The Devil Wore A Brown Suit

Chapter 29: Part Two Queen Of Hell

Chapter 29: Part Two Queen Of Hell

Key runs down the hall. “No running.” A nurse yells at her.

“Fuck off!” she yells back. She has to get to Camilla Dawn quickly. When she reaches the room,

Camilla is sitting up in the bed.

“Are you okay?” She asks as she sits down on the side of her hospital bed.

“I will be perfect as soon as we get the hell out of her.” She says.

“You know he is planning to take them to Venus,” Key says.

“I know,” Camilla says. “I have no intention of giving them to him or her.” Key sits silently for a moment.

“Camilla, I could try to reach out to Brooke.” She says.

“We don’t know where she is, Key. I wouldn’t even know how to look for her.” Camilla Dawn says.

“Unless she is looking for Sunnie.” Camilla Dawn sits up in the bed. “Where would Sunnie go?” she


She already knew the answer. Sunnie would go to New Orleans looking for Perdition. Sunnie wanted to

kill Perdition. It didn’t matter if Perdition walked away or not, Sunnie hated her and wanted her dead.

Sunnie believed Perdition would help the descendants.

“Do you think you can leave without causing a commotion?” Camilla Dawn asks.

“I can go visit my aunt, but I don’t think he will let me leave while I am caring for you.” Key replies. “Tell

Daniel you want someone else to care for you and the children.” Camilla thinks for a second. Her mind

is processing every aspect of this.

“But Key if I tell him I don’t need you, he might decide he doesn’t need you anymore. We can’t risk it.”

She responds.

“I know and I will be ready. I will just leave while he is occupied with you. If I can get Brooke and get

back here, then we can burn this bitch to the ground.” Key says with a smile on her face.

Key had powerful magic inside her. She could slip out with no one ever knowing. She couldn’t

disguise her, Camilla, and two newborns, so that was out of the question. At least not without help. If

she had Brooke, they could get everyone out.

“There is a lot of what if’s in this plan. I mean what if Brooke isn’t in New Orleans, what if you can’t get

out, what if he kills you, what if” Camilla Dawn stops.

Two nurses come into the room pushing two cribs, “We brought the babies. Daniel said you can have

ten minutes.” The frumpy red-headed nurse says to her.

“Thank you.” Camilla Dawn says to her. She promptly gets up out of the bed. Key goes to one baby

and Camilla Dawn to the other.

“We have to get them out of here.” Camilla Dawn says as she picks her baby.

“What did you name them?” Key asks.

“Daniel has forbidden me from naming them. I will name them when we get them out of here.” She

says. “You have to go, Key. I just wish you could take us. I am so scared.” Camilla Dawn cries as she

cradles her infant. “I can’t lose them.”

Key holds the infant close to her. “We won’t. Everything will be fine, Camilla. I promise.” They each rock

the babies waiting for the nurses to come back.

After an hour, the nurses finally come back. “Sorry, we got busy. We won’t tell if you don’t” she


Camilla Dawn and Key nod in agreement. Key places each infant back in the cribs. “Thanks,” she tells

the frumpy red-headed nurse. The nurse winks at her and leaves the room.

“Thank you,” Camilla Dawn says.

“For what?” Key asks. “For being here, I don’t think I would’ve survived without you.” The two


The door to Camilla Dawn’s room swings open. It’s Daniel. “Key, I need to see you. Now!” he demands.

“Roz will stay with you for now Camilla.” He grabs Key by the arm and leads her into the hall.

“You are going back to the compound. I can’t trust you.” He motions for Trey to take her.

The towering goon grabs Key by the arm and leads her down the hall. Daniel opens the door to Camilla

Dawn’s room. “Roz will stay with you for now. Don’t give her any trouble.” He says.

Camilla nods. She knows he is going to kill Key. It’s over for her too soon. Camilla Dawn settles down

in her bed, pulls the cover over her head, and pretends to go to sleep.

In the last six months, Daniel's compound had grown tremendously. They were ready and waiting for

Daniel to save them. He had them convinced he could save them from the apocalypse. They were after

all the chosen ones. Most of them worked hard. They barely slept. They served the chosen ones. They

thought they would be spared by serving Daniel. He was a conman.

If they only knew his actual plans were to kill them all. They were a sacrifice to him. He wanted his

mother to rule the topside. A willing sacrifice to bring hellfire to topside is all he needed. The children

were her army. Brooke left when she felt there was no one to save her. She had done her part. She

had tried to save as many as she could. They deceived her.

Daniel was a master brainwasher. He had done an outstanding job on these people. Most of them were

lost souls looking for a place to belong. He knew they would be easy to manipulate. The rejects, the

homeless, he would seek out the tired and outcast.

Daniel had Key locked in the compound's basement. He knew she was planning to run. She was too

uplifting for Camilla Dawn. He needs Camilla obedient. In the months since Key had been her

caregiver, Camilla Dawn had become upbeat and was almost herself again. He couldn’t have that. He

needed her to know she had no one but him. He did not need her trying to run away with the babies

before he could lock them in the garden.

“Kill her tonight after everyone is asleep. I don’t need her to be a martyr.” He tells Trey. “Burn the body. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Toss it in the lake.”

Daniel had no intention of keeping Key around. She had already betrayed him once. Why wait around

for her to betray him again? Her time was up.

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