The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#3—Chapter 5

The room was too stuffy. I was too hot. I felt there was a massive stuffed bear enveloping me. And sure enough, as soon as my eyes fluttered open, the sight that hit me was of Giovanni’s alluring face. Of course, I shouldn’t say it was a bear. In fact, panther was the better word.

Jet-black hair clung to his cheeks while he slept; I could take a picture of his face and stare at it all day, and still I wouldn’t get bored. Though he looked totally different when he was fully awake, with his hair sleeked back, personifying the ultimately ruthless mafia boss.

In this peaceful state, he looked charming and tamed. But really, this was just his disguise. In bed, he was a beast, constantly consuming me until I melted. He was tempting, alluring, to the point I couldn’t breathe.

I inhaled fresh oxygen just to tame my heart when I thought about last night and the many times we made love. I had to count with two hands the number of times we did it, and that was only in the span of three days. Gosh, how my life had turned around.

Three days ago, I became Giovanni’s lover. He was convinced I was his Jennifer, though inside I wasn’t so sure. I had amnesia from an accident when I was six. I couldn’t remember anyone from my past. But Giovanni was not swayed by my lack of memory.

Then again, how could I refuse the chocolate cake I’d been dreaming about when it was offered right in front of me. Not that I was greedy or anything. When one hardly received the love from one’s parent, then one would do anything to receive love. And that was what Giovanni was to me. He’d given me this love. I would be stupid to run away from it.

Just having him beside me was enough. Looking at him like this, staring at him while he slept, I was happy.

Giovanni’s arms and legs suddenly became animated, folding over my body and squashing me against the mattress.

Gosh! He really was one heavy man. I could hardly breathe in this position.

I shoved him off, having had enough of his overbearing weight on me. But crap! His arm had a mind of its own. It slung over me and now was enveloping my belly.

What do I do? I really needed to get out of here. Pronto! Plus, with my full bladder, I had an urgent need to pee.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I gingerly pulled out of his embrace again. And just when I was about to break free, a hand hauled me back until I was crushed against his solid chest. A deep chuckle resonated beside my ear.

Calm down my heart, I told myself, when I heard Giovanni growling in my ear.

“Where do you think you’re going, my little bunny?”

Bunny? When did I graduate from lover to a pet?

“To the loo. Urgently need to pee.”

He made a sour face. “Why do you need to pee so often. Be quick and come back as soon as you are done.”

Who was I kidding? Of course, I wouldn’t come back. Not when he was suffocating me with his bear-back hugs.

I bolted out of bed.

“Be quick, Jay, or I’m coming after you,” he threatened me from under the bedcover.

I poked my tongue out and quickly picked up a white shirt. Well, his white shirt to be exact. I couldn’t find my clothes among this mess on the floor.

Last night, due to our vigorous exercises, all of our clothes were scattered on the floor. Damn, Giovanni destroyed them all. He owed me another set.

Donning his shirt, I rushed to the hallway bathroom and did my business, making plans already to creep back to my closet bedroom after I was done. There was no way I was going back to his bedroom. The beast was just waiting for his little prey to return before he would attack me again.

As soon as I finished my business, I washed my hands and was about to exit when…

Hell! I was gobsmacked by my personal appearance. I looked like a golden bride on the night of her wedding. I was literally covered in bite marks, kiss marks, or whatever marks Giovanni liked to imprint on my body. If he were a wolf and I was his mate, I would assume he’d marked me so no other men could get a taste of me…

Of course, this was just my fantasy talking.

I stayed and examined my body further. God, what had he done to my face? I was glowing; a radiant aura I’d never seen before in the mirror. It was almost like I was no longer stressed with life. Guess morning exercises really did have some benefits.

Talking about stress, it wasn’t like I was never stressed with life. It was just I didn’t know how to show it. Who knew I was this good at hiding my feelings? When Pa and Amelia ran off with Giovanni’s three million dollars, I was up to my eyeballs in stress. Luckily, Giovanni took me in as his maid, or should I say his lover now, as collateral.

“Jay, are you done?”

Giovanni’s voice snapped me back to reality.

“Boss, is that you?”

“Who do you think it is? Do you have another lover hiding in the closet?”

There he goes again. All he could think about were foolish thoughts. As if I could have another lover when my dream of having him in bed had already come true.

“Do you need to use the bathroom? I’m almost done,” I said to the door.

Although, thinking about it now, why didn’t he just use his own bathroom.

“No, Jay. I want you out of that bathroom and into my bed. Now! No compromise.”

“Then another minute,” I bargained.

“Thirty seconds. And that’s all I’m giving you. Or else, I’m smashing the door down.”

I giggled to myself, the image of the mafia boss smashing the door. It was so hilarious I chuckled out loud.

“What are you laughing at? Open the door, now!” Giovanni banged at the door again.

I tsked at the door and shook my head. I quickly washed my hands and peeked my head out. From head to toe Giovanni was naked, and my gaze just happened to land on his banana. Or should I say, his male anatomy.

“You like my dick too much, Jay, so for that, let me give it to you.”

“No, Boss. It’s okay.” I quickly brushed him off. But he wouldn’t let me go. I tried to wiggle out of his embrace, but nothing I did could withstand his strength. The man was a legendary brute. He held on to me like a damned clamp. “Boss, I’m serious. You’ve already had your fill. Please let me go. I have an exam today.”

“Not before completing your morning duty.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t forget to make you and the guys coffee.” Face all scrunched up against his hard chest, my eyes looking upward just to meet his gaze, I gave him my million-dollar smile. “Now, if you could be so kind as to… Ahhhhh…”

I was jerked out of my sentence. Giovanni, that devilish mafia boss, actually touched me, in my lady spot.

“Boss, where are you touching me?” I screeched in surprise.


“No, Boss. I don’t want to hear it. Now, let me go.” I fought him off. But my strength was no match to his. I was trapped, right in his embrace.

“No fucking way,” he growled next to my ear. “You are one fucking adorable bunny, especially when you wear my shirt. From now on, that’s your new pajamas. I’ll fill up your closet with all my shirts, and you’ll wear one every night for me.”

“No need, Boss. I don’t want to wear your shirt.” With my legendary slippery eel technique, I’d managed to squeeze out of his embrace, making a small sprint to my closet bedroom. But with his quick stride, he caught up to me in no time.

Jerk. Snap. Shut. And I was right back in his bedroom, stuck between a rock and a hard place. The hard place was the wall behind me. And the rock…

Well, the rock was his banana, right in front of me.

“It’s your bloody fault for wearing my shirt. Now my dick is hard, again. Who’s going to take responsibility for my state? You’d better do something about it.”

“No more, Boss, no more. Let go….”

Why did I even beg for mercy? I already knew he wouldn’t listen to me. He literally tackled me onto the soft fur mattress and made love to me again. This was our morning exercise. By the time we were done, I was totally fizzled.

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