The Outlaw

Chapter 2

My brother followed me into that mansion with an agitated look on his face, “Sei impazzito, Gerardo? Incontrerai quegli americani senza guardie? Non ci si deve fidare di loro!” He yelled at me making me roll my eyes at him.

(Are you out of your mind, Gerardo? You’re meeting the Americans without guards? They are not to be trusted)

“So cosa ci faccio qui, fratellino. Non sarò una fottuta mafia se non sapessi a cosa potrebbero portare le mie azioni.”  I said looking down at my phone when my phone buzzed with a message from one of my men.

(i know what i am doing here, little brother. I won’t be a fucking mafia if i didn’t know what my actions could lead to)

” Pensi davvero che verranno in pace con noi quando non sei sorvegliato e la sua una perfetta opportunità per rimuovere il più grande ostacolo per il loro percorso?” He hissed making me stop dead in my tracks and turn around to look at him with a blank face.

(Do you really think they’ll come to peace with us when you’re not guarded and its a perfect opportunity to remove the biggest hurdle for their path?)

“Fratello! l’ultima cosa di cui devi preoccuparti e ‘la mia incolumita’. Sono loro che dovrebbero preoccuparsi di essere rinchiusi in una stanza con me. Ho tutto sotto controllo, non preoccuparti.” I say without a trace of emotion, “So che sei preoccupato per me. Ma so cosa sto facendo.” I say reassuring him for the nth time.

(Brother! the last thing you need to worry about is my safety. It’s them who should be worried for being locked in a room with me. I have it all under control, dont worry.

I know you are worried about me. But i know what i am doing.)

His blue eyes shined with worry and frustration. He rubbed his face and put his hands on his hips, “Perché devi sempre essere così testardo? so che hai tutto sotto controllo. sono solo preoccupata per te. perche ‘ li hai invitati a casa nostra? Anche questo senza guardie! non pensi che useranno questa opportunita ‘ per farlo.. non lo so… ucciderti?” I stopped him in the middle, a hard expression on my face.

(why do you always have to be so stubborn? i know you have got everything under control. i am just worried about you. why did you have to invite them into this house, anyway? That too without guards! don’t you think they’ll use this opportunity to.. i don’t know… kill you?)

“ABBASTANZA! l’ho avuto con tutti i tuoi piagnistei. Che ti prende gotton? non sei mai stato così. Penso che entrare in una relazione seria ti faccia frustare la figa. Sono io il capo, Flynn. apprezzo la tua preoccupazione, ma ora mi dai sui nervi.” he flinched slightly at my tone but it had to be done. He is not the boss here, I am. He has become this sensitive thing.. ever since he got engaged. I huff seeing hurt in his eyes, I really need to have a talk with his fiance. Before we know it he will too be cry over little things. I said the next few words with great difficulty, “Don’t worry about me, brother. Your finance must be waiting for you, go back to her.”  I almost threw up in my mouth, I sound like a fucking pussy.

(ENOUGH! i have had it with all your whining. What has gotton into you? you were never like this. I think getting into a serious relationship makes you pussy whipped. I am the boss here, Flynn. i appreciate your concern but you’re getting on my nerves now.)

He just pressed his lips in a tight line, “I’ll stay with you. She is fine by herself.. whereas you.. are a dumb fuck if you think I’ll leave you unsupervised” he mumbled the last part to himself but of course I heard it, I have him a deadpan look then clutched his neck in a vice like grip, “Just because you’re my brother doesn’t mean you can disrespect me! If you do it One. More. Time. I wouldn’t think twice before putting a bullet in your head! Understood?” I hissed at him while he gasped for air tapping on my hand as a sign of submission.

I let him go as he took a big gasp of air in his burning lungs, “You– *cough* *cough* didn’t have to choke me. I know you have a kink for choking but I am your brother, we need boundaries!” he said hoarsely bending down to catch his breath, “I wouldn’t have to if YOU wouldn’t have been a dumb fuck. Go to your fiance, don’t make me repeat!” I said walking away without sparing him a glance, “Stronza del cazzo” (fucking bitch) I mumble as I enter the mansion.





Everything was going according to the plan, we were in one of my newest mansion that I had bought here in Ponza. It was already 8 at night and I was in the living hall talking to the leader of the American Mafia, “I must say, Gerardo. I didn’t believe you when you said you want to meet me without guards to negotiate a deal.” He smirked taking me as a fool. I smirked internally, it’s so amusing to see your enemies take you for an idiot and they let their guards down.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“I called you here to make a deal which will benefit both of us.” I say leaning back looking at, Bob. His interest suddenly peaked, “I am listening” he said sipping his scotch.

“I know your family dispute with the Norwegians. They have been stealing our shipments for days now too. I have a plan to wipe them all out and whatever is left of them we’ll take them all, equally” I say gulping down the scotch.

He looked deep in thought, “How can I trust you? When we are enemies too.” He said gruffly. I shrugged my shoulders, “All I am concerned about is money and power. And wiping out the Norwegians will be the best for me.” I say explaining him. He narrowed his eyes at me, “I know you can very well wipe them all out alone. Why do you need my help?” Internally rolling my eyes, what are we playing? Who will be millionaire? But I have to give it to him. He calculates every step carefully.

“I can. But I thought I was two birds with one stone, not only then our disputes be over and we can come to an agreement which lead to more money, drugs and power” I say resting my elbow on my knees as I drink my finest scotch, “Think about it.. till then let’s have dinner” I say getting up and going to the diner hall. I heard his and his guards footsteps following me. That fucker didn’t believe me when I said we would meet without guards. I knew he would come will all of his guards, almost all and he did.

Predictable cagna and to be honest I was counting on that. I had all my guards go to the nearest warehouse where they are watching my interaction with the American mafia.

We all sat around the table as the maids served us food, from the corner of my eye I could see some guards messing with the maids. Their fearful eyes looked at me expectantly, I nod at them as they all scramble out of the hall and into the kitchen locking the door. I had instructed them all to leave the mansion as soon as they serve the food and go to the warehouse.

Bob’s guards checked all the food before bon touched any of them. I rolled my eyes, “There is no poison in the food, I can assure you.” I said as their heads snapped towards me.

“We are going to be business partners, Bob. Trust is important in business” I say daring him. He had been quite for a while now, lost in his own though, “What if I say there is another way to get more money?” He said all of a sudden.

“Which is?” I ask tilting my head.

He got up from his chair and came towards me slowly, “What is your take if killing one has more money than killing hundreds?” He said.

“Simple, kill the hundreds then kill that person. Why compromise when you can have it all?” I say smirking. Bob smirked at me, “I must say, Gerardo. You are stupider than I thought” he said standing by my side.


He pulled a revolver to my head as I chuckled, “You invited a Mafia over to your house without any protection on you? How stupid are you?” He motioned all of his guards to point their guns at me. I looked bored at him as I took my knife and fork and began cutting into my steak, “What do you want, bob?” I ask buying as much time as I could.

“I was invited over to the Norwegians and they offered me 200 millions to kill you. After I kill you, I’ll take their money then take your gang then kill them and take over theirs” he snickered making me chuckle.

“You really think killing two of the most dangerous families in the world is that easy?” I let out a humorless laugh, “You fucking nitwit.” I shake my head as I get up from the chair. All his guards still pointing their guns at me, “Take a deep breath and calm down already” I say. A guard suddenly fell down on the floor, his skin turning purple already. They all looked shock at him then at me. Soon more guards followed as they fell down on the floor writhing in pain as green foam came out of their mouth. Bob was shocked by all of this he didn’t get a time to react as I twisted his hand and pulled the gun out of his grip.

I pointed the gun at him as he still looked confused and frightened, all his men are dead now, hopelessly lying on the floor, purple from the poison.

He clutched his wrist close to his heart, “Why did you do this?” He asked me, “Same reason you wanted me dead” I say and shoot between his eyes.

His eyes went wide, fear clearly visible in them. Blood rushed out of the bullet hole as he fell back to the ground.

“Did this fucker really think I’ll let him come near me without precautions? That’s why you’re dead, you naive little thing” I say to myself. I look up to the corner where there is a camera, “Come here and wear gas mask before you come” I say to the camera as I sit back down on my chair and start eating my steak.

Within a few minutes my guards rushed in chuckling, “You showed us boss! You’re way cunning than anyone took you for.” One of them said as the drag all the bodies out of hall. Flynn rushed inside with a mask on, “Jesus! What- how did you do this?” He asks.

I nod at the ventilators, “Poison in the air” I say chewing my steak. He stood shocked for a second, “How are you not–” I cut him off

“Dead? I already took the antidote” I shrugged. One of my men was near, “Get some people to clean the ventilators now” I said and he nodded back, “On it boss” he said and dragged Bob’s body. I immediately stopped him, “Take his pictures and send it to the Norwegians before you dispose his body” I instructed as he took out his body.

Flynn looked at me in disgust, “Bro, how can you eat so nonchalantly with so many dead bodies around you?” I asked sitting to the right of me.

I looked at him nonchalant, “Like this” I say and shove another piece of steak in my mouth.

“I pity the woman who ends up with you” Flynn chuckled and got up from his seat, “I’ll see you tomorrow at the basement” he said and walked off.

I scoff, as I am going to be tied down by a single pussy. Bloody delusional fuck. Nobody can tie Gerardo Martera down.

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