The Maid: Mafia Romance (Series)

#2—Chapter 16

I’m Your Chocolate

“L isten up, Jay. I’ll say this once again. I’m right here. Right in front of you. So, what are you waiting for? I’m your chocolate cake. Come taste me,” said the man with his arms wide open, waiting for me to come to him.

One second ticked by. Two seconds, then three. My heart thumped dramatically, yet I still didn’t move from my spot. My eyes were mesmerized by him, captivated by him, and totally drawn to his dark, demonic look.

He resembled a devil, the black devil who resided in hell. His black hair didn’t soften his dark look one bit, nor did his large round eyes; so black, like obsidian, that with just one look I knew he could see straight to my soul.

He was a dark and dangerous man. One wrong move could spell the death of me. But yet, I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, a fly who’d prepared to meet its death. He was my dark chocolate cake I’d been craving since I first saw him. He was the man who’d appeared in my dreams. And now here he was, offering himself to me.

How could I not accept him? The temptation before me was too strong. Even when I tried biting my lips and squeezing my eyes shut, willing this image of him to disappear from my mind, wanting this throbbing need inside me to pass, each second that ticked by only heightened my curiosity to taste him.

One small bite. Just one small bite. What will he taste like? I want to know. I really want to know.

I fluttered my eyes open, decision made. I gazed over him once more. His image before me was flushed with a dark curtain of desire. And once again, I was struck by his powerful aura. Through my dazed state, I lost track of time. By what fortune was this beautiful Adonis before me.

I slowly sat up, fingers drawn to him like magnets. I caressed his jawline, along his temple, and slowly to his straight, firm lips. He captured my finger and slipped it into his mouth, sucking that single digit and swirling it around his tongue.

Something hot radiated from my core, sending a thousand shudders through my body, and I moaned softly. My need for him was so intense it had my mind spinning.

I’m sorry, Jennifer, for taking your beloved Giovanni from you, but tonight, let me taste him, let me experience what it’s like to be loved by him.

“Gio, handsome boy,” I mewed, that phrase rasping from my mouth. “What do you taste like? I want to know.”

“My little Jennifer.” He cupped my cheek in response. He kissed me, lightly molding his lips to mine, while his fingers crushed into my brown tresses, holding me firmly, our kisses increasing in pressure and intensity.

Hot. I was boiling hot. My skin flushed red, droplets of perspiration dotting my brows. This room was too hot.

“Giovanni,” I mewed in between our kisses. “I’m hot.”

Giovanni took it as his cue to remove my clothing. I shied away from this sight, closing my eyes as he unbuttoned my nightdress, those buttons coming undone by Giovanni’s expert fingers.

“Don’t look away. You’re beautiful.” He huffed into my ear, urging me to open my eyes and look at my own body.

I shook my head, farther burrowing into the crook of his neck.

I didn’t want to see myself naked. I was too embarrassed. This whole love-making business was already too intimidating, not to mention this was my first time lying naked in front of the man I’d been admiring since I lived here.

“Jay,” he whispered, blowing soft air into my ear. “Open up and look at me. Look at me when I make love to you.”

“Giovanni.” I called him again, voice almost lost at the expression he presented. He no longer looked dangerous, just a man who craved the love of his woman. I clung to him, needing his support. He was my pillar tonight, the pillar that would keep me sane during this turbulent storm. “Please be gentle with me.”

“I won’t hurt you, Jay. You’re my Jennifer. I want your first time to be special.” Giovanni cupped my face again, forehead plastered to mine. His deep, dark eyes locked with mine. In those eyes were words that spoke of love. “Just look at me. Look only at me. Don’t think or look anywhere else. Focus only on me. Give me your love, and I’ll protect you with my life.”

I smiled, nodded my head, and brought my lips to close over his again. This time, as he inched my nightdress off and over my head, I looked at myself, at the way he ran his fingers up and down my flat belly, at the way he was so focused on my breasts, kissing the skin near my nape and lovingly running his fingers through my brown locks again.

We kissed again and again. I didn’t know how long we kissed. Yet his lips always came back to mine after exploring my body. Giovanni seemed to enjoy every second he spent with me, and I was pleased and thought that maybe he did find me beautiful.

I was aware of the light flutter of his fingers as he walked them to rest between my thighs. Suddenly, he changed tactics, slipping one finger into my core. I arched back at the sudden intrusion.

Giovanni’s lips came back to mine again, cutting off my protest. He whispered incoherent words into my ear, words of beauty, of need, and my body shuddered even more. I vaulted against him, happily offering myself to him.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Giovanni smiled, fingers working me again. He increased his pressure and thrust. Flames burst from my core, rendering me speechless.

I was lost in this intoxicating maze. That finger inside me rocked my core, making me scream out nonsense I didn’t know existed.

Was this what Giovanni meant when he said mating was such a fun experience? This overwhelming sensation, to lose one’s ability to speak, but at the same time gain such a hypersensitive reaction to everything around you. That was what I felt. The soft blanket beneath my sensitive skin. The heavy panting of his breath, and the perspiration on his forehead.

“Gio…” I bit my lips and shuddered again. “Um-ugh.”

Those sounds. Were they really coming from me? Did I really make those sounds?

My first taste of the beautiful mafia boss, Giovanni Dente… He was so sweet, the most delicious chocolate cake I’d ever tasted. No longer would I be afraid to eat this cake again. No longer would I talk myself out of tasting him. He was everything I’d dreamed of and more. My mind went numb, the sweetness of his poison kisses drugging my senses, and in that moment, in my dazed state, I couldn’t remember who I was.

Was I still his maid? Or was I his lover? What would happen to Pa’s debt now?

But those thoughts were temporarily lost as I felt a sharp sting when Giovanni pushed himself into me.

I screamed, but Giovanni was fast, sealing my mouth with his kiss again, diverting my mind from that pain until slowly, that slow burn turned to something else; a fierce, hot pleasure that stole my breath away.

Each kiss, each thrust he bestowed upon me had me thinking of how I’d ever come to be in this position, to be made loved to in this gentle manner. And for once in my life, my worries concerning Pa, Amelia, and my life as a college student shattered into nothingness. For once, I was able to break free from this burden and relax against those strong arms and gentle body that promised to protect me forever.

Giovanni. The more I knew him, the deeper I fell into his trap of desire. And right now was one of those times. Those kisses, those soft whispered words of love, they only made my heart soften even more for him.

This beautiful man, I loved him. How did I ever think he was brutal? The way he kissed left me spellbound. The way he whispered nonsensical words had my stomach in knots. I knew right then I could never return to being just his normal maid and coffee machine again. During that final moment, when everything ceased to exist but just him and me, I prayed I was Giovanni’s real lover, his Jennifer, so I wouldn’t have to leave his side ever again. And with that thought and his final push, I cried out his name. Sated and in his arms, I fell into a deep slumber.

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