The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 10

Lauren’s POV

‘Well good news Lauren, you are free to go back to the pack house’ my doctor announces jovially as he walks into my room the next morning.

‘That is not carte blanche to jump head first back into training and patrol duty’ he adds sternly. ‘You still need to rest and let your body heal, but you can do that as well in your own room as you can here. I’ve already spoken to the Alpha and he has taken you off the roster for the next week at least where I want you to come for a check up and I’ll assess if you’re ready to go back to work.’

I nod, grinning widely, only caring about the fact I can finally leave the sterile environment of my hospital room and curl up in my own bed.

‘Can I at least work out?’ I ask, stretching out my arms which are already sore from lack of moment.

Dr Meadows nods, ‘you can do some light exercise’ he agrees gruffly, pointing his pen at me threateningly, ‘and I mean light Lauren. No weights, no ten mile runs around the pack and certainly no treadmill. You need to build yourself back up slowly or you will end up right back here again.’

I hold up three fingers, ‘I swear I will behave’ I promise, trying to look solemn but failing miserably as my grin forces its way onto my face again.

‘What about my memory?’ I ask hesitantly, ‘will everything come back soon?’ I have had visits from both of my brothers and their Mates, and I didn’t remember any of them. It was hard to look at the hurt in my brother’s eyes as they introduced themselves to me like the strangers they now are to me.

Dr Meadows sighs, placing my clipboard that he was writing on, down on the bed, ‘the mind is a funny thing Lauren’ he replies. ‘It might bring back your memories tomorrow, next week, or next year, but you need to accept that you may never get all your memories back. You took a nasty fall and did some serious damage that not even your wolf can heal for you. All I can tell you is to do things that are familiar to you, go to breakfast with the pack, walk around the forest, shift when Laila says you are OK to do so. If you feel something familiar, don’t fight it, just allow it to cultivate on its own until you remember it.’

I nod, swallowing down my disappointment, ‘I’ll try’ I’ll reply, because that’s all I really can do.

The doctor smiles, nodding his head toward a pile of clothes that my mother brought in for me yesterday. ‘Why don’t you get dressed, and I’ll link your parents to let them know that you are being discharged’ he offers. ‘Oh and no mind link unless absolutely necessary’ he adds warningly, ‘it might worsen your headaches from the concussion. Everyone has already been warned not to link you for anything less than an emergency by the Alpha, so make sure you follow that too.’

‘Yes sir’ I reply, saluting him cheekily as he rolls his eyes at me.

‘Just get dressed child and your parents will be along soon to help you back to your room’ he grouches before leaving me to sort myself out.

Throwing back the blanket, I gingerly sit up and move my legs over the side, allowing the dizziness to fade before attempting to stand. Other than going to the bathroom these last couple of days, I haven’t spent much time on my feet and my legs are like jelly.

I use the bed to support myself, hobbling around to the chair and reaching out for my underwear, jeans and top before collapsing back against the bed. Pulling at the tie behind my head, I let the gown fall down my arms, and replace it with my bra. Loping each of the straps over my shoulders I try to hook the back, growling angrily as my fingers refuse to work properly.

I’m about to give up entirely when the door swings open, ‘Ren, The doc said that you are being rele . . ‘

Tyler’s words taper off as I scream, slamming my hands over my chest, gripping the bra to my body, trying to cover myself.

‘Oh sh*t, sorry! Uhh . . I’ll just . . ‘ the warrior turns around, giving me his back as I quickly whip the offending item off and pull my t-shirt over my head.

‘Don’t you knock?’ I demand, tugging on my jeans quickly and doing up the button. ‘Is this what our friendship was like? You’d just walk in on me half dressed?’

‘No! I haven’t . . I wouldn’t . . ‘ he stammers, starting to turn again before stopping himself.

‘Whatever’ I storm, pulling on my socks and shoes, ‘why are you here anyway?’

Risking a peek, Tyler’s shoulder’s drop as he turns back to face me, ‘I was going to see if you needed help to get back to your room’ he mumbles uncomfortably.

I frown in confusion, ‘my parents are coming in a minute’ I reply, ‘they’ll help me.’

The warrior nods, his gaze bouncing around the room, ‘oh OK, well . . I thought I’d offer, just in case.’ He gives me an awkward smile before starting to turn around to leave.

Instinctively, I reach out a hand, unsure why I want to keep him here, but it seems I do, ‘thank you’ I call out quickly, making him turn back to me in surprise.

Taking a deep breath, I smile over at him, ‘thank you for the offer, I appreciate it’ I mutter softly, ‘you didn’t have to come over here to help me, I appreciate it.’

The warrior smiles, his face lighting up, damn he’s handsome! ‘I’ll always help you Ren’ he rumbles, ‘you are the most important person in my life.’

I feel myself blush, and turn away to hide my face, my tongue tying so I can’t reply.

‘I’m sorry I didn’t knock by the way’ he adds, ‘I forget that you don’t remember me, before . . all this, you had no qualms about stripping off and pulling on one of my shirts to watch a film in my bed with me.’

My blush deepens as I glance back at him in shock, ‘I did?’ I squeak.

Tyler nods, ‘yeah’ he breathes, ‘you never worried about me seeing . . . that,’ he waves a hand up and down my body.

My eyes widen, ‘umm, I don’t think you saw me as a guy’ he admits with a rough laugh, ‘we’ve slept in the same bed more times than I can count.’

‘Oh, OK’ I manage to reply, though I’m shocked, how did I not see this man as anything other than a man??

We’re saved from further conversation by the arrival of my parents, my mother hurrying to me as my father claps Tyler on the shoulder, asking him how he is. I can see that my dad is very fond of the warrior and the way they are together tells me that Tyler must indeed have spent most of his time around me and with my family.

‘Are you ready sweetie?’ mum asks, gathering up my discarded gown and starting to fold it before placing it on the bed.

‘Yeah, get me out of here’ I reply fervently.

My dad and Tyler chuckle, drawing my attention, ‘you never did like sitting around pumpkin’ my dad explains, ‘even when you were little, you were climbing trees or running through the forest just so you could keep moving.’

I shrug, taking his word for it, pushing myself up again onto my feet and taking a tentative step around the bed.

My feet drag on the floor slightly and I stumble, my hands coming up to cover my face to protect me from the impact that never comes. Two strong arms wrap around me, and I find myself crushed against a firm chest.

Looking up, those greeny, blue eyes are staring down at me worriedly, flickering over my face, checking me.

‘Are you OK?’ Tyler asks, his grip around my waist still tight.

‘Yeah, sorry, I’m a bit clumsy’ I laugh weakly, straightening up slightly as the warrior lets me go.

‘Maybe you should help her Ty’ my dad says, ‘we don’t need her getting another concussion when the first one isn’t even healed.’

‘No, no . . ‘ I start to protest.

‘Lauren, either Ty helps you or I carry you out of here in a fireman’s lift’ my dad warns me.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Meekly I nod, allowing the warrior to wrap an arm around my back, holding me to his side as we walk out of the room and down toward the reception area.

I try not to concentrate on the hard body that’s pressing against my soft one, or how his hands feel through my shirt. This is someone I saw as a friend, I must have a reason that I didn’t like him in that way.

Once outside, my mother starts to try and usher me toward their car and I slow my steps, glancing to our right where the pack house is.

‘The pack house is right there, why are we going in the car?’ I ask confusedly, ‘I can walk that far mum, honestly.’

My mum fusses around me, still trying to urge me forward, ‘don’t be silly dear, you are coming home with us’ she replies distractedly.

I plant my feet, turning on the older woman as she moves ahead of me to open the back door.

‘I’m not going to the house’ I say, ‘my room is in the pack house.’

‘You just got out of the hospital sweetie’ mum dismisses me, ‘you need to be taken care of.’

I shake my head, looking over at my father who is staring at the ground by his feet, yeah, they’ve already had this argument and my dad gave in.

‘I’m not going’ I repeat firmly, glaring at my mother until she turns to face me again.

‘Of course you are, now hurry up, we need to get you home and I’ll make you some soup’ mum tuts.

‘No’ I growl, pulling away from Tyler so I’m supporting myself, ‘the doctor said I need to take things easy and listen to my body. He did not say I needed to be on bed rest and have my mother making me soup.’

Mum’s hands go to her h**s and I prepare myself for the battle.

‘You were unconscious days ago Lauren, you need help’ she informs me.

‘My wolf has already healed all my scrapes and the bumps’ I retort, ‘I don’t need babying.’

‘Lauren Sparks, you will do as you are told’ my mother suddenly flares angrily.

My own temper rises and I cross my arms over my chest stubbornly, ‘no’ I repeat firmly.

We have a silent stare down until she turns to my father, ‘Greg’ she huffs pointedly.

‘Pumpkin’ my father sighs reluctantly.

Turning to him, I give him the same stubborn look I just gave my mother, ‘No.’

My father looks from me to his Mate and back again before shrugging, ‘Mary, she’s a grown wolf, we can’t force her.’

‘She’s still a child!’ my mother growls back, ‘she needs me!’

Realising my mum is close to tears, the anger leaves me and I hobble over to her, wrapping my arms around her.

‘I’ll always need you mum’ I murmur, ‘every day but I don’t need to be babied by you because I got hurt. I can look after myself and sleep in my bed, I can even wash my own hair and clothes. I promise, if I get in a pickle, you’ll be the first person I call to come and help me.’

My mum gives me a watery smile, ‘but I can’t link you’ she whispers, ‘what if you need help and you can’t reach me?’

I grin, ‘then I’ll scream blue murder for Tyler and he can link you’ I reply.

Mum laughs, wrapping her arms around me, ‘OK’ she whispers, ‘but you get Tyler to link me everyday with an update and you come for dinner tomorrow, no arguments.’

I nod, smiling down at her, ‘I promise I’ll be there, I’m sure Tyler will want to come over for peach cobbler.’

Mum’s eyebrows raise as she looks at me, ‘you remember the peach cobbler?’ she asks hopefully.

My face falls as I shake my head, ‘Tyler told me it’s his favourite? And mine is chocolate cake?’ I admit.

‘Oh’ mum murmurs sadly, ‘I thought . . ‘

‘I’m sure everyone’s favourite desserts will come back to me soon ma’ I soothe her, ‘and think of all the desserts you can make for me while I figure out which ones I like!’

My mum chuckles reluctantly, pushing me gently, ‘you’ she grumbles, ‘do you think I have nothing better to do with my time than make chocolate cake and cobbler?’

I wink, ‘nope’ I reply, ‘because I’m your baby so I get whatever I want.’

Giggling, my mother releases me, Tyler quickly stepping up to help me again as we wave to my parents as they climb into the car and drive away.

‘Come on, I’ll help you to your room’ Tyler mumbles, supporting me across the path and along the driveway to the front door.

Climbing the stairs, I’m secretly glad that the warrior has hold of me, just walking from the clinic to the pack house is enough to leave me exhausted. The more steps we take, the more I’m leaning on Tyler until with a grunt, he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me the rest of the way.

‘I can walk’ I mutter weakly.

‘Yeah, well my arm was falling asleep with your dead weight’ the warrior retorts, striding up the corridor until we stop outside my room.

Shifting me slightly, Tyler rummages in his pocket, pulling out a key and unlocking the door before carrying me inside and placing me on the bed.

Using my arms, I slide myself into the middle of the bed, leaning against the headboard as the warrior starts to remove my shoes for me.

‘So I gave you a key to my room?’ I ask, searching his face as he concentrates on his task.

‘No, Alpha gave me one after you got hurt’ he replies, I told him that I couldn’t find yours and worried that it was lost when you got hurt.’

‘Oh’ I reply, ‘so that is my key?’

Tyler peeks up at me, a wicked grin crawling across his face, ‘no’ he rumbles, ‘this is my key, this one is yours.’ He pulls a second key out of his pocket that has a bright pink keyring and two keys attached. ‘This one is for your room’ he states, pointing to the first, ‘and this one is for my room. I figured it was only fair that I get one for your room if you can just waltz into mine whenever you want . . and trust me you did.’

I don’t really know how to answer so instead I just reach out to take my keychain from him and place it beside my bed.

Standing up, he surveys me, ‘do you need anything else?’ he asks, at the shake of my head, he nods, hesitating for a second before stepping away from me. ‘OK, I’ll get going, you should probably get some sleep, just shout if you need anything . . or text me’ he adds, pointing to the phone on the bedside table. ‘Passcode is your birthday’ he adds before giving me a quick wave and leaving, shutting the door behind him.

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