The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 19 Pain

-Dominic’s POV-

My whole body was screaming out in pain as I sat on the floor trying to bear with it. I was pretty sure my legs were either broken or fractured and one of my ribs may be broken too (this one is a more familiar pain since I’ve cracked a few ribs during my fights).

Around me, the guys were standing or sitting around, arguing amongst themselves as to what to do whilst also asking me questions that I chose to ignore.

“Someone needs to call an ambulance,” Jason then finalized but when he said that some images flashed in my head and I immediately shouted, “No!” which made them all look at me without understanding. “Open my bag and get my phone out, call Xavier and tell him what’s going on,” I instructed and Nickolas nodded and went to get the phone.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

As he did that I put my hands to my side and started trying to get up but it hurt so much to move. However, despite the boys’ protesting, I carried on until I was able to kneel but then I felt an enormous wave of pain shock through me which caused me to grunt out in pain again, almost collapsing.

In the background, I could hear Nickolas talking to Xavier when I suddenly felt something wet on my lap. My eyes widened as I slowly brought my hand to my face to feel it wet. I was crying. I hadn’t cried in so long. Aside from that Xavier hated seeing people cry so if he saw me I know he’d get mad. I tried wiping the tears away with both of my hands but more just kept flowing down. “Fuck!” I exclaimed which made Blake look at me with worry and sympathy. But I didn’t want that. I wanted to get rid of these weak tears.

“Xavier’s around the corner,” Nickolas informed me coming back down, kneeling next to me. I wiped harder and yet it didn’t help, “no no no no no” I muttered but I couldn’t stop crying.

“You need an ambulance, Dominic! I don’t care how strong you think you are or how high of an ego you have. You need medical attention!” Blake exclaimed towards me trying to hold my hand to get me to listen but my mind didn’t process what he was saying nor my reply to it, “you wouldn’t understand. I can’t have the police finding out!” I say without any awareness, I was more concentrated on fixing my expression. I then hear a new voice.

“What the fuck, Demon?!” I look up and it’s Xavier and he was undoubtedly angry. “Are you crying?” He asks pushing the guys away whilst taking his place next to me. I turn away from him. “No” I answered but he knew well enough that I was lying.

“The fuck dude, you can’t be mad at her for that, she just got run over!” Zack exclaims and I feel Xavier glaring at him. He then turns back to me before cursing and picking me up, walking us away from the guys and towards the bar.

“Xavier, listen to me,” I tried but he ignored me again. He was examining my leg but wouldn’t talk to me.

“What’s wrong with you?” he says softly, finally. I looked down towards him where he was already looking at me and I saw what I never thought I would see from him. Worry. His eyes held pain and his facial features looked hurt. His hand grabbed onto my hoodie as if he was afraid of letting me go.

“Do you have any idea how worried I was for you, Dominic?” He says and all I could think was, ‘he never calls me Dominic’. “My body shook when I heard you got run over. I actually thought I was going to lose you for fuck’s sake! First I lost your brother and I could have lost you too. I care for you, Dominic. I can’t lose you too.” He says before looking down. His grip on me loosened a little and so I brought my hand up to his face and made him look up to me again. What shocked me was that there were tears in his eyes. Never had I seen him cry and I didn’t think I ever would.

He then got up and started walking towards our medicine cabinet, probably trying to hide his face from me. Tears are signs of weaknesses, they were forbidden here and we both knew that which is why he was trying so desperately to hide them.

I slowly got up -even though my body begged to be left to rest- and made my way towards him silently. I made it behind him just in time for him to turn around and I didn’t spare a second to wrap my arms around him into a hug. He didn’t hesitate to hug me back tighter and breathing shakily into my shoulder, dampening it slightly but I didn’t care. These weren’t tears of weakness no matter what he says, these are tears of care and love. “You’re never going to lose me, Xavier. Not now, not ever. We’re going to fight this together,” I say confidently and eventually we slowly pulled away.

I looked into his now calmer eyes and chuckled, “Aww is the famous Champ actually worried about little me?” I tease and we both chuckle. He nudged my shoulder and said, “shut up, Demon,” which made me smile. That was better.

After a moment I sighed. “The Men Of Meyhem,” I say which made him whip his head in my direction, “what?” he asks and so I continue to answer, “The Men Of Meyhem are the ones who ran over me,” I state and his facial expressions switched to anger. “The same guys who killed Arthur and his family?” He asked and I nodded while instinctively grabbing onto my necklace. My brother’s necklace. Xavier growled and punched a punching bag next to him. “After all of these years of hiding you, they found out? How?! We made sure to make you as hidden as possible! How could they have known?!” Xavier ranted but I had already asked myself these questions and had come up with no answers.

“Xavier,” I sighed again, “we have no time for how they found out, we need to know how to stop them but we can’t do anything while both of my legs are injured!” He nods in agreement. I sat back down and he helps me wrap my legs in some bandages. “It’ll take around four weeks.” I groan, “that means around two weeks of no fighting!” he chuckles at my frustration. “I’m afraid so M. D, but that also means you don’t have to go to school for a bit and can help me train.” The offer pleases me and he sees that in my face because he laughs after which makes me join him.

However, our moment is cut short when there’s a knock at the door. We both stop and look at each other with a guarded look. I quickly turn, putting my hood up while Xavier goes to open the door.


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