The Moon and The Ocean



Winter break was over. Everyone was back to school. Moon and Ocean were restricted to come back home after school and not to visit the lake without the guards Zeus had sent for both of them. Zeus knew Ocean was Moon's only weakness. And anyone can use her to hurt Moon or use his special powers. That's why he had arranged a special team that is always around Jack's Villa and also followed Ocean wherever she went. Moon was also ordered to learn fighting techniques by his father. Derek was teaching him fighting techniques. Derek was a well trained wolf and Zeus could only trust Derek to train Moon as his friend Xander wasn't around. Moon never liked the idea of people following him and Ocean all the time but he was worried about Ocean. He couldn't bear if anything would happen to his Ocean. They visit the lake every day for 2 hours only and every time they were told to change their time to visit the lake. Zeus had visited home as well but only to recheck everything as he couldn't trust anyone blindly when it comes to Moon, Ocean and Zeus' family.

Ocean was sitting on the ground, a few feets away from the lake, and Moon went to swim in the lake. The guards were around but out of sight. Ocean was humming a song and looking at the beautiful lake in front of her. She felt someone's eyes on her. She looked around and found nobody. But this time she didn't brush it off because she knew last time, she was right. She stood up and looked around again.

Ocean: Hello, is anybody there?

Ocean asked and one of the guards heard her loud and clear. He quickly ran towards the lake. He came close to Ocean and sniffed the air.

Matt: Have you heard anything kid?

Matt, the guard asked Ocean while sniffing the air. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Ocean: I don't know, I felt like someone was watching me.

Matt: Maybe you're just feeling it?

Moon: No Matt, she's never wrong about these things.

Matt: Then we better get back home. I don't want anything to happen to any of you kids.

Moon nodded his head and quickly wore his clothes. He scooped Ocean in his arms protectively. Ocean quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. They started walking towards Jack's Villa. They first dropped Ocean then they went back home.

Ocean stepped into the house and found her Uncle Jack sitting in the living room alone. His face showed that he was worried about something. Ocean went to him, sat beside him and asked him.

Ocean: Are you okay uncle Jack?

Jack looked at his niece and forced a smile on his tired face.

Jack: Yes sweetheart, I'm fine.

Ocean: You don't look fine uncle, I'm worried about you.

Jack chuckled and patted her head lovingly.

Jack: Just work stress dear, nothing serious.

Ocean: I have noticed that you don't care for your health anymore. You are working all the time, always worried about something and you're having headaches very often. I'm not happy with all that.

Ocean said with a pout on her cute face. Jack chuckled and mentally awed seeing her care towards him.

Jack: It's okay dear. I'll be fine. I just need to finish this.

Ocean stood up and shut Jack's laptop.

Ocean: No, you are coming with me to your room and you are sleeping right now.

Jack: Baby I need to finish this please.

Ocean: No, I am not hearing a single word. Come on.

She grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him out of the living room. He gave up and didn't argue with her anymore. She pulled him into his room, made him lay down on his bed and started massaging his head. Her fingers started moving in circular motion and Jack closed his eyes, enjoying the massage. Soon, Jack was fully relaxed. It wasn't long when he was fast asleep. Ocean giggled when she heard her uncle snoring loudly. She stood up and went back to the living room. She opened his laptop, lucky, it wasn't locked. She quickly read all the papers and previous work Jack had completed. Ocean was a very smart girl. Her father had shown her and taught her so many things about handling important business works and sometimes, meetings as well. It took her 2 hours to complete Jack's presentation for his important business meeting. Once done, she rechecked her work, shut the laptop, ate her dinner and went to her room. She quickly showered and changed into her silky nighty. She crawled into her soft bed and closed her eyes. "Good night my Moon." She thought with a cute smile on her face. Soon, she fell asleep.


Moon went back to his mansion but froze at the door. He signalled Matt that he smelled strangers inside his house. Matt quickly ran to the door, opened it and sniffed around. Moon was right, some strangers were in the mansion. Matt instructed Moon to stay outside and he followed the stranger's scent he was sniffing. Moon stood by the door but he felt something was really wrong. Like his sixth sense telling him to follow Matt behind. And he did. Without making noise, Moon followed Matt. As he reached closer to the drawing room he heard his parents arguing with some strangers.

Maria: You can't do this to us. He thinks of us as his parents, his family. Please, I beg you. Don't take him away.

Strange male voice: I am sorry Mrs Kart but I can't leave my son here with you anymore. I am here to take him back.

Derek: You can't take him away from us like that. He is our son. We raised him with so much love.

Strange female voice: How can you keep our blood away from us. He is our flesh and blood. You know nothing about him.

Derek: Whatever, with just one call, I can throw you both out of our territory. So you better get out now and stay as far away as possible from our son.

Strange male voice: He is not your son. He is our son.

Maria: Where were you when he was dying? Where were you when we found him in that lake? We saved him, adopted him, cared for him, raised him like our own. We saved his life and you two were nowhere to be found.

Strange female voice: That doesn't mean he is yours now. We are his real parents and we are her to take our Moon back to his home, our home.

Moon: What are you talking about?

Moon roared in anger. His eyes were red and his both fists were in ball shape. He was controlling himself. He was angry because he heard someone threatening his parents.

Male stranger: Oh my God, look at you. You are all grown up. Look Linda, he's taller than me. I guess you won that bet, our son is taller than me.

Linda: Oh my baby, you have no idea how much we have missed you.

Moon: Who are you and why are you here?

Male stranger: Son, they haven't told…

Moon: Just answer the damn question I asked. Who are you?

Moon growled and both strangers took a step back.

Linda: We are your biological parents, son.

Moon: What nonsense? They are my biological parents.

Moon pointed towards Derek and Maria.

Male stranger: No son, they have lied to you all your life. You are our son and you belong to us.

Moon: Ma, Pa, kick these liers out of the house, Matt…

Moon called Matt but he didn't come. He looked at Maria who was crying.

Moon: Ma why are you crying? You know I will never leave you because of these liers. Listen to me both of you. I don't know who you are and I don't care what brought you here? But I am going to say this once, get out of this property or else you will regret it. You dare to make my Ma cry.

Moon was about to lunge himself on the stranger man when Derek said something that broke everything inside Moon.

Derek: They are your biological parents Moon. We adopted you.

Moon: What?

Moon turned around and went to his father. He grabbed his hand and asked him with teary eyes.

Moon: Pa, tell me you're joking. You both are joking, right?

Derek: No Moon. We are dead serious.

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