The Fated Match



For training today I decided on doing some drills with the students. Tina was helping me out and she was working with the girls to help them work on their skills.

I made it my mission to work with the boys and watch their swimming trying to pick out any problems in the technique.

I blew my whistle “again “I shouted at one of the guys when I saw that they wouldn’t moving fast enough.

He looked at me breathing in and out. “seriously coach” he moaned at me. I just blew my whistle again.

I made a motion with my fingers which everyone knew was the signal for them to do 3 laps. Moaning and groaning will not make him improve.

When he came back, I spoke to him. “when I told you to work with weights it wasn’t so that you can look good for the girls. You need to use your muscles to propel you forward through the water” I said pointing to his strong arms.

“your arms are your biggest weapon, now try it again and try not to fuck it up,” I said telling him to swim.

He jumped off the board and dived into the water. I bent down and watched him carefully. It was much better, but I knew he needed more practice with my advice.

I received an email from Ryan. I let them all do what they want they could choose whether to practice more or relax and have some fun.

After reading the email I looked over to them all as they swam around in the pool casually.

“do you guys know two boys called Andrew and Thomas possibly brothers” when I looked at them, I noticed how they were nodding their heads.

“why,” jenny said swimming over to the end of the pool.

I sat on the edge with my phone. “Ryan says that they used to swim here and want to join the team” I didn’t know we were accepting anymore.

Jenny whispered “wow”

Well, they must know them then. I continued to read the email which had attachments to the two boys listing their experience.

Scott jumped out of the pool grabbing a towel and sitting next to me. “Andy and tom were here before I joined but they were more interested in diving, they were really good actually” everyone agreed with him.


“our last coach didn’t want to train them, so they left but I guess they know that we have you helping us”

I’m not an expert in diving either but that doesn’t mean you don’t help them. We had a big team anyways but if they were just doing diving that wouldn’t be a problem.

“alright. You guys finish up and head home I’m going to speak with Ryan” I said getting up and walking towards the exit.

Tina instructed them to clean up the pool as I left them. Walking into Ryan’s office I wasn’t surprised to see Theo here sitting in a chair.

“I want to meet them can you tell them to come tomorrow,” I said placing my keys on the wall since I was done training for the day.

“they’re outside,” he says replying to me. I turned around to him and questioned him “what do you mean “I said. Theo smiled.

Well, they must be keen.

“I’m not actually here to spend quality time with Ryan,” Theo said standing up. I had noticed that he was walking properly today. That made me happy knowing he was healing well.

Ryan glared at his friend. “I’ve known these guys for a while, and I told them about you” now this was a surprise to me.

“they want to meet you, they’re very good, top of their game but they can’t go to the championships alone. I’ve seen what you’ve done with them Elle those kids respect you and you’re probably the only person I know that can get them to the top” I really didn’t know what to say.

Those words were not something I expected but I’ve noticed that Theo is a very kind man. Definitely not like the man I first met when coming here.

I grabbed their files from Ryan and turned to Theo” well go get them then” I said smiling to which he quickly ran out of the office and through to the parking lot.

From the look that Ryan was giving me, I groaned “not a word” I said sitting down in a chair and flicking through their files.

It took me a while to figure out what I was looking at but when I saw the identical boys staring back at me on the page, I was shocked.

The media will love this. Identical twins diving together. Its every sport journalists dream.

As soon as I saw the two guys walk inside the office, I jumped to my feet putting their files down. Theo went over to Ryan and started making some coffee.

I walked up and put my hand out.

“Elle Williams?” The taller one said stepping forward.

The other guys eyes widened. “no way. You’re amazing we used to watch your training videos. Our cousin is riley Martinez” to a lot of people that wouldn’t make a lot of sense.

But to me, I knew. Riley was my best friend back in America she is well known because of her swimming and YouTube channel where she would film the life of a professional athlete.

Me being her best friend was always featured in those videos.

“oh wow. Small world” I commented directing them to come to join me and sit down. They placed their bags down on the floor and sat with me.

Theo shared the same shocked look as Ryan.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“when Theo told us about some talented new swimming coach, I definitely didn’t think it would be you” the taller one which was Andy said.

I glanced at Theo slyly not even surprised to see him grinning.

“well, I’m honoured. I’m positive riley has given you two plenty of good advice. If you want me to help you, I would love to do that for you guys” I said whilst grabbing the sheets from Ryan.

All I needed was them to come and sign.

They didn’t hesitate as they grabbed the pens and sighed their name down on the sheet with todays dates.

I walked them into the pool and accepted the decision they made about showing me what they could do. Theo and Ryan joined me inside.

They quickly stripped into their speedos and ran up to the diving boards.

“Their confidence is inspiring,” Theo said standing next to me as we watched them get ready. I agree it’s not something I’m used to, but I liked it. Would make my job hell of a lot more – easier.

Theo said something else, but I didn’t catch it because my eyes were concentrating on the two boys as they jumped off the board doing a very simple front somersault before diving horizontally into the pool.

Their splash was small but still needed to be improved. The splash is highly judged.

They swam to the surface.

Theo and Ryan started clapping, they probably thought it was perfect. To anyone, it would have looked perfect.

“very good guys. Your diving is top standard, but we need to work on your dive. You’re not quite synchronised and the splash was messy” I said speaking honestly.

Wondered how they would react. I was surprised to see them smirk at each other. “I see what you mean,” Tom says staring at Theo who had his arms crossed.

“go say hello to the team. We’re going to America in April to speak to the USA team I have some connections there and I guess you do too” I told them referring to the big poster I had up on the whiteboard.

I can’t believe they were Riley’s cousins I was going to have to call her later and discuss meeting up when I’m over there.

They headed inside to the locker rooms. I instantly heard the team’s loud voices.

I walked behind Ryan and Theo as we filed back into the office. I grabbed their signed papers and put them together with the others.

“you idiot, I have a date tonight,” Ryan said staring at Theo like he was crazy. I looked over and spotted Theo showing Ryan tickets off his phone.

Tickets to tonight’s game. Man, united were playing at home I knew this.

“a date with Tina?” I asked. Ryan grinned clearly very happy. I wondered when Tina was going to spill the juicy details to me.

Things are getting serious between the two its quite cute really.

“yeah I’m taking her to London for the night,” he says with a cheeky grin. London at night, lucky girl.

Theo didn’t seem so happy. I was about to leave when I saw Theo slowly turn around to me with a smirk. “you’ll come with me wont you” oh shit.

Excuse me.

“I … I’m busy tonight,” I said even though I had planned to Netflix and chill.

Now Ryan was the one smirking. “lies” Ryan whispered.

“I’m sure Michelle would love to join you,” I said trying to divert this away from me. I hated saying it, but I had nothing else to say.

She instantly came to mind.

Theo glared at me. what.

“if I wanted Michelle, I would have asked her Elle. C’mon I know you’ll love it” he said walking closer to me.

I debated my decision for a while before accepting. “fine”

Theo looked genuinely happy with my answer. A part of me really wanted to come but I wanted to play it off cool you know to keep up appearances.

Take that Michelle. Theo wanted me.

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