Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Chapter 0086 ASHANTI’S POV. “Prepare to serve the Lycans King. He has requested your services.”. No he hasn’t! I am in a trance. My eyes are wide open, but I can’t see anything. My head is spinning like a merry- go- round. I have mixed feelings. I’m excited about having to spend another night of princess. treatment with him, but disappointed because he is not as thrilled about spending time with me as I am because he keeps inviting girls over so he can have sex with them. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Again!” A loud cry jabs me out of my thoughts. I look around and notice that all the girls are looking at me, completely shocked. Some have their food- filled mouths hanging open. Others have paused on the food-filled spoons. It’s is an interesting scenario. Frowning, I look at Ma’am Lisa and exhale heavily. “Again?” I ask the question as well, my tone is gentle.

“Yes. Again. I have no idea what he sees in you.” She eyes me from head to toe with a disgusted look on her face. “You are nothing but a troublemaker!” I don’t say anything to her. “You don’t need to undergo any more training since you’ve done this before. You can go for your combat training after breakfast.” “Okay Ma’am.” I sigh in relief when she walks away from me. My heart is pounding in my chest as I take my seat. I will be spending the night with Alpha Reagan. The events of the last night we spent together replay in my mind like a movie and I find myself blushing and asking myself many questions. Is he going to kiss me again? Is he going to ask me to eat with him? Run his bath? Pick out his outfit? Oh, goddess. I’m losing my mind!

“Apart from Alina, no other girl has been summoned two times in the same week by Alpha Reagan.” I hear a girl tell a group of other girls. I’m tempted to look at them, but I know better than to do that. “Really?” “Yes,” “What’s so special about her?” “I don’t know, and I seriously do not care, but it makes me excited.” “Why are you excited?” “Alina will be p i s s e d when this news reaches her and she’s going to torment Ashanti. I can’t wait for that to happen.” A wicked giggle follows that statement. Quickly, I rise up from my seat and leave the cafeteria with a pounding heart.

That girl said nothing but the truth in there. Alina will be furious when this news reaches her. I am dead! I’m praying in my heart as I walk to the arena. My prayer is for Alina not to show up for training today because if she does, then I’m definitely not going to leave the arena in one piece. My prayer, however, is not answered because the first person I spot when I walk into the arena is Alina. I freeze in my tracks when our gazes meet. I melt like butter when she smirks and silently cuts her thumb through the air across her neck with her eyes glued on my face. She just made me understand in the most subtle way that she’s going to kill me today. The next two people I notice are Alpha Reagan and Delta Kyle. We’ll all be around for training today. “Good morning Alpha Reagan, Delta Kyle.” I greet the men, bowing respectfully. “Good morning, Ashanti.” Delta Kyle responds with his usual charming smile. Alpha Reagan says nothing, but I can feel his gaze on me as I go to drop my back on the seats and take off the hoodie I have on.

“Alpha Reagan.” Alina calls and I don’t know why, but I turn to look at her. Alpha Reagan stops what he’s doing and gives her his attention. She approaches him with a bright smile on her face.

“Yes, Alina.” “I’m having a hard time tying my hair in a ponytail. Do you mind helping me to do that?” My brows crease as I watch her ask him to do something so ridiculous. Tying one’s hair into a ponytail is no difficult thing to do. It’s quite easy. She’s lying. She only wants him to notice her. Eww! I cannot believe the lengths she’ll go just to get him to notice her. My eyes ping-pong from her to Alpha Reagan. He has both hands shoved in his trouser pockets and he’s staring at her blankly. I pray he refuses. I don’t want him to help her tie up her hair. ‘Alpha?” She calls, smiling when moments go by without him saying anything. “Please…” All her teeth are outside. She’s trying to act cute to lure him. It’s cringey. “I mind. Find someone else to do it for you.” He says and turns to focus on what he was doing. I almost sprout out a pair of wings as I watch Alina sigh in frustration.

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