The Cheat Seed

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

[You Died]








[You died]

Marcus started lasting long against the Ogretto's. Now it took more than 5 hits to kill him. It gradually increased and his fists now started moving smoothly and gracefully.



He went on with his crazy combo streaks as much as he could. Adrenaline ensured his body more energy and speed. His body had started changing slightly too.

Muscles started appearing on his used to be cotton candy arm. It was a big growth as Marcus continued the cycle of life and death. His body started looking more detailed and he now had abs appearing. His height increased dramatically from 160cm to almost 178 cm.

It was good to know that his growth spurt was finally hitting on the spot and he knew he had more to conquer.

Time passed on as Marcus continued grinding. He couldn't guess the time he had spent inside the abyss as it was all pitch black all around. Without The Sun and the Moon, Marcus continued his Intense training regimen inside the timeless Abyss.









[You Died]

After some more grinding, Marcus started thinking as to why he was doing all this in the first place. The Flame Emperor had told him previously that he was the next Guardian and he had to protect the Earth from 'Them'. He still couldn't figure out who 'Them' was and relieved his frustration on the Ogretto's. The Ogrettos, even though spawned still had a mind of their own.

They were starting to get scared because of Marcus and his infinite number of respawns.

Marcus enjoyed the looks on their face when they saw him emerge from the Circle once again. It got to the point that the Ogrettos started camping around the Circle itself with their battle axes ready to Ambush Marcus once he respawned.

It in turn just made easier for Marcus to grind as he didn't have to move from his position at all.

He would make sure to at least land a 30 combo streak before dying, so his durability still increased tremendously.

The Ogrettos then planned to break the Circle using their brute muscle power but it was all in vain. Every time the Circle gets hit, The Ogretto gets blasted back to its comrades. This was the first time Marcus felt invincible and untouchable. It was a good first experience for him. Coming back to the present time, Marcus thought why not learn some Fighting moves on his own and polish them during this Tutorial time period.

He knew it would be a big help in the future for him as the Guardian. It was a good idea since punching would only help so-so in subduing Slow and Huge Enemies. But what about agile Enemies. Slowly he started recognizing how much he had to improve. Different type of problems need their own unique solutions.

Marcus jumped up from the Circle and rushed towards the first Ogretto he saw. Marcus in his Academy was the best at adapting and finding solution for problems within a count of 10. It was the same for this situation too. His body moved by it's own as his mind calculated the possibilities and Executed them through him.

He jumped high enough to reach the Puzzled Ogretto and cross legged It's neck and swung it down to the ground. It's right arm was in his grip as he travelled through the air, preparing to land. His new worked out body came to action as he himself witnessed his strength and speed.

Landing on the grass patch, Marcus loosed his grip around the neck and pushed the Monster's face towards the ground while twisting and pulling its arm from behind.

The Ogretto was completely stunned and was in pain because of the twisting.


"I'll call this the G Orno Twist"

Marcus spat at the Ogretto under him.



"Oh Kicks work too?, That's a good news"

The next few hours was spent on polishing his 'G Orno Twist' and grinding his Durability.












Soon, Marcus was perfect with the new skill he learned. Hundreds of Ogrettos were already down, Some without an arm and some with a twisted one.

[Skill Perfected : G Orno Twist]

[Passive skill Acquired : Perfection at First Fight]


This was the first time he was hearing something other than the same [Dura+10k] message.

Marcus was accustomed to the voice to an extent that he forgot it's whole existence itself.

"So...How do I activate this thing"

Marcus rubbed his chin and thought about it for a minute. Memories of reading Demi comics suddenly popped up in his mind and he remembered a special character who had the same 'Thing' he had now.


[Yes User?] the system replied

"I knew it!!"

Marcus exclaimed in joy, while sitting in the circle surrounded by armless Ogrettos. The Circle seemed to rejuvenate him and get rid of his exhaustion. So he barely needed to sleep anymore.

"Hmm, so what should I ask it now?"

Marcus starts thinking again.

"Got it!"

Marcus snapped his fingers and called out "SYSTEM"


"What are you?" (TF bro?)

[I am a system specially modified to the needs of Marcus G Orno. I am to be used by Marcus G Orno to complete his 3 Guardian Trials. My System Name is The Cheat System]

"Cool name, Cheat system huh? So that means I can see my stats too right?"

Marcus asked doubtfully.

"It did the same in the Comic though"

[Yes, You can see your stats in your status window]

"And How do I see my Status window?"

[It's simple. Just by pronouncing the word 'Status' Will do the magic.]

"Ok?. Let me see.....STATUS!!"

A Huge screen appeared in front of Marcus as soon as he did what the system told him to.

[User : Marcus G Orno]

Age : 16

Sex : Male

Seed : ???

Soul Level : ???

Strength : 10

Stamina : 10

Agility : 10

Durability : 100 centillion (Max Cap)(Limit Break In 1000)

Damage Per Hit : 20 (X2 strength)

Sprint speed: 20 (X2 agility)

Skills Learned:G Orno Twist(Original,DMGX100)

Passive Skill:(Creator)(Perfection At First Fight

Extra User Earned stats : (Str+100Centillion)

[ Current Progress(The 3 Guardian Trials) : 0% ]


Marcus stared at the screen in front of him with sparkling eyes.

"My strength, agility and stamina is only at 10. But look at my Durability.

Whoa!!!!!. It's in centillions!!! and what's with 'Limit break in 1000?' Eh?. Never mind.

So my Damage and Speed is 2x the given stats. Got it. Next Skills, G Orno twist original huh? I guess it's because I invented that skill maybe?

I'll try it in the future and I'll know it anyway. Okay so the Passive skill is those skills that are always active isn't it?.

Creator? I guess this skill helped me creat my own skills? and Perfection at first Fight?. Must be an Extra buff skill. Extra user earned stats, 100centillion strength?"

Marcus let his mouth lose...

He clicked on the 100 centillion strength shown on the screen and Info popped up over the screen. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

[100 Ceptillion strength was earned by the User by his continuous combat and was stored in the Stat bank. Use it now? Y/N]


[Used successfully]

Marcus felt immense pain as he fell down on his knees. His nerves acted up and bulged like it was about to burst.


[Due to User's Immense Durability, pain reduced by *calculating* 100%]

The pain vanished completely just when the message popped up.

"Hoh, Hoh, What was that?"

Marcus managed to speak while taking huge gulps of air.

'Due to the sudden Tremendous increase in strength, The body wasn't able to prepare and the nerves where about to burst, ending the User's life. Due to the accumulated Durability, the system was able to nullify the pain'

"Well Thank you for that. Sudden increase in strength huh?"

Marcus thought for a second


Yes, his doubts were true. There, in his previous Strength stat, Instead of 10, It was 100 ceptillion (Limit break in 1000) now.

"Ohhhh, I get it!!"

Marcus jumped up and ran towards the closest Ogretto. Just before coming Face to face, Marcus heaved his fist and connected the Ogretto's Jaw, which in turn blew it's whole head apart,

burning its body away and because of the huge shockwave, Hundreds of other Ogretto beside it were blasted away to dust and ashes. The Abyss seemed to shake and the Land split into two.

But due to this being a tutorial, The land joined back and the blown away Ogrettos respawned.











Marcus laughed like a psycho and for the first time he felt pity for the Ogrettos before him.

"I'm in a good mood now"

Marcus stretched his limbs and his spine.

*Crack* *Crack*

With a Menacing look on his face Marcus jumped towards the Monster Army.

"So I'll finish it with a blow."



Author Notes:

So I Messed up Marcus big time and Overpowered him loL. I went a lot this time. It took me a lotta time to think about ideas to write this time and Thank god, I was able to write it today. There's a lot in this chapter, so that gives me the excuse to not write 2 chaps like promised lol. That's it for the Notes, Expecting comments. come on.


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