The Outlaw

Chapter 27

The sky was painted in peerless harmony of two very different shade of purple and orange. Those two colours are far from bring amicable but somehow they make the most beautiful hues in the sky ever seen. Just like the two love birds driving through the dense forest holding hands. These two people belong in the world so achingly disparate but somehow their hearts connected in a glorious congenial, for their souls always belonged together.

Gerardo looked at Lilith in awe of her enchanting beauty, his heart skipped a beat then started beating swiftly, she always seems to have such an affect on him.

“You’re so beautiful!” He said vehemently, bewitched by the angel before him.

Lilith was never the shy type but Gerardo seems to bring out a part that she didn’t know she had. His comment made her blush, she couldn’t find words to express herself so she pulled his hands that was on her thigh to her chest and cuddled to it, looking at the man as beautiful as Zeus in front of her.

Gerardo chuckled at her shyness cupped her cheeks that he loves to bite, “I wish I would have gotten into my senses earlier..” he said with a sad smile remembering all the times he said and did those hurtful things only to get her attention.

“I wish that too!” She said with a small smile, “Why were you so mean to me in the first place?” She asked intrigued looking at him.

He shook his head at his immaturity, “To be honest, when I first saw you I genuinely thought that some homeless woman has broken into my house and that’s why I yelled at you. But when I got to know you,,, was intrigued,,, never has any person every stood upto me. I was used to being the alpha and nobody questioning me, then I met you.. another alpha, I was fascinated! And I wanted you, short and simple. But I no matter what I did, I could never get your attention so I tried the old ways of getting your attention, being an asshole.” He explained embarrassly.

“Or your could have been a nice guy and asked me out.” She said with a raised brow making him groan in shame, “Oh I knoww!”

Lilith shook her head in amusement and pity, it’s sad how people are taught that if someone is being mean to them that means they like the person. The whole mindset is embedded in a kid’s mind like writings on a rock, parents and guardians seem to forget that this mentality will only give short term remedy but a scar in the long run.

With those thoughts swirling in her mind, Lilith drifted off to sleep.

Gerardo looked at Lilith, tensed, he sighed looking into the mirror to see set of huge SUVs following behind him. It’s been a couple of weeks since they got together, Lilith had been busy those whole two weeks working on a case that she didn’t have time to go out in a date with Gerardo.

Gerardo was very understanding and waited patiently untill she was done with her case to take her out for the whole weekend. He picked her up directly from the courthouse today, thank god it was the last date of hearing so she didn’t have to worry about work much.

But what stressed out Gerardo was Andre, the ghost from his past that had been haunting him for years. That bastard who made Gerardo the monster he is.

Four days ago he went back to Italy to settle the matter with Andre once and for all, he had fallen for Lilith harder than he could have predicted and he knew that scoundrel Andre will use Lilith as his weapon to dismantle Gerardo.

He and his gang attacked Andre’s warehouse catching most of his men off guard. He didn’t give them the time to recover as Gerardo’s gang began shooting them dead. When he went around inspecting the area he noticed a big board that had pictures of him and Lilith together, Gerardo’s blood ran cold.

They knew where he was, that scoundrel was keeping an eye on them and even after knowing his relationship with Lilith, that scoundrel didn’t attack them or make any kind of moves. Gerardo knew that filth was planning something big.

In fear of losing Lilith, he attacked every hideouts Andre could have been in, unfortunately he wasn’t able to find him. But he managed to get his hands on Ajax, that traitor. Gerardo tortured him for days and after sometime he vomitted all the plans Andre had for the two of them.

Gerardo didn’t wanna think of what they had planned to do to the both of them, let’s just say Gerardo ripped out Ajax’s throat in a fit of rage. People had to pull him off the corpse as he kept breaking all the bones and tearing flesh off the body.





Lilith’s POV

“Wake up sleepy head!” A hoarse voice said softly, I could feel his rough fingers caressing my soft cheeks.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the most beautiful amber eyes staring at me with warmth. I caressed his jaws, bring his lips to mine, “Good morning handsome!” I said in the kiss making him moan a good morning.

He pulled back from the kiss with a killer smile, “Get your butt up! It’s our date!!” He said getting off from the bed. I chuckled at his enthusiasm, getting off the bed.

“Take a quick shower, your clothes will be laid out here when you are done!” He said pulling me into one final kiss before he left but not before winking at me.

Only when he left did I realise where I was, well more likely the sound of the waves and the seagull made me look around.

I looked around in amazement, the room is made up of beautiful wood, the walls, the floor, even the furniture are made by finely polished woods. The room is pretty big, there is a king size bed in the middle of the room and there are two door, one from where Gerardo left and the other obviously the bathroom. The room is so pleasing to your eyes. The energy it radiates calms you down. But even that’s not the show stopper,NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

There wall missing from side the bed is facing, leading to a huge balcony, which had the most mesmerizing view of the ocean. I was star stuck when I walked towards the window, into the balcony, the house is build in the ocean bed.

A laugh escaped my lips when I saw so many colourful fishes swimming just beneath my balcony, I could just sit here and touch the water. I looked to the side to see the shore just a few meters away. I released the breath I was holding. It’s magnificent, the view is simply wondrous.

Excited to explore more, I hurried into the shower and when I came back there was a set of golden snake print bikini along with a beautiful flowy white dress waiting for me. Without giving much thought I got dressed and wore the sandles that were also kept with the set.

Stepping out of my room, there was a long hallway that had many doors like mine, at the end of the hallway there was a stairway leading down. I furrowed my brows in confusion, my room was literally just a feet over the water level.

I hopped down the spiral stairs, only to entre in a while new world. I felt like Alice in Wonderland stepping inside the rabbit hole, from the wall of the stairways to the ground floor, everything was made up of glass. The entire room was lit in the colour of the sea blue ocean, along with white lungs going all around the celling of the room. I stood in front of the glass wall with a child like smile, this is marvelous.

I looked around the room to see a big lounge couch with a small book shelf beside it along with a small coffee table.

“Hey babe!” I turned around to see Gerardo.

“I thought you’ll be here when I didn’t find you in your room!” He said leisurely walking towards me. I met him midway, “What room is this?” I asked looking around in wonder of how calming this room is.

“It’s red room!” His sarcasm was dripping with seduction. I looked at him deadpan unimpressed by his joke, “Tell na!” I urged him, he rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath about ‘what does it look like?’

“Nothing special actually! I come here to relax and read books with a steaming cup of coffee or tea!” He said putting his hands in his pocket and shrugged.

I nodded at his answer, I was about to look at the books but he pulled me up.

“Stop wasting time, babe! I have loads of plan for you.” He said pulling me upstairs and leading through one of the double door. Layla and Flynn had joined us in the trip while Orlando went back to Italy. Gerardo had insisted that we go on a weekend long date to his private Island and I had been stalling our date so I complied with him. Anyway I needed a break.

It didn’t take long before we were on a big boat heading towards the endless ocean. Gerardo stopped in the middle of nowhere after a minute or two of driving and looked at us with a wide grin.

“Bro! No!” Flynn said horrified reading his expression.

“Come on it will be fun!” He argued pulling a bag from under a seat

“Dying is not fun!” Flynn retorted back looking at him preposterously. Layla and I looked at each other in confusion.

“Stop being a drama queen! Nothing’s gonna happen!” He said throwing a diving suit at us.

“What are you guys taking about?” I asked uncertainty is one of the things that really angers me.

Flynn looked pissed, “He wants to go sharking diving!” He added.


“I am down!” Layla and I said simultaneously. She looked at me like I had lost my mind, “What? It’ll be a new adventure!” I said stripping from my dress and wearing the diving suit.

“We are not going shark diving, we are going scuba diving and may and may not encounter a shark!” My man said excited, trying his long hair in a bun. I took the time to check out the fine man I scored, the suit hugged his huge frame making him look scrumptiously handsome. I could see the hard crevices of his extremely defined muscles. I purred unintentionally looking at him, Gerardo’s head snaps at me with a knowing smirk on his handsome face.

My face went red when Flynn looked at me uncomfortably while Layla looked disgusted. I had planned to tell Layla about Gerardo and I when we knew were serious and not fooling around but one day Layla walked on us,, doing the deed and let’s just say, it wasn’t a pretty sight. Layla yelled at us and said pretty nasty things that really got on my nerve. Now I do understand she is upset but saying what she said made me snap at her, we didn’t talk for days but since being so closely knit together, we talked and sorted things out.

Flynn was more concerned after finding about us but still showed support and enthusiasm. Although he did warn me about the consequences of breaking his big brother’s heart. For the first time ever was I terrified of someone yet had immense respect for that person.

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” I said looking at Flynn and Layla. They seemed to be contemplating for a second, “We’ll swim closer to surface” Flynn said looking at Layla who nodded in agreement.

“Okay then you won’t be needing oxygen tank then?” Gerardo said pulling two oxygen tanks along with a diving necessities, like masks, fins etc. Gerardo threw a big weight down, to ensure the boat doesn’t move away.

One by one we dove into the water, I was blown away by the wondrous beauty the mother nature possesses. The gigantic coral reefs were coloured with masterpiece colours, ranging from vibrant orange, pink, red, green, yellow and so much more. There were all kinds of school of fishes that I never existed. The exotic pattern on their skin, their colours, shape and size amazed me, it was like diving into a child’s mind who knows no boundry to imagination but only this time, all thise imaginations are real.

The exotic pattern on their skin, their colours, shape and size amazed me, it was like diving into a child’s mind who knows no boundry to imagination but only this time, all thise imaginations are real

The fishes swam away from me anytime if try to come closer to them. We goofed around for a while until Layla signalled us that she wants to go back to the boat, so Flynn left with her.

Gerardo and I swam circling around each other as we continued discovering more of the wonder of sea.

We were circling around the reefs when I felt a small nudge on my back. When I turned around my eyes went wide in both fear and administration. There were two sharks swimming peacefully towards Gerardo, who put his hand out and one of the sharks caressed passed it while the other lingered around.

There were two sharks swimming peacefully towards Gerardo, who put his hand out and one of the sharks caressed passed it while the other lingered around

I watched in awe as Gerardo and the sharks interacted with each other. He rubbed their head like they were some dogs, the two sharks took turns to be pet by him. They swam away after a couple of seconds of being pet but soon came back for more.

Seeing such majestic creatures who are usually portrayed to be viciously dangerous turned a new leaf for me.

The sharks swam away after playing for a while but not before nudging Gerardo with thier nose.

Gerardo signalled me to swim up, i resurfaced and Flynn helped me out of the water then Gerardo. Gerardo spotted a very satisfied smile on his face, he looked at me with his eyes twinkling brightly, “So?” He asked referring to my experience.

Still brown away by the beauty, tears clouded my eyes as I smiled at him, “They were breath taking!” I cried softly with a wide smile. His smile seemed to increase if that was even possible, he came by me and made me sit on his lap.

“I knew you’ll love it!” He said excited like a child making me chuckle.

“You know, sharks are falsely portrayed to be monstrous. They are wild animals? What do people expect from them? From those beautiful creatures to invite them for a tour of the ocean? They are simply creatures just like any other in this planet, survival is their motive and when they’re hungry, they eat. Any any other living creatures!—” he continued speaking fondly of his fascination of sharks. I couldn’t help but look at the man in wonder, he acts so.. cold hearted in front of people. But in reality he is like a kid, full of life and curiosity, yeah he is callous towards people but so am I amd so is many other people who have recieved nothing but judgements, cold shoulders and hate from people.

I looked at him with heart eyes, I never realised how much I needed someone like him in my life untill few weeks ago. I have always wanted control, the element of surprise is what I have always been scared of, I don’t know why. So having control of my life and people around me, gave me an upper hand, to a point I was obsessed with it.

When this man came, he came in like a tornado, totally disrupting my need for control. Now I am set on edge as the tornado approches me with alien adventures,, experiences. I was scared, not gonna lie, I still am but the storm of emotions that man brings out of me is unexplainable.

A good unexplainable.

My feelings for him are increasing by every passing day and I don’t think I have any control to slow it down. Neither do I want it to slow down, I am falling for the very man I once loathed.

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