The Second Marriage Chance

Mending Fences


My intuition proved accurate regarding Madam Cornell’s behavior. She only displayed courage when she believed I wouldn’t challenge her actions. However, upon realizing my willingness to confront her, she couldn’t stand it and left. Her anger towards me intensified because she could no longer control Philip.

I will uncover Madam Cornell’s weakness.

Megan remained seated, jaw clenched, struggling to regain her composure. Nevertheless, she tried to recover.

“Philip, you don’t truly love Sarah. Do you think if your baby with her were alive, you would have a happy life? Do you really believe it would help your position as the prospective president while she’s pregnant? Your mother was right! One thing is certain about your relationship with Sarah while I was gone – you don’t respect or love her. You despise her!” Megan declared, her voice steady but filled with contempt. She stood up, casting a furious glance in my direction.

She was right. It was this realization that prompted me to seek a separation from Philip upon discovering my pregnancy. Without a second thought, I hurled the wine in Megan’s direction, prompting a sharp gasp from her.

“Ahhh! You-!” Her voice trembled with rage, her eyes welling with tears as the surrounding diners cast curious glances our way.

Trying to suppress the tears that wanted to escape from my eyes, I said, “Maybe you’re right, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to take away my child’s life from me.”

I matched Megan’s anger.

“I am the only one Philip truly loves!” she asserted before storming off to follow Madam Cornell.

Philip’s furrowed brows conveyed his disapproval, yet he remained silent. My chest constricted again; a familiar sensation accompanied by dizziness.

“Sarah, are you alright?” Jane asked with concern.

I focused on her wavering figure. “Let’s head home,” I managed, having lost my appetite.

“Uhm,” Jane faltered, her gaze shifting nervously to Philip, whose expression darkened further. My ex-husband couldn’t refute Megan’s words because she spoke a painful truth.

“Aren’t we going to finish the food?” Jane grimaced.

“Would you like to stay?” I inquired. After Alex informed me that Philip and his mother were here, I invited Jane to follow the mother and son. Together, we rode in Philip’s car, trailing Madam Cornell’s van.

Philip gave Jane a look, silently asking her to stay, likely thinking I would stay if she did. Jane sat and started serving herself food.

“Th-they smell delicious!” she said, spooning food into her mouth.

Turning to Philip, I directed, “You take Jane to the villa. I’m not feeling well.”

With determined strides, I marched towards the restaurant’s exit. The threat of fainting loomed over me like a dark cloud, and I was no longer in the mood to face Philip.

I heard him tell Jane, “Stay here for a while. I’ll talk to her.”

“O-okay…” Jane replied.

Before I could hail a taxi, Philip intercepted me, his grip firm on my arm as he whisked me into his waiting car. He instructed his bodyguard, “Take care of Jane for now. Take her to the villa when I signal you.”

My brow furrowed in silent protest, yet I lacked the energy to contest Philip’s actions. Leaning back in the car seat, I closed my eyes, seeking refuge in the silence as Philip navigated through traffic with a sense of urgency.

As we halted at the villa’s entrance, Philip’s words pierced the air. “Don’t trust Megan’s words.”

“That’s the thing, I do trust her.” I countered firmly, though frustration gnawed at my insides. Despite my resolve, I entered the villa, my mood heavy with discontent. Was it too much to ask for peace?

Philip trailed behind me as we stepped into the opulent living room, his voice hesitant. “Sarah-”

I interrupted, unwilling to entertain any more falsehoods. “Philip, Megan was right! Last year, when I was pregnant, the baby wasn’t your priority-I wasn’t your priority! If we could rewind to that moment, what action would you take? Will that change how you treat me? Will you finally love me?”

His lips quivered, the weight of his guilt evident in his struggle to speak. It was as if he was wrestling with his conscience, searching for words to bridge the chasm between us.

“No!” Tears brimmed in my eyes, the ache in my heart echoing in every syllable. “No, Philip! Because deep down, you suspected I was carrying another man’s child! You thought I was sleeping with Amir! So don’t lie to me!”

“Sarah,” his voice softened, tinged with remorse. “What can I do? I already regret it, don’t I? I’ll do anything for your forgiveness…”

“But it’s still not enough, Philip. My heart remains wounded, even now. Life is unfair, don’t you think? Why am I the only one in pain? Why am I the only one grieving? Do you understand why I always wear black? I still mourn the loss of my child. The pain you caused me just won’t let go…” Tears streamed down my face as the wounded words poured out, my voice thick with hurt and accusation.

Philip drew nearer, enfolding me in his embrace, his heartbeat steady against my ear. “Sarah, I’m hurting too. Please, believe me… But what can I do? The investigations have revealed something different now.”

His touch on my back was soothing, easing the tension in my body, if only momentarily. Questions swirled in my mind. ‘Philip, what does your apology really mean? What’s the point if we can’t find it ourselves to forgive each other? There may come a time when one of us will fail again, and we’ll be back to where we started. We’re like oil and water-never truly blending.’

As I met his desperate gaze, his lips met mine. It was a gesture of understanding as if he could sense the depth of my pain. At that moment, all I craved was his touch, his warmth to envelop me, to escape the harsh reality momentarily.

Our kiss deepened, a silent agreement passing between us. He lifted me effortlessly, carrying me towards the bedroom. With each step, the ache in my chest seemed to dissipate, replaced by the intimacy we shared.

‘Philip, what’s the point of this? I’m not ready if your only intention is to hurt me again.’

But in that fleeting moment, with the promise of a second chance, I chose to let go of my fears and allow my emotions to guide me.


At the restaurant, Jane sat, growing increasingly impatient as she awaited Philip’s message, as instructed by the guards. Three hours had passed, and she was still there, garnering curious glances from the servers as diners trickled out one by one.

“Are you absolutely certain Brother Philip instructed me to stay?” Jane inquired, frustration evident in her tone.

The guard scratched his head. “That’s what the boss said. He’ll signal once things are sorted with Madam Sarah, and then we’ll escort you to the villa.”

Jane felt exasperated. How much longer would she have to wait?

“I’ve had enough!” She rose from her seat, ready to leave, but was halted by the manager.

“Excuse me, ma’am. Where do you think you’re going?” the restaurant manager asked.

“Um, I’m heading home,” Jane replied, bewildered by the interruption.

“This table hasn’t settled its bill. You’ll need to pay before you leave.”

Jane’s jaw dropped in disbelief, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “W-what do you mean? Madam Cornell or my brother hasn’t settled the bill yet?”

“Exactly that.” The restaurant manager replied.

Jane fought back tears at the sudden predicament.

‘How did this become my responsibility?’ she lamented silently. She had only accompanied Sarah for company, yet now she found herself left behind to foot the bill after her family had departed one by one.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ugh, that couple! They always give me a headache! Seriously! I should’ve just gone home and called it a night!”

She retrieved her credit card and handed it over to the manager.

Those two troublemakers were probably already fast asleep!

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