The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 54

Isaac’s POV

It’s taken me two days, but I’ve finally sated myself enough with Raelyn to allow her to leave our bedroom. Omegas had taken to leaving food outside the door on a tray after even Hadley couldn’t get me to open the door.

Raelyn’s connection with her wolf has gotten stronger, she can now make out a hazy wolf shape in her mind and can see Raven’s dark green eyes through the darkness that surrounds her.

Raven’s conversations are also lasting longer before she has to recede back into the shadows, and we’ve discovered that Indigo has more success in pulling her forward than either myself of Raelyn do.

Tugging on a t’shirt, I walk out of our closet that now holds all of Raelyn’s clothes too, I got an Omega to pack her up when she was fast asleep on our second night and leave everything outside the room.

I smile as my gaze falls on my Mate who is perched on the edge of the bed, pulling on a pair of pink pumps to match the pink jumper she’s wearing over her jeans.

‘You look beautiful’ I growl, stalking toward her, my hands itching to touch her.

‘Nope!’ she scolds, warding me off, ‘keep your hands to yourself Beta.’

I pout, trying to grab her as she jumps up and evades me, ‘I only want a k**s’ I grumble.

The she wolf huffs disbelievingly, ‘no you don’t’ she retorts, ‘you might start with a k**s but the next thing I know, my clothes will be off and I’ll be on my back on the bed.’

‘Not necessarily’ I smirk, ‘you could be naked on top of me or beside me as I push in from behind . . ‘

‘Stop that!’ Raelyn’s face heats up as her eyes become hooded, ‘I want food! You will not distract me again, I want to eat with the pack.’

I huff loudly, shoving my hands in my pockets, ‘fine’ I grump, ‘but you have to make this up to me.’

Rae glances over her shoulder at me, her eyebrow raised, ‘I have to make up to you about eating breakfast with the pack?’ she asks incredulously.

‘No’ I reply, my smile growing as I approach her, take her hand, and press it against the e******n in my jeans, ‘you have to make up to me about making me eat breakfast with the pack with a hard on.’

Pecking a k**s to her lips, I reach around her and open the door, ushering her outside as she swallows, her eyes pinned to my crotch as she licks her lips.

‘Nuh uh’ I tease her, shaking my finger, ‘you said we have to eat with the pack today.’

‘We could be a little bit late’ she murmurs hesitantly.

Winking, I grab her hand in mine and pull her toward the stairs, enjoying her g***n of disappointment as we walk down toward the main entrance and turn into the dining room.

As we enter, a cheer rises around us, pack members jumping up to congratulate us and show respect to Rae as their new Beta female.

We give everyone a few minutes before I carefully extract my Mate and guide her to the food, grabbing two plates and piling them up as she glances around us nervously.

‘Come on’ I murmur, jerking my head toward the top table, ‘let’s go and eat.’

I head over to the Alpha table where Caden, Hadley and Jamie-Lee are already seated, Caden trying to pull Hadley into his lap as the Gamma snarls at him.

‘Always playing so hard to get’ Caden growls affectionately, ‘you know you love it when I take charge, do I need to tie your hands up again and run my tongue over . . ‘

‘Ahem!’ I clear my throat loudly, I do not need any more nightmares about these three and their sexcapades.

Looking up, Jamie-Lee squeals excitedly as she jumps to her feet and hurries around the table, pulling Raelyn into a tight hug.

‘I can’t believe it! Welcome to the family’ she gushes, her grip so tight on my Mate that the she wolf gives me a pleading look.

‘OK Jamie bear, can you not try and strangle my Mate? I only just found her, I’d like to keep her around for a while longer’ I growl, as I place our plates on the table before forcibly removing my sister from Raelyn.

‘I’m just so happy’ Jamie-Lee wails, beaming at me for a second before her lower l*p wobbles and she bursts into tears.

‘Jamie Bear?’ I call out worriedly as I grab my sister and pull her into my chest, my oldest sister clinging to me like a koala as I glare at both her Mates, neither of whom have moved from their seats.

‘Your Mate is crying assholes, wanna do something about it?’ I hiss at the pair.

Hadley points his fork at Caden, don’t blame me man, this one is down to him’ he replies as my best friend grins proudly.

It takes me a minute before my eyes widen and I unwrap from my sister, pushing her back a step so I can study her.

‘Again?’ I sigh as Raelyn watches on in confusion.

‘It’s them, they keep catching me off guard’ my sister pouts, wiping at her eyes, ‘we’re pretty sure it’s a boy, I always seem to cry when I’m carrying a boy, that’s why Hadley thinks he’s not to blame’ she adds with a scowl at her mate who shrugs.

‘I only make girls’ he replies, winking at my sister, ‘Caden’s the one who gives you babies that make you cry.’

‘Mum’s going to be a nightmare’ I grumble, ‘I thought you were all done after the sixth?’

Jamie-Lee growls in annoyance, ‘we were’ she huffs, ‘well, that’s what we decided’ she adds with another scathing look at her Mates, neither of whom seem at all worried.

‘Umm, well congratulations’ Raelyn murmurs from beside us, ‘a baby, that’s amazing.’

I shake my head, letting my sister go and wrapping an arm around Rae instead, ‘trust me, it’s not, this is their seventh. My mother is going to be on at all of us now, every damn time one of them gets pregnant, everyone else gets mink links demanding when were going to follow suit.’

Rae laughs, shaking her head, ‘well, I trust that you’ll field those questions’ she replies.

Ushering her to the Beta female seat, I help the she wolf into her seat, feeling a rush of pride that the chair beside me is no longer empty. No one has sat in that chair since my father stepped down, meaning my mother also vacated her position, it feels good to have it filled at last.

I pour Raelyn some juice out of the jug in front of us before serving myself, getting an appreciative smile as Jamie-Lee starts to blubber again, sitting on Hadley’s lap as he rubs a hand soothingly up and down her back.

‘Seriously dude, can you keep your hands off my sister just for a little while’ I grumble at Caden who is sat next to me.

My best friend chuckles, ‘not a chance mate’ he replies happily, ‘I told you years ago, I’m going to keep putting pups in her until my d**k breaks.’

‘Thanks for the visual’ I mutter in disgust.

‘Anytime’ the Alpha retorts, clapping me on the shoulder. Leaning closer, he lowers his tone, ‘I’m happy for you though mate, you kept your faith in the Goddess and she came through for you.’

I nod, shovelling food into my mouth, damn I’m hungry.

‘What I want to know is why did Raelyn’s wolf never reach you before?’ Jamie-Lee suddenly muses, ‘you’ve been to their pack many times over the years, even as an Omega, Raelyn’s wolf should have reached the pack house.’

I swallow my mouthful, glancing at Raelyn who meets my gaze before slowly putting her fork down on the plate and turning toward our Luna.

‘He never heard me because I’ve never called out before’ she admits quietly, ‘this was the first time I’ve ever attended a claiming.’

My sister’s mouth drops open as Caden turns to face me, frowning in confusion.

‘This is a conversation for your office’ I mutter under my breath to my friend who nods curtly, all of us finishing our breakfast in silence before trailing up the stairs to the Alpha’s office.

Once inside, Caden takes his seat, pulling Jamie-Lee into his lap as Hadley perches on the desk beside him, the three waiting for Raelyn and I to take a seat and explain.Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

I glance at Rae, silently asking her if she’d like me to take the lead, she nods at me imperceptibly, sinking back into her chair as twists her fingers together in her lap.

‘Raelyn has never been to a claiming’ I start with a sigh, ‘because she didn’t have a wolf.’

All three of the people in front of me straighten up, Hadley’s gaze on Raelyn as Caden and Jamie-Lee start to shout loudly.

Holding up a hand, I try to quiet them both, ‘if you shut up, I’ll explain’ I growl in annoyance.

As the Alpha and Luna settle down, I proceed to fill them in on everything that happened, how Rae’s wolf was trapped, which meant she was unaffected by our auras as it’s our wolves that submit not the human. I include all the bits that Raelyn filled me in on too, like her visit from the Goddess and how my mark seems to have broken through the cage around Raelyn’s wolf.

‘So it’s not our wolves that call out?’ Jamie-Lee asks in surprise.

I shake my head, ‘no, it’s our souls, which I suppose makes sense as we are all half a soul. Alpha Grant thought he was protecting Rae by hiding her during the Claiming, he didn’t know that by keeping her out of the Moonlight that he was in fact stopping her from finding me. Everyone at her pack believed she was wolfless, and just like us, that you need a wolf to call for her Mate.’

‘That’s amazing’ my sister breathes, turning toward Raelyn, ‘and you can hear your wolf now? She talks to you?’

Raelyn nods, ‘sometimes’ she replies, ‘she’s still weak but I can now get like a blurry image of her in my mind and I know she has green eyes like me. Every time Isaac and I . . .’ she blushes, dropping her gaze as I smirk at my sister’s wrinkled nose.

‘Eww, pregnant she wolf, please don’t tell me about my brother doing anything’ she g****s.

‘Pay backs a b***h isn’t it sis’ I goad.

‘Anyway’ Raelyn continues, giving me a warning look, ‘we’re hopeful that the stronger our bond grows the more Raven will be able to emerge.’

Caden nods, ‘well keep us informed, I want to know about any changes to your wolf’s state’ he growls.

‘Yes Alpha’ Raelyn replies bowing her head slightly, making us all look at her in surprise.

‘What?’ she asks, looking around at us all.

‘You bowed to Caden’ I reply, ‘was that something you chose to do?’

My Mate blinks in surprise, slowly shaking her head, ‘no’ she whispers, ‘I didn’t even know I did it.’

Hadley nods curtly, ‘her wolf is definitely coming through, she can feel Caden’s presence, her wolf desires to show respect to her Alpha.’

Raelyn worries her l*p as she looks at me, ‘but I’m still not a part of the pack, not officially’ she mutters.

Caden shakes his head, ‘you are marked by our Beta’ he explains, ‘even without a connection directly to me, your wolf recognises me as the Alpha of your Mate and instinctively wants to show me respect. Once we initiate you into the pack officially, you’ll feel the connection to me and Leeway much more strongly.’

Raelyn nods, frowning slightly, ‘umm, I never got to ask, but what about Lance?’ she asks uncertainly. ‘I obviously want to stay with Isaac, but I feel bad that Lance might be stuck at my old pack and want to come home . . ‘

A dominant growl leaves me, as I grab her hand instinctively, ‘MINE!’ the word bursts out of me as Indigo lets himself surface.

Our Mate smiles, reaching out to cup my face, ‘I’m not leaving you Indigo’ she promises, ‘I’m just asking about Lance.’

My wolf simmers down, receding back into my mind as I take control fully again, feeling a little embarrassed.

‘Lance has already informed me that he wishes to stay with his new pack’ Caden replies to Raelyn’s question. ‘From what I understand, things are going well with Mercedes and though she’s hot headed, she couldn’t fight off the advances of her Mate for more than a week.’

Raelyn’s face clears as she smiles happily, ‘oh good’ she replies, ‘I really wanted them to work out, and not just so I could stay here’ she adds, squeezing my hand.

‘OK, well if that’s it, I’m taking my Mate back to bed’ I announce, standing up as my sister pulls a face.

‘Good idea, I think I’ll take mine too’ Caden replies, helping my sister to her feet, the three of them laughing at me now it’s my turn to look nauseous.

‘A*****e’ I mutter, flipping my best friend off which just makes him laugh harder as I usher Raelyn out of the room and back down the stairs to our bedroom.

Shutting the door behind me, I flick the lock, my gaze fixated on my Mate as she watches me with nervous anticipation. ‘Now, just how are you going to make up this morning to me?’ I ask, prowling toward her.

Her eyes light up with mischief as the sexy she wolf licks her lips, her gaze raking down my body before she slowly sinks to her knees, tugging at the belt around the waist of my jeans, making me g***n.

Pulling me out of the confined of my boxers, Raelyn looks up at me through those long lashes before opening her mouth and sliding her lips over my c**k.

Cradling the back of her head, I shut my eyes, losing myself in the warmth of her mouth, if this is how my Mate is going to make things up to me, she can upset me any day.

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