The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26-Fighting for her This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dad, what did you say to Tessa?” Aaron yelled angrily as he faced his father.

Edmund was reading a newspaper in the living room. When he heard Aaron’s question, he glanced up at him and replied nonchalantly, “I told her the truth.”

Aaron frowned, his chest felt stuffy and irritation rushed through him because his father was taking the situation lightly. He glared at him and questioned, “What truth?”

“What else? I told her you’re marrying Serena and that you two will raise the kids.”

Aaron felt like he had been stabbed when his father’s words reached his ears. His face flushed and his chest heaved as anger washed over him.

His heart ached for Tessa and when his eyes landed on the chequebook on the coffee table, he felt a huge lump in his throat.

He pointed at the chequebook and asked with fury laced in his voice. “Did you offer her money? Why, Dad? Why would you insult her like that? Do you know how hard it’s been for me to even reach this point where I can have a normal conversation with her? Do you know I’ve been working hard every day to reduce her anger and hatred for me? How could you waste my efforts like this? You’ve just taken me back to square one!”

Edmund folded his newspaper and slammed it on the small table next to the couch.

“I just did you a favor! That woman doesn’t love you! Are you trying to force her to marry you when she doesn’t feel the same? On the other hand, Serena loves you-”

“Don’t try to make it sound like you did it for me! You’re just scared of losing your precious shares. How could stupid shares be more important than your family? Do you think my kids would be happy if they were forced to separate from their mother? I don’t want my children to hate me!” Edmund sighed. He clenched his hands into fists and looked away from his son. The shares were indeed important to him. After all, he had started the Company with his dear late wife. Why would he hand it over to strangers?

The only reason he had agreed for it to be as a compensation for a breach of contract was because he thought Aaron was serious about Serena. So he was confident he wouldn’t have to let go of some of his shares.

However, after Aaron told him he had children, Edmund took time to think things through. He noticed that Aaron was adamant about being with the mother of his grandchildren so he decided to test her and see if she loved him genuinely.

He sighed, looking up at the golden chandelier in the ceiling.

“I just want you to have what I had with your mother, son. Money is not everything. Without love, marriage will feel like hell Tessa doesn’t love you Do you think you don’t deserve to be loved back? You’re my precious son. My only son. I would rather you marry someone who loves you to death rather than someone who doesn’t love you at all,” Edmund stated and then turned to face his


“Do you want to force yourself on someone who doesn’t want you? Do you want to be miserable?

When you’re not loved back, all these riches will feel like a huge block which is stuck in your throat. It will suffocate you I thought Serena is the best choice.”

Aaron was still pissed off but when he heard his father’s words, he calmed down slightly. He couldn’t argue with him anymore but he didn’t shy away from requesting, “Please, next time, don’t treat the

woman I love that way. I love Tessa. I’ll fight for her until she loves me back even if it takes eternity.”

He turned to leave but Edmund’s words stopped him in his tracks.

“The shares are nothing compared to your happiness, son. If you wish to end the marriage. alliance, go ahead and cancel it. Bring me the contract for the transfer of shares, I’ll sign it.”

Aaron’s heart clenched when his father returned to the man he once was. The man who didn’t care about pleasing people or what they felt about him. The man who only cared about his son’s happiness. Nothing more and nothing less.

He briefly gazed at his Dad and nodded, “Don’t worry, Dad. I know how hard you worked for this Company. I won’t let your efforts go in vain.”

Walking out of the mansion, Aaron got into his car and chased after Tessa. He knew she wouldn’t be able to get far since the main gate was a long way from the mansion. He had wanted to give his father a piece of his mind before running after her.

At the same time, Tessa was carrying Willa while Nia and Reagan were walking by her side. Willa had cried when they decided to cut their visit short but Tessa was determined to leave.

She couldn’t believe Aaron had claimed there was nothing between Serena and him but his father had something different to say. For some reason, she felt like someone was pressing a boulder down her chest. It hurt to breathe and the lump in her throat wouldn’t go away.

Reagan could tell that their mother was angry but he still asked, “Mommy, did you and Daddy fight? Why are we walking back?”

“We will get a ride when we reach the main road. There are no cabs here,” Tessa replied, ignoring the question about Aaron.

She didn’t know what to say. But one thing was for sure, she would never give away her kids to someone else.

They were almost halfway to the main gate when a car came from behind and pulled up a few

meters in front of them.

“It’s Daddy!” The kids squeaked and Tessa furrowed her brows.

Aaron came out of the car and approached them. His face looked remorseful as he stood in front of Tessa but what he did shocked her to the core.

He looked into her eyes and went down on his knees, saying, “Tessa, I’m sorry for what you went through. I’m sorry for not protecting you. I can’t lose you again… please, forgive me. I apologise on behalf of my father”

Tessa gasped and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She gazed at the most powerful man in the City and watched as he bowed his head while kneeling on the tarred road.

She wasn’t expecting him to kneel. Heck, when he didn’t come after her when she left, she thought he was ashamed because his lies were exposed.

“What are you doing? Get up, don’t let the kids see you like this,” she said anxiously, her heart pounding

Who would have thought?! Aaron was arrogant with an ego that was bigger than the pacific ocean. Seeing him like this made her lower her defences a little.

Aaron looked up at her, his eyes were blurred with tears as he added, “I won’t get up until you say that you’ve forgiven me. My father had misunderstood you and since he’s my father, I’m apologising on his behalf It’s true that there’s a contract between the Wentworths and the Wintstons that states that if I

don’t marry Serena then she would get 15% of the Company’s shares as compensation. But It’s just a paper. There’s never been anything between us. There’s only space. for you in my heart. You’re the first and only woman I’ve ever been with My very first and last ”

He then paused and glanced at his kids before continuing. “I love you, that’s the truth. And I hope. you love me too. One day. I hope we get to raise our kids together and live as one big happy family. Please, don’t cut me off.”

As the words kept leaving Aaron’s lips, Tessa felt like someone was pricking her heart with a needle. She thought about how Aaron and his father were different people. Aaron had been sincere so far so it wouldn’t be fair if he was crucified because of what his father did.

Reagan felt sorry for his father so he ended up shaking Tessa’s hand. Tears brimmed in his eyes

as he looked up at her, “Mommy, please forgive Daddy. He said he’s sorry.”

Nia quickly followed and showed her support for their father. She rushed to him and hugged him,” saying, “Mommy, please forgive him.”

Reagan nodded and added, “You said we should always forgive one another because we love each.

other. Don’t you love Daddy anymore?”

“Yes, Mommy. Tell Daddy to stand up,” Willa added in her adorable voice.

Tessa sighed as her eyes met Aaron’s. The children loved their father too. How could she bear to separate them? She bobbed her head and said, “Stand up, Aaron. The kids don’t like it.”

However, Aaron refused to get up. “You haven’t said that you’ve forgiven me and that things will

be the same as before.”

Tessa rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Do I have to say it?”

“Yes. I’m a bit insecure right now. I feel like I’ll lose you again and that’s the worst feeling ever. I need to know by word of mouth that we are good.”

“You’re not the one who offended me, Aaron. I admit, I was very angry but I’ve slightly calmed down. I appreciate your apology. So please get up. And we are still friends,” Tessa remarked.

Hearing this, Aaron’s lips curved into a huge grin. He got to his feet, carrying Nia and he almost hugged Tessa but he held himself back.

She had not given him the green light yet. His eyes sparkled as he proposed, “How about I do something to calm you down? My mother used to love shopping when she was in low spirits. What do you say I take you and the kids out for a shopping spree?”


Tessa gulped. The offer was tempting. She was stressed and shopping would help to placate her mood. Her eyes twinkled and she agreed, “I would love that. I had planned to get the kids

something anyway

“Yes! We are going shopping with Mommy and Daddy!” Willa chirped.

“Yes, just like a family!” Reagan smiled from ear to ear and Nia giggled while in Aaron’s arms.

An hour later, the family of five walked into one of the Wentworth group’s malls. Tessa held Willa while Aaron carried both Reagan and Nia in his arms.

They looked so good together that they couldn’t avoid it when several people began to look at them as if they were a tourist attraction. This was because many of them had recognised Aaron and wondered

when he got married.

“Isn’t that the CEO of the Wentworth group? Are those his kids? Wow, the kids are so adorable!”

“When did he get married? The last time we heard about his personal life was five years ago, who’s this woman with him?”

“Wow, she hit the jackpot. I would also love to have the great CEO as my baby daddy.”

The whispers continued to go around the mall but the family was none the wiser. They just concentrated on their shopping

Aaron got a cart that could carry triplets that he had recently added to his malls to accommodate parents that have many children He placed the kids inside and drove the cart while he told Tessa, “Get whatever you want. The price doesn’t matter.

Tessa smirked and nodded, “Oh, I intend to.”

They visited different shops. Aaron noticed how Tessa only concentrated on getting things for the kids and only got little for herself.

His heart ached for her and he looked at her, his eyes softening, “Don’t just get things for the kids, T. I’m here to spoil you. Take care of yourself too. You deserve it.”

Tessa chuckled and her face flushed. She gave him a sideways glance and replied, “I’m just used. to putting the kids first. But since you’re willing to spend, I won’t stand on ceremony.”

Aaron smirked and remarked, “What I have is yours, my love. Go ahead and spend my money. I work hard for you and the kids.”



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