The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 47

Raelyn’s POV

I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous before, I’m sat beside Isaac in his truck as we make our way toward his mother’s house who has kindly offered to help me get ready for my very first Claiming.

I’ve spent the last week going back and forth, part of me wanting to take part, feel the magic of being out in the woods with the other women, wondering, just as Isaac did, will I be able to hear them calling out. The other half of me thinks its insane, I have no wolf, I’m going to sit out there, alone, unprotected waiting for something that can never happen.

I glance over at Isaac, he’s barely spoken to me today, in fact he’s avoided me pretty much since he came to tell me that his mother had agreed to help me prepare for tonight. I want to reach out and touch him but I’m scared too, after how close we got, the connection we built over the last month, this claiming feels like a gulf between us.

I know he’s being chivalrous, believes that if I do have a mate, that they should be given the chance to hear me. I’m not even sure, that on the minute chance I can call out somehow, that I want this unknown man to answer. I want the man beside me, the warrior, the kind hearted soul who looks like his world is ending but is still driving me there, still offering me silent support.

Everything is against us, his rank, my lack of wolf, this shadow of a possible fated mate, but still I can’t help wanting him.

As we round the corner that will take us to his parent’s house, I stare out of the window at the darkening sky. A flutter of excitement bursts within me just for the knowledge that for the first time in so many years I will get to see the full moon. Just like every other werewolf, I have an affinity to our Goddess and a desire to bathe in her light. It’s been so long that I don’t even remember what I was doing when I last saw the moon at it’s fullest. Maybe that was the year that we were camping out in the living room of Alpha quarters with the Luna. She left the curtains open so we could all see the Moon shining down as Alpha Grant led the Claiming Ceremony. I remember that the Luna let us all build a fort out of blankets, chairs and pillows, where we stayed all night talking about the Claiming and how exciting it would be to take part.

My head jerks to look at Isaac as the truck slows to a stop, the lights from the Sparks residence glowing from the downstairs windows, through the slits in the blinds that are already drawn.

Silently, Isaac cuts the engine, pulling the keys from the ignition but makes no attempt to climb out of the cab. Nervously, I sit beside him, waiting for him to say something, even if it’s to tell me to get out.

‘I hate this’ he suddenly mutters, just loud enough for me to hear him, ‘I shouldn’t, but I do.’

I nod sadly, ‘me too’ I reply, wishing I could tell him to just turn around and take me back, pretend I’ve been through the Claiming before and let us work out a way to be allowed what we want. I don’t though because I know it won’t do any good, even if I convinced him, he’d just feel terrible about possibly costing me a fated mate and would bring me back next time. I know that there would be a next time too as I already know that when asked, I’m going to say that I want to stay here at Diamond Star pack

I’ve found somewhere that I actually feel like I belong, and not just because of Isaac, but because of the people here. They treat me like a normal wolf, expect me to do the same work as any other Omega and don’t get surprised when I can. Everyone has been welcoming and no one treats my rank as lesser people, not even the Alpha. I love it here and though I miss my old pack desperately, I don’t want to go back there.

‘We need to go in’ Isaac sighs, staring at his hands that are clenched in his lap, ‘it’s getting dark, you need to be inside before the Moon comes up.’

I nod again, not trusting myself to speak as I turn toward my door and reach for the handle.

A calloused hand wraps around my wrist, stilling my hand as I glance back at Isaac who looks at me with despair that rips me apart.

‘Rae . .’ he croaks out brokenly, seconds before he tugs me to him, crushing his lips to mine in a desperate and frenzied battle that I let him win without argument. I sink into his embrace as he wraps his arms around me, battling my tongue with his own, as though he’s trying to imprint himself on me. The Beta has no worry though as no matter what happens, I’ll never forget him and I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving him.

Pulling back reluctantly, Isaac rests his forehead on mine, his chest heaving as much as my own as we try to catch our breath.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

‘I love you Rae’ he whispers, refusing to look at me, ‘always will.’

‘I love you too’ I reply, blinking back tears, refusing to cry and make this harder on us both.

Slowly, the Beta releases me, turning abruptly and opening his door, climbing out and hurrying around to my side to help me out, just as he always does.

Once on my feet, Isaac slips his hand into mine, squeezing it once before leading me up to the front door and pushing it open.

Mary-Anne jumps up from her seat on the couch, her face excited as she hurries over to us.

‘Oh you’re here!’ she gushes, ‘and early! I swear my girls had to be forced to be at the Claiming on time! Well with Jamie-Lee, she wasn’t overly keen on a mate so it wasn’t surprising, but Bailee!’ The woman throws her hands up in despair, ‘I almost went mad with how long she needed to curl her hair to her own standards. Now I’m all for making a good impression but we are all still just sat in a forest, the wind is going to mess with your hair no matter what you do with it!’

I smile automatically, nodding along even though I’m paying more attention to the man beside me who dropped my hand as soon as we entered than to his mother.

‘OK Isaac, time for you to go’ Mary-Anne orders, making a shooing motion at the Beta and steps forward so he has to back up toward the door. ‘This is girl time, no boys allowed!’

Holding his hands up, Isaac dutifully walks backward to the door, reaching behind him for the door knob as his gaze finds mine, holding me in place.

Clearing his throat, the Beta forces a smile, ‘good luck tonight Raelyn’ he rumbles, ‘I . . I hope everything works out in the way that gives you happiness.’

I swallow hard as I force a smile of my own, understanding what he’s saying to me. He hopes if I find my mate that the man will give me a perfect life, and if not that, we can find a way to maybe be together.

Turning quickly, the Beta opens the door, slipping out through the gap and shutting it firmly behind him, not looking back. I stand and listen as the truck rumbles to life, the engine revving slightly before the sound of crunching stones lets everyone know that Isaac has pulled away from the front of the house. My legs refuse to move, my ears straining, listening to the last sounds of the engine, as Isaac leaves me behind, possibly for the last time.

‘Come on sweetheart’ Mary-Anne murmurs softly, touching my arm, making me start. Facing her, I find her watching me, a flicker of understanding in her eyes as she pats my arm affectionately. ‘Lets go upstairs’ she says, ‘I took the liberty of buying you a dress, I didn’t know if you had one yet and honestly, I’ve missed the whole Claiming night excitement. I only got to do one with Jamie-Lee and then Bailee found her mate after six months . . it’s fine if you don’t want to wear what I picked, it can be returned, I just thought . . maybe, as your mom isn’t here . . I could maybe . . ‘ The woman trails off uncertainly as I stone lodges in my throat and I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly.

‘Thank you’ I whisper, ‘I would love to wear your dress! And I would be really grateful if you’d do the mom stuff with me.’ I straighten up, wiping at my eyes that are now wet, ‘I have no idea what I’m supposed to do, I didn’t even know I needed a dress, I was going to wear this’ I admit, waving a hand down at the modest floral patterned dress I’m wearing.

Mary-Anne tuts loudly, ushering toward the stairs, ‘sweetheart! You are stunning obviously and this dress is perfect for a nice dinner out, but this is your Claiming! You want to wear something glamourous, something with a wow factor.

I allow the woman to steer me up the stairs and into a room that seems to be a guest room with a light airy feel to it.

‘Sit here’ Isaac’s mother orders, pushing me onto a stool in front of a vanity and starts opening pallets and bags that are crammed full of make up, sprays and hair accessories.

‘Lauren!’ Mary-Anne yells loudly as she pulls out a brush and starts to gather my hair into a ponytail.

‘No need to yell mom, I’m right here’ Isaac’s youngest sister grumbles as she stalks in.

‘Hurry up and get the curling iron plugged in’ Mrs Sparks orders, ignoring the twenty year old as she rolls her eyes but does as she’s told.

‘Sorry Rae’ she whispers to me as she leans over to push the plug into the wall, ‘she’s about to go crazy mom on you, there is nothing I can do to save you. I hope you already showered because she isn’t above walking into the bathroom to make sure you’re washing every nook and cranny.’

I giggle, covering my mouth as I peek over at Mary-Anne who is holding up two lipsticks, frowning in concentration.

‘Umm, yes I already showered in my room’ I say loud enough for the older woman to hear me.

Mary-Anne turns to me beaming widely, ‘you did?’ she asks happily, ‘well that makes everything a lot easier, we can get right on with getting you ready, now shut your eyes and try not to move. Lauren, eyeshadow, no not that one, the other one, over there! Chop chop.’

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