The Luna Choosing Game

Chapter 0621

Chapter 0621

That evening, after dinner, I met Nicholas and Mark near the front door of the palace. Then, we walked to the waiting car and a driver took us to Susie's family estate.

As pulled through the gate, I was amazed by the sheer size of the building. It wasn't the size of the palace, but the palace was the palace. A single family home had no need to be this giant. What could they possibly do with so many rooms? Did they always have people over?

The driver pulled around the front driveway, straight up to the double door entrance. We exited the car and go to the door. Nicholas stood up front, with Mark slightly behind him to his left. I was slightly behind to his right.

Nicholas leaned forward and pressed the doorbell.

A moment passed. Then two. Nicholas cleared his throat. Mark and I glanced at each other.

Then, in a rush, the door pulled open, revealing a very nervous-looking butler.

*Prince Nicholas! Forgive my lateness. How may we assist you?" the butler asked, bowing low.

"I'm here to speak with the master and mistress of this household," Nicholas said formally.

"At once," the butler said. He ushered us inside and then led us to a sitting room with bookcases built into the walls. "I beg your pardon. As you have arrived unannounced, my master and mistress need to time get ready. I will ask them to make haste. If you will excuse me."

He bowed again, repeatedly, as he backed out of the room.

When he was gone, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "We've made it this far," I said.

*This was the easy part," Nicholas said.

Mark began to pace.

I noticed, throughout the room, several antiques. In fact, most of the room seemed to be filled with antiques: furniture, vases, even the books on the shelves seemed old yet untouched.

The place seemed like a museum, full of beautiful things but totally spotless and sterile. It didn't look lived in. It didn't feel like a home at all.

"Did Susie grow up here?" I asked. I tried to imagine a child playing in a room like this, but I struggled to make the pieces fit.

*Susie's family are very strict and private, Nicholas said. "They are some of the more traditional in the nobility. They will not like that we are here, sticking our noses into their affairs."

*But you are the prince..." I said.

Nicholas shook his head lightly. "My being a prince got us through the door. But they will attempt to stonewall us from here. I can guarantee, when they arrive, the first sentence out of their mouth will be an attempt to get me to leave."

I was skeptical.

Until Susie's parents came through the door. They were dressed as expensive and stuffy as all the things in this room. Their expressions were tight and severe. I struggled to see Susie when I looked at them. She was so soft and kind. They were all harsh lines and sharp glances.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

*Your Highness," they said and bowed in unison. "We thank you for your visit, but you must grant us a favor by returning at a later time."

I lifted a brow in surprise. Nicholas was right. They really didn't waste time in showing him the door.

"I'm here now," Nicholas said with a firm, decisive voice that indicated that line of talking was now shut down."

And I'd like to see my friend Susie while I am here."

"Oh..." The couple looked at each other. The father spoke first, "I'm afraid that won't be possible. Maybe you haven't heard? Susie will be dropping from the competition. She needs to mind herself here at our estate for now."

"I've heard," Nicholas said, "Though I am confused as to why."

*I'm afraid I cannot say, Sir," the mother said. "It's a very personal matter. I'm sure you understand."

"I'm not sure I do," Nicholas said.

"We've cleared it with the King, of course," the father said. "Did he not mention it to you?"

Nicholas stood up a little straighter. They really weren't going to give us any answers, were they? And they certainly seemed like they weren't going to let us see Susie.

No. I couldn't live with that.

I pushed forward. "Forgive our intrusion," I said. The couple blinked at me in surprise. "But it is vitally important we speak to Susie. We are her friends and just worried for her health. It's unlike her to disappear like she has. I won't be able to rest until I'm sure she's okay."

*You... You are another candidate from the competition," the mother said. "Piper."

"That's right."

"She's talked about you in her letters," the mother said. She looked at the father again. "Her friend."

The father's face went tighter still. He sighed as he frowned. "She did speak of you."

"Piper," the mother said, coming closer to me. "Perhaps... it wouldn't be so terrible for you, and you alone, to speak with Susie. She might... do well to see a friendly face."

I nearly gasped, Really? But I bit it back at the last moment. I wouldn't complain about getting to see my friend, especially after we were sure it was impossible.

"I would be very happy to," I said.

She waved toward the doorway, where the butler was waiting. "Our servant will show you the way."

*Thank you, ma'am," I said.

*Piper," Mark called for me before I could leave. "May I speak to you privately a moment before you leave?"

I glanced at Susie's parents. They nodded slightly.

I walked to Mark. He pulled me more to the side, into the shadow of the bookcases.

He pressed a ring into my hand. It was a thin silver band with a small diamond.


"Give this to Susie," he said. "Tell her it's long overdue. But if she would allow me, I would like to ask her properly."

The words were spoken lightly. The rest of the room could not hear.

I closed my fingers around the ring. "I will," I said to him. "I'll give it to her."

*Thank you," he said. He hooked his fingers together in front of him, then fiddled with them nervously.

I could imagine! I had known he meant to steal Susie away, but I thought that meant bringing her back to the safety of the palace. I had no idea he intended to marry her!

I tucked the ring safely into my pocket. As I walked away from Mark, Nicholas caught my eye. He held my gaze and smiled a little. There was a light in his eyes that sparkled brightly the longer I looked.

Did he know what Mark had just asked me to convey?

He seemed to. He gave me the smallest of nods that set my heart racing.

Being this close to a proposal, an engagement, it made me feel things....

What it would be like if I was the one getting engaged?

Quickly, I shook the thoughts away.

I was here to help Susie. My own concerns could wait.

"I'm ready now," I said, and followed the butler into the hallway.

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