The Last Ceo’s Deal

Chapter 51: A pain in the ass


I turn to look at the entrance and Fanuel is walking towards me. His face is calm and composed but the twitch in his jaw tells me that he is angry.

Not just angry, furious.

As a last minute thought, I grab the shot glass that the stranger left on the table and down the scathing liquid in a single gulp. I cough and sputter and my head reels.

Fanuel tugs my hand and pulls me from the chair then curses when I stagger. He wraps an arm around my waist and all I can think about is the fact that he is killing my fun.

He produces some cash from his trouser pocket and slams it on the counter then he pulls my stumbling self past the seats to the door.

I can barely keep up since I’m staggering and my legs are jelly like. He pulls me along anyway and when we get to the elevator, he pushes me inside then punches the button to the thirteenth floor.

He is mad at me.

I lean on the wall and close my eyes, feeling slightly nauseous from the ascent. I hate heights and being in lifts is one of the things I would gladly avoid in life.

Fanuel’s angry eyes remain on me the entire time and I deliberately avoid them. I’m feeling somehow guilty but I’m not apologizing.

We don’t have that kind of a relationship.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

In the hallway, my feet give in and I can barely walk anymore. Fanuel gives an exaggerated sigh then bends down, putting an arm around my knees before he slings me over his shoulder.

By the time he gets to our hotel room and drops me on the bed, I’m feeling woozy.

I’m asleep as soon as my body touches the sheets.

A ringing phone wakes me up from my near dead slumber.

That’s not my ringtone.

I groan and sit up in bed before I remember that I’m sharing the room with Fanuel.

I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I’m married. Less than a week ago, I was staying in my cozy apartment and right now, I’m married to some guy I had never imagined in my wildest dreams because of my great dad.

Given the chance, I would happily go back and undo that encounter. Getting married at twenty two is not my idea of fun.

My head is pounding like crazy and my belly is on fire. I knew that this was going to happen before I guzzled down shot after shot of liquor last night but I couldn’t help it.

In my defense, the alcohol made me sleep like a log; mission accomplished.

My eyes scan the spacious room and Fanuel is seated on the couch, his eyes fixed on his laptop and his phone stuck to his ear.

I don’t mean to eavesdrop but his voice is high enough and he is swearing like a sailor, his jaw tensing angrily. I know him well enough to realize when he is thoroughly pissed off.

“You don’t know what you are talking about.” He snaps angrily and I shiver involuntarily. If those words were directed to me, I would be scared silly.

“No, you don’t get to order me around Mirabel. Shut up before I do something you might not like.”


I tense instantly.

“Whatever. I’m on my way.”

He hangs up and tosses the phone beside him then slams the laptop shut. He turns to look at me then and I’m seated on the bed, perfectly frozen.

He runs his fingers through his hair then stands up, walking past me to the closet.

He is still shirtless and I gulp when the muscles on his back ripple as he selects a shirt and dress pants from the closet and tosses them on the bed.

“Are we leaving?” I ask quietly when he puts the shirt on in a huff then proceeds to button up.

He ignores me and grabs the trousers then walks into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

What the hell?

I wring my hands unsure of what to do next and my head is reeling. I have no idea what is going on but I know that this is the first time I’ve seen Fanuel so angry.

He appears from the bed and dumps the sweatpants on the floor. His shirt is carelessly tucked in and he is not as meticulous as he always is.

He dumps his laptop in a bag then produces his wallet, pulling a wad of notes from it then he slams the cash on the small coffee table.

“Fanuel?” I call quietly. I’m scared.

He turns to look at me then, his face blank and his expression controlled as usual.

“What.” He snaps angrily.

Okay then.

“What’s wrong?”

“None of your business.”

“What? I think it’s part of my business when it involves Mirabel.”

He lifts an eyebrow.

“Is that so? What is this weird obsession that you have over her?”

I climb slowly out of bed then prop myself on the dresser. Fanuel’s eyes follow my every move.

“I’m not obsessed with her. We both know that your Dad wants her to be your wife.”

He looks at me for a moment. “Are you done? Because if you are, I would like to leave.”

“Where are you going?”

“To the city.”

“To meet Mirabel?”

“Again, none of your business.”

“Am I staying here alone then?”

He runs his hand through his hair again and I can tell he is very nervous.

“What do you want Christine? The last time I checked, you weren’t so thrilled with the idea of sharing this room with me. You were hellbent on fleeing and always see me as some nagging piece of shit! What has changed?”

“You. You have changed Fanuel. You are so cold and callous right now.”

He takes a step towards me and his gaze darkens.

“I’m always cold and callous. I just never got the chance to introduce you to this side of me. Now, if you are done, I’m leaving. I have an emergency to attend to.”

“Can I come with you?”

“You are not my shadow Christine, know your place and stop overstepping boundaries. You don’t have to follow me everywhere I go.”

I gasp.

“You are being outright rude.”

“Deal with it. Use the cash on the table until I come back.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“I didn’t start the sentence with ‘if it pleases your royal Highness.’ You are using the cash. It’s not a request.”

“I need a job, Fanuel. All this won’t work out for me.”

“Christ! What is wrong with you? Why are you starting an argument right now?”

“We’re not arguing. We are talking.”

“I’m tired of this. What is the big deal in using the fucking cash? It’s my duty to take care of your needs so learn to live with it already. You are so annoying.”

Tears burn the back of my eyes.

“Annoying? You think I’m annoying?”

“I know you are annoying. And here I thought I got myself a trophy wife, who would be submissive and live like the daughter of a thief, to feel guilty and calm as always but here you are!

You are nagging and you talk all the damn time.”

I wipe the single tear that escapes my right eye and sniffle loudly.

“You should go to Mirabel”

He shakes his head. “You are just unbelievable. Your jealousy knows no bounds. I was thinking you’d be letting me do my shit in peace but you just have to butt in my business.”

“Everything was okay with you until you decided to blackmail me into marrying you just out of my father’s shit!

You should have punished me either way or gotten married to some random person!

We can have a divorce if you wish.”

He gives a dry humorless laugh. “You are plain delusional. While I’m gone, you better stay in here. No alcohol.”

“You don’t get to order me around.”

“You are now my wife with full time conditions, so yes, I’ll order you around. Don’t you dare drink again or you are going to see a very nasty side of me.”

I shiver involuntarily.

“More threats?” I ask cockily.

“Interpret it whichever way you like.”

He picks his bag and walks to the door.

“I’ll call you.” He says, then opens the door and walks away after banging it behind him.

I flop on the bed and sigh deeply.

My husband is a pain in the ass.


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