The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 22 Your House Is A Gym?!

-Blake’s POV-

In my hand, I held a bunch of flowers but I walked into a place I could risk losing the hand whole.

Looking around the bar I tried to find her but it had seemed as if she wasn’t here. Dominic wasn’t here.

After the car accident yesterday I realized how much Dominic’s safety meant to me. She was my friend beyond what Nick wanted out of me, beyond what anyone else thought, so I couldn’t help but worry. Nick hadn’t contacted any of the guys after leaving us yesterday to go get her so I wasn’t sure what had happened and I was conflicted between what I wanted to happen between the two of them but Zack did text me last night saying that Nick came home at around 1 am but hadn’t talked to any of them yet although his face looked almost grave. What this meant was that now all my worry was on Dominic.

She didn’t show up to class this morning (Nick didn’t either but I was told he was sleeping in and wasn’t going to come in) so I skipped all of my lessons and decide to come here.

The flowers I bought along were more of an apology than anything else. I was sorry that I couldn’t protect her but at this point, I wasn’t even sure I was going to be able to see her at all. My hands squeezed on tightly to the stems of the flowers in nervousness.

“Who’re you looking for?” I spun around quickly to meet the eyes of Xavier who was looking down on me but unlike the last time I had seen him, he didn’t look threatening or angry. He actually looked really cool with his leather jacket and jeans. As if he was some type of cool uncle. His face was soft too, glancing down at the flowers with a curiosity which made me relax.

“Dominic,” I replied with a small sigh after but before I could carry on, “she’s not here,” he informed which made my posture slump slightly until Xavier ringed his keys around his finger and turned around, “but I’ll take you to her.”

It seemed like it was more of an order than a kind gesture when he took me up to his parked Ferrari at the back and told me to get inside, allowing little time for me to inspect the black beauty that I was going to go sit in. Being inside it and driving in silence was both nervewracking but also peaceful. I probably shouldn’t have trusted Xavier as quickly as I did, knowing that he had the skill to kill me and would I’m sure if something had happened to Dominic. He knew where she lived so they must be closer than I knew.

Yet at the same time, this silent car journey had given me a place to gather my thoughts. What I would say to her. What I would ask. How I would react if… she really was The Mysterious Demon.

Before I knew it, Xavier stopped the car in a spacious and really quiet area. It was as if no one really lived here and if there was they would probably be retired people despite us only driving for about 15 minutes. It was so serene and so different from a fighting arena.

I was going to turn to ask Xavier it was okay for me to be here, nerves coming back again but before I could, he was already gone at top speeds, the echo of the roaring engine leaving me alone here in front of a house. So I took a deep breath and walked forward.

I knocked on the door slowly and waited. Nothing. My heart started to pump faster. Had something really happened to her? I knocked again harder this time and to my relief, I heard someone walk towards the door but it still didn’t open. “Dominic?” I called out and in return, I got a question from behind the closed door.

“What are you doing here Blake?” She asked and I couldn’t help but smile as I leaned my head forward against the door. “Open the door D, I’m not going to hurt you I swear,” I say and hear the click of the lock coming undone so I leaned back a bit as the door opened ever so slightly, letting me see half of Dominic’s face in the opening. “You should be at school,” she said and I scoff at her. “Says the one who only goes to three lessons a day,” I replied and she rolled her eyes at me before beginning to shut the door. “No, wait!” I called but the door slammed shut before I could stop it. She was stubborn that way. Like me.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“Dominic, open the door,” I order, thumping the door. “Make me,” she replied and I grinned at her playful behaviour. “I’ll kick the door down,” I warned, hearing her chuckle gently after. That was cute. “I’d like to see you try.” Challenge accepted. I thought and settled the flowers down gently by her door before moving back. I knew I had the power to break down the door.

I started counting, “three!” out loud enough for her to hear. “Two!” I got into a ready position and hoped that with her injured legs, she had gotten out of the way. “One!” I shouted and started running towards the door but right as I was about to kick the door, it suddenly opened and I hear Dominic say, “come in” smugly but I had too much momentum and not enough balance so I ended up kicking the air and falling down.

“God damn it,” I mumble while rubbing my head which was now throbbing in pain before slowly looking up only to be left wide-eyed at what I saw.

“Your house is a fucking gym?!” I ask in astonishment, turning around to look at Dominic calmly picking up the flowers from her doorstep and holding them with care before turning to walk inside and putting them on a nearby table.

“No moron, what you’re looking at is my training room,” she stated and limped towards a sofa that was at the far side of the room. “It happened to be the biggest area of space so,” she carried on, filling the void.

I looked around a little bit more as I walked up to her and sat down beside her. It was then when I realized how much pain she was really in. Her muscles were tense, her legs shaking, her teeth grit. “Have you been training even while you’re in this much pain?” I asked, looking up at her eyes but she didn’t respond, it was as if it hurt too. “Dominic?” I pushed and this time she nodded, “but it doesn’t hurt,” she tried to save but I knew her more than enough to know that she was lying.

I sighed knowing she wasn’t going to admit it so instead I slowly put my hand on her thigh and moved my thumb up and down. I didn’t mean it in a sexual way, I wanted it to be reassuring, to show that I was worried about her, but she didn’t look relaxed at all. Instead, she let out a whimper of pain which was a cause for concern. I was being gentle and yet the slightest touch hurt. She took my hand off of her before turning her face from me.

“Don’t try to hide your pain, D. I’m here for you, please understand that,” I say but she doesn’t respond so instead I lean back on the seat. I turned my head to look at her and couldn’t help being attracted to her hair. It was such a light of a dark colour. My hand reached forward and I started playing with the ends when I started to smell a scent that radiated off of Dominic. Despite her saying she was just working out, she smelt like some type of sweet.

“You are done doing what you’re doing?” she suddenly asks which makes me back away in embarrassment that she caught me. I relaxed soon after though and replaced my embarrassment with confidence. “Not my fault you smell good,” I say smirking which makes her scoff but I catch a glimpse of a smile after which makes me happy.

After that Dominic slowly got up and walking towards a punching bag. Watching her made me respect her a lot. She was in so much pain, had no one she needed to prove herself to, and yet she was being so strong and continued to work on herself. I admired her dearly.

I watched as she punched the bag but she wasn’t very stable so I could see her struggling. I decided to help her so I got up too and stood behind the bag, holding it in place and nodding, signalling for her to start to which she gave me a look of gratitude. She then started punching again and it was harder for me than I thought since her punches travelled through the bag and I could feel them on my side. She looked amazing though, was amazing, dedicated to what she was doing so I wouldn’t dare complain. Dominic was strong and it was one of the things I feared the most. If what Nick said was true and they haven’t met up yet, then she’s in danger.

I couldn’t stay quiet anymore so I asked, “Dominic, are you The Mysterious Demon?”

There was a pause. She stopped her punch and stood there for a second, looking into my eyes before getting in position again,


She answered making my body freeze. It was like a punch to the gut and in some sense, it literally was since she continued with her punches right after.

So it was true.

I wasn’t angry at her for not telling me, it made sense, but I couldn’t help but feel betrayed.

“I didn’t tell you sooner because if anyone found out then I would’ve been found and targeted, ” she started so I stayed quiet, “I could have also got you hurt.” she stopped and my chest squeezed a little but she carried on soon after, “Also Nick was on to me and I didn’t know if I could trust you or not but now I know I can.” She finished and waited to see my reaction.

I smiled and couldn’t help but pull her into my chest,

“You finally trust me.”


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