The Devil Wore A Brown Suit

Chapter 17: Part One Pedition

Chapter 17: Part One Pedition

I don’t know what has happened. I’m in a barn with Sarge. I hear a man preaching to a crowd. The

crowd is screaming and rejoicing at this man. Where am I? The man sounds like my brother. “How did

we get here?” I ask Sarge. He lays his head on me. I will not fear.

A young man comes into the area I am at. “Perdition, I am sure you have questions. Everything

will be answered very soon. Daniel will see you soon.” He tells me.

Before I can ask him anything he leaves. “Sarge, I think we might be in trouble,” I tell him as I pet his


I wonder where Chaos and KoKo are. I get up and look around the room. There is hay stacked up

everywhere. There is a small window. I wonder if I can get to it.

“What do you think? Think I can manage to get a peek of where we are?” I ask Sarge.

He grumbles. I don’t think he thinks I should. I have no idea what to do. I wonder if the voices were my

brother all this time or worse my mother. I have a bad habit of getting into the worst predicaments.

What should I say to my brother? I do not know if I should give him a chance to explain or just try to kill


The door opens again, it’s a young woman.

“Master will see you now. Please follow me.” She says.

She seems robotic. I get up and follow her. “Come, Sarge. Stay close.” I tell him. He is on my heels as

we follow the young woman.

She walks me out of the room. I am trying to take in everything I see. Maybe I can find a way out.

Maybe we can escape this. I hear the voice tell me to put up a wall around your thoughts they can hear

you. I concentrate on my light and cover my thoughts.

Maybe I should try to go silent. I keep scanning everything. I need to memorize every single thing I see.

She walks me to a room at the end of the barn. “This way.” She says as she opens a door.

Sarge and I go in. It’s a church. There are many pews. My brother is standing there waiting for me. I

can’t believe what I am seeing. My brother the son of Lucifer is a preacher.

“Damnation!” I scream.

“It’s only Daniel here, Izzy.” He responds.

I am speechless. This can’t be real. There is no way my brother is a preacher.

“Can you please explain to me what is going on? I thought you came here to kill all these people not to

redeem them?” I scream.

Daniel calmly walks to me. “My sister, I am not the enemy here and neither is our mother. Sam has

manipulated you. I know you are very confused. Your children are in great danger and I want to help

you.” He speaks so calmly to me.

I do not trust him. “You came to the bar and tried to hurt people. I saw you!” I continue to lash out at


“Izzy, I came there to get the twins before they hurt them. I was not there to hurt anyone but Sam and

Mayhem. They can’t be trusted.” He is speaking so calmly it scares me.

“Daniel, if what you say is true, then why did you trap me in the void? Why did you leave me to die?” I

ask him.

My brother walks to me and takes my hand. “Izzy, I had to get out. I did not mean to trap you there. I

came back for you but you were so happy with Mayhem. So I left you there. I did not know they were

going to take the twins at the time. I didn’t know until later.” He continues to speak so calmly.

This cannot be my brother. “Am I a prisoner here?” I ask.

“No Izzy you can leave, but if you leave I will not help you get the twins.” He starts to walk away. “oh

and just so you know, Camilla is here.”

My mind starts racing. I hear the voices. They keep saying be careful over and over. “Can I see her?” I


”Sure I will have my wife take you to her?” he responds.

Now I am in shock. My brother is a preacher and he is married! What next?

“Brooke will take you to your room she has prepared for you. Dinner is at 6.” He says as he turns to

walk away.

“Who is Brooke? What about seeing Camilla?” I ask.

“Brooke is my wife. I will send Camilla to your room. Go rest my dear sister. You look like you need it.”

He replies and walks away before I can ask him anything else.

I need to rest. I am so tired of everyone telling me I need to rest. I turn to walk out of the room. I am

met by a young woman.

“Hi,” she says. She is small and blonde. She has natural beauty. She is dressed in very modest

clothing. She looks like a preacher’s wife.

“Hi” I respond. “I guess you are taking me to my room?” I ask.

“I prepared you a very nice room in the main house. We have a lot of people here. I didn’t want you to

be overwhelmed.” She responds.

“Thanks,” I say as I follow her.

“Come Sarge.” He follows me. He isn’t acting like he is scared. Maybe we are okay. At this point,

nothing will surprise me at all.

We walk out of the church. There are so many people working and building. It is like a small

community. What has my brother built? He has been here for a long time. He could’ve easily built a

community in the time he has been on the topside. He seems so mild-mannered and caring. He is not

the boy I remember. He was always such a wild, high-energy goofball. Time changes people, even me.

They all stop for a brief moment to get a look at me and Sarge but continue to work. This all seems

impossible. Sarge stays close to me. He is calm so I am calm. We continue walking until we come to a

row of small huts. There is a huge house behind them.

“You will be staying in the house. The community lives in the huts.” She tells me as she points out the


The small huts look primitive, but the house looks magnificent. I am not afraid but I am on guard.

Something is off here.

“So Brooke, how did you meet my brother?” I ask.

She smiles. “I met him here. I came with my sister to live and serve. I had no idea I would fall in love.”

She responds.

“So you have family here?” I ask.

“We are all family here my dear. Yes, I do have a blood family here also. My mother and my sister are

here.” She responds.

Sarge nudges me. Maybe I need to shut up. I continue my walk to the house. It gets more beautiful with

every step. It looks familiar too. “He modeled it after a home in your mother’s memories.” She tells me.

I can understand that. He is obsessed with her.

“That makes sense,” I respond.

We walk up the steps. The porch is covered in greenery. It is very inviting. There is a rocking

chair and a small wooden bench. As we walk past a flower pot I notice a small stone in it, but I say

nothing. It is a spell. The house is spelled. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“You know Brooke, I am not accustomed to this kind of luxury, do you think I could just stay in one of

the huts?” I ask.

Sarge stops he agrees with me. She knows I know. “You are in no danger here. Just play along.” She


It’s the voice. She is the voice. She has been guiding me. I nod and go in. She continues in character.

“This way love.”

She takes me to the top of the stairs. It is a beautiful sunroom. She pulls a small purple pouch out of

her pocket and blows dust all over the room. She rushes to me.

“You are fine. Do not panic. Do not trust anyone. I will bring Camilla to you. Things are not as they

seem. Just play along for now. I will help you. I promise.” She tells me.

The dust hits the floor. She opens a window and it's gone. “The rules are simple we get up at 6, meals

are at 8,1,7. We do not leave the community grounds without an escort. Try to relax. If you need

anything you only ask for me. No one else! We have prayer every night. Do not be late. Got it?” she

hugs me and turns to walk out of the room.

“Izzy, everything will be fine. We love you.” She says as she walks out.

I sit down on the bed. I miss the underworld. I scan the room. It looks like my room when I was small.

Be mindful I hear the voice say. Be careful it continues. Stay calm. I hear it but I don’t acknowledge it. I

am positive I am being watched. I have to act normal. I will be happy to be here. I will collect Camilla. I

will find out what the hell is going on here with my brother. He is doing something here and it is not

good. I seriously doubt he is doing the lord’s work.

I guess we can rest until time to eat. I pat the bed. Sarge jumps up to lay at my feet. He will

protect me while I rest. I close my eyes. I picture Camilla. I can hear her voice. Is she reaching out to

me? If she is here I should be able to communicate with her.

I could use my light. No, I can’t. Daniel would know. I just need to be patient. She knows I’m here. I am

positive Brooke and Camilla are in this together. They have to be. I would be dead if it was up to my

brother. I do not trust him. I almost did. I almost thought he was telling me the truth. This world is


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