The Mafia Contract Series

Chapter 11

It feels good having Winter where she belongs–with me. I can keep an eye on her and make sure she’s happy-for now, at least.

I didn’t like the secret looks she shared with Flynn, or the way Alessandro looked at her when he thought nobody was looking. I’ll deal with them in my own way, but for now, we must settle her in.

“I’ll come with you and help get your stuff.”

She looks at me with a flash of anger in her eyes. “I don’t need your help.”

“I don’t care. You’re getting it, anyway.”

Turning to my friends, I say quickly, “Malik, Ivan, I could use some help.”

I stare at Flynn and Alessandro with a warning in my eyes and I can tell they note it because Flynn just smirks, and Alessandro looks resigned.

As we head off to the freshman block, Winter walks beside me, and Malik and Ivan walk behind us.

She sighs, “I need to speak to Emma. You must let me go in first. She’s going to freak out when I tell her what’s happening.”

“If you like.” I’m bored already and could do without the added complication of her roomie, especially with Flynn in the same house and almost as if she can read my mind, she says urgently, “Keep Flynn away from Emma. What is it with him, anyway?”

“You tell me. You’ve shared cozy conversations already. Ask him yourself.”

“Does that upset you, Angelo?”

There’s a hint of humor in her voice, and I shrug. “Keep away from him.

He’s volatile.”

“Aren’t we all?” She sighs and I feel my heart ache for the childhood she never had. The weary way she speaks, and the lost look in her eyes. Winter deserves better than the life mapped out for her, which is the driving force behind my actions.

We reach her room and I hang back with my friends waiting in the shadows with a terse, “You have five minutes, then we’re coming in.”

She doesn’t answer me and heads inside and Malik leans against the wall and laughs softly. “Oh, to be a fly on the wall. That girl will be scared shitless.”

“I don’t care. She’s company for Winter, that’s all.”

“And Flynn?”

“Will stay away if he knows what’s good for him. Nothing must ruin this friendship for Winter. She needs that girl more than anything right now.”

“Then I’ll leave it up to you to tell him because we all know Flynn works to his own agenda and wouldn’t give a fuck if she was the Queen of England and he wanted to go there.”

I watch a group of guys heading toward us and look with interest at Baron and his three friends. They stop a short distance away and Baron grins.

“Hey, it’s not like you to hang around freshmen.” He smirks, and I sigh.

“Just helping my sister relocate.”

“Your sister, I heard something about that.”

He smiles and I roll my eyes. “You fucking knew already, don’t pretend otherwise. In fact, I’m guessing there’s not a lot you don’t know about, Baron.”

His friends laugh and Max nods. “He’s got your number.”

I look at Max with curiosity because there is something about him that sets him apart from the rest. It’s almost as if he’s protected by them, and I’m not sure why. I know he has more money than anyone I know, and yet there is no knowledge of his parents, or where he even lives. His two other friends always flank him as if they’re his bodyguards or something and I decide to dig a little deeper with Baron when he next comes calling. He always does, mainly in the early hours. Sometimes for cards, other times just to hang out, but when we’re off the rails, he appears to like it more. Baron has a dark side that doesn’t sit well with his friends and he could prove to be a valuable ally in the future.

“Do you need a hand?”

He nods toward the block, and I shake my head. “We’re good thanks.”

“Then we’ll be off. We have a party tonight and should be there before the guests, at least.”

They pass and as they move into the distance, Ivan says with interest, “They have the best-looking women at their parties. I may head there myself;

I need some action tonight.”

“Like you’d be welcome.” Malik snorts. “You’d stick out like a bad smell.”

“Then I’ll head into town. I need something to take the edge off.”

I look at him sharply. “What happened?”

Malik catches my eye and for the first time, I see Ivan has something on his mind that I’ve missed because I’ve been so preoccupied with Winter.

Ivan shakes his head. “Gregor wants me home; he’s trying to arrange it.”

“You never said, since when?”

“This morning, I got a text.”

“Do you think he’s messing with your head again?” Malik voices what we both suspect, because Gregor is always threatening to pull Ivan out of Rockwell. He hates his association with us, and I know he grills Ivan for information on our families and has told him to spy on us for him. Most of the time we feed him duff information for fun and Ivan takes great pleasure when his uncle fucks up at our hand. Malik is clever though, and it never looks as if Ivan was wrong, and it’s become a game of cat and mouse we all enjoy.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Ivan sighs. “I think he’s messing. It wouldn’t make a difference to him either way. Most of the time, he’s deep inside some whore at his club and the operation runs despite him. He’s just an evil bastard who gets his kicks from tormenting others and I’m an easy target and I can’t fucking wait to waste him.”

Malik sighs. “Six months, that’s all we’ve got. We had better step up and move things on.”

A movement in the bushes catches our attention and Ivan moves quickly.

Malik steps beside me and we watch as he pulls a trembling freshman out by his hair and pushes him against the wall.

“Are you spying on us?” Ivan leans in and sneers.

“No, I’m sorry, I promise.”

For some reason, I believe him because this kid looks as if he’s about to pee his pants and come to think of it, he doesn’t appear to be wearing any.

Looking up, I watch a blind pulled shut and a window slam and I laugh, “Let him go.”

Malik looks at me in surprise and I nod toward the floor above.

Understanding dawns in his eyes, and Ivan laughs out loud. “I hope she was worth it.”

The guy shivers as he clutches his pants and nods. “Fucking legend.”

It makes us laugh and Malik says with interest, “Who was it?”

“Lauren Flowerday.”

It’s not a name we’re familiar with and Ivan groans. “Even this kid’s got lucky. I’m definitely getting laid tonight.”

He releases the guy and nods toward the path. “Fuck off and don’t go sneaking around listening in on conversations that don’t concern you.”

He almost runs off at speed and Malik laughs. “Maybe it’s a good thing Winter’s moving out if guys like that are sniffing around.”

Just thinking of any guy near my sister throws a bucket of reality over me and I growl. “Five minutes are up. Follow me.”

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