The Claiming By Cooper

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 28

The Claiming By Cooper Chapter 28

The Claiming by Cooper (Jara & Mason)

Chapter 28


After sending Layan into the claiming territory, I felt numb. This whole process needs to change. She’s terrified and there’s nothing I, or anyone can do for her. Well, there is, but just not today. Not in time to help her.

I decide to make a more concerted effort to get to know the males that will be in my claiming. If I have to be claimed by one of them, I need to know which ones I’m willing to have claim me. Typhon is definitely out. Mason is definitely in. Other than that, 1 really haven’t given too much consideration to the others in my claiming.

Title of the document

The rest of the day is one social gathering after another. It’s exhausting, but I put some effort into getting to know the males that will be in my claiming. At the end of the day, I have probably eight males I’d be okay claiming me other than Mason. None of them are Alphas. The only other Alpha I liked is now in Annabel’s claiming, Alpha Antonio. The other ones in my claiming are all arrogant and not worthy of their title.

At the end of the day, I’m exhausted, but I want to spend my usual time with Mason. There’s something about him that rejuvenates me. Talking with him is easy and I can relax and be myself without having to worry that he’ll think I’m trying to get him to claim me.

He’s very clear on my stance that I don’t want to be claimed. Just like I’m clear on his that he has every intention of claiming me.

When he meets me, he walks up, tipping my chin up so he can look into my eyes. “You look exhausted. How are you holding up?”

I can’t help but smile. This is why I like spending time with him. He sees more than the others. He sees me, not just a female to claim.

“I am exhausted, but the day is done.”

“Tomorrow will be another day?”

“Yeah, another day, just like today.” I snort.

We turn and start heading toward my housing. “I was wondering. I thought I’d see Beta Asher and Mignon this morning when Layan went into the territory. And then I thought we might see them at dinner tonight, but they never showed up.” He asks me.

“They left first thing this morning. They completed their bond last night and Beta Asher wanted to get her to his pack where he felt it would be safer for her.”

“Makes sense. I’d want my mate away from this craziness too.” Mason says.

“I think they’ll do well together. He seems to really care about her.”

“That was my take too.” He says.

We’re both quiet for a moment. I get the feeling he’s letting me lead the conversation tonight.

“I’m worried about Layan.” I say. It’s been eating at me all day. Her fear. She doesn’t want to be chased all over a territory. She doesn’t want to have to outsmart and outfight the males in her claim.

Did you give her the same advice you gave Mignon?” He asks me.

1 can’t help but smile at that. “Not exactly the same. They are different people, so Layan’s advice was more for her.”

“Then, I would think she’d do well.”

“As long as her fear doesn’t get the better of her. We can all smell fear a mile away.”

Mason looks thoughtful for a moment. “She would do well to walk around most of the territory today, leaving her fear scent in as many places as possible before the others go in tomorrow.”

I can’t help but smile. That’s exactly what I told her to do. He sees my smile. “And a good Alpha would have given her that advice so she would have a better chance of getting through her claim.”

He pulls me to him. “And you’re a good Alpha, Jara.”

“So are you, Mason.” I think for a moment, not sure I want to tell him what I’ve been thinking about today, but I decide to be honest.

“You know,” I say, running my fingers over the open V in his button-down shirt, “I decided today that I would look at every candidate seriously and see which of them I was willing to have catch me in my claim.”

His warm hands are holding my hips, his thumbs rubbing over my hips bones like he does when we’re standing this close together. There’s something comforting but also exciting about the feeling.

“And what did you think when you finally decided to give everyone a chance to prove their worth to you?”

“There are less than 10 individuals that I’d be willing to have catch me in that claim.”

“Ten out of 200. That’s a shame.”

“Well, closer to 100. The ones in Layan’s, Annabel’s and Hana’s claims aren’t included in those numbers. There’s at least one in that bunch that I’d add to my list if he doesn’t catch his mate.”

One of his hands slides behind my waist, pulling me closer, his face leaning into mine. “And did I make the cut?”

Feeling bold, I reach up, running my fingers over his cheek and smiling at the way his eyes close, and he leans into my touch. “Yes. You are the only Alpha to make the cut, at least so far.”

Without opening his eyes, he asks his next question. “Anyone else I know on your list?”

“A couple warriors from your pack, a couple from my pack. And while I appreciate the omegas and their desire for a mate, my choice is to have a strong mate at my side.”

His eyes open and the smoky grey of his eyes meets the amber of mine. “I couldn’t agree with you more.” He closes the distance between us, and his warm lips cover mine. His hand slides up into my hair as his tongue slides across his lips requesting entrance.

1 open my mouth and his tongue slides inside, out tongues dancing together in a rhythm that is becoming natural for me. As with every time he kisses me, his taste, his scent overwhelms me and I feel myself leaning into him, holding on to him desperately as he makes my body feel things that I am unaccustomed to feeling.

The kiss goes on, longer than usual and I feel heat begin to pool in my core and a wetness form between my legs. I feel an uncomfortable itch, something that needs friction to relieve the pressure. I begin nibbing myself against Mason, trying to find a relief to this pressure, to this itchy feeling that’s only increasing as we kiss.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Mason pulls away, both of us breathless. “We should stop, Jara.” He says, panting as he puts his forehead against mine. His eyes are closed as he tries to regain his composure.

“I….I don’t want to.”

He moans, before taking my mouth in a fiery kiss. This is different from the other kisses. This is dominant, possessive and it flames the fire growing deep in my core. I moan against his mouth, feeling something hard and long against my stomach. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him to me, trying to get closer to him, wanting more.

1 vaguely hear a throat clearing from somewhere nearby. Mason rips his mouth away from mine, turning to growl at the intrusion.

“Alpha Jara is scenting the air. It’s not safe for her to be outside the confines of the females’ housing.” Luke says.

I watch Mason’s stormy eyes clear, as reality comes back to him. He shakes his head before turning back to me. “Your guard is right. It wasn’t my intention to get so carried away. I don’t want to put you at risk, and I don’t want to have to kill any more males that catch the scent of your arousal and come looking for you.”

I can only nod at him. I feel dazed, like I’m in a fog and…incomplete. I felt like we were moving to something that would alleviate this ache in my core but now I’m left feeling unfulfilled.

Alpha Mason smiles at me. “When I catch you, beautiful, we’ll finish this, and you won’t have this pretty little pout on your face when I’m done with you.”

He reaches down for one more quick, scorching kiss before turning me toward my housing. “Go, before I change my mind and take you right here.”

I walk unsteadily toward the gates, stepping inside and walking to the front of the house. When I turn, he’s there, watching me. He raises his hand in farewell before turning, shifting on the spot and racing off into the forest.

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