Grandpa Mitchell, a silent understanding passed between us. Despite his stoic facade, I could feel his penetrating gaze dissecting my every action.

Grandpa Mitchell’s simmering anger was seemingly directed at Dad as he also acknowledged my presence.

This family drama-incessantly trailing the Benners, especially involving me!

As my eyes narrowed, I accelerated the car.

“Where to next?” came a voice from behind, catching me as I was zoned in on the road.

“Ah!” The car screeched as I swerved in shock.

“You’re a moron!” I snapped at Philip, adjusting my seat angrily. “If we got into an accident and my soul ended up in heaven, I’d hold your soul responsible until the next life! What you did was reckless! And why are you here? How did you get into my car?”

“Babe, you’re alive! And how can you be so sure you’re going to heaven? And what’s with this talk of life after life?” he asked.

“Excuse me, Sir! Wherever I end up, whether in heaven or hell, as long as you’re not there, that’s heaven for me!” I shot back.

He was speechless.

“Well, that’s odd, babe! Because wherever you are, that’s heaven for me, especially when I’m inside your body.”

I twitched my eyebrow. “Stop being cute, Philip! What are you doing here in my car?”

“I followed you. You said you were leaving Amir’s mansion, so I followed. What did you expect me to do? Stay there and stare at the old folks left at the party?”

“Are you not occupied? You’re trailing me like a stalker!” Does this troublemaker not realize I desire solitude where he’s not around? Anywhere works! Just as long as he’s not clinging to me like glue! Continuing, I inquired, “And what about your job?”

“Could it be that I detected concern in you?” he countered.

“I’m concerned for myself!” I exclaimed. “Where are your bodyguards? I wouldn’t want to be mistakenly accused of abducting you-specifically as your kidnapper! That would seriously bruise my ego!”

He was left speechless.

“Shoot!” I exclaimed, ignoring him, and glancing back at the car mirrors.

“Why?” he asked.

“Someone is following us!” I exclaimed, and this time, it was real!

A pink car is following closely behind us.

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