The Black Alder Series (Books 1-3)

Goodbye and Farewell

Elena’s Pov


Marcus’s head is in my hands as I cradle it, sobbing. Everyone seemed to be watching me. Diane ran back to Aya and stood behind her.

“Come back to me Marcus”, I sobbed.

“COME BACK” I screamed, sobbing. His limp body doesn’t move.

“Mother, did you have to do that? He was dying already, Aya said.

” It was taking too long, and that bitch deserved it for what she did to Ned,” Diane said.

“No, no, no, no, no. I rock Marcus back and forth. My heart is shattering as I feel the complete break of my first mate bond. My first love. I’m still rocking his body thinking about his blue eyes, those sky-blue eyes. His smile. I’ll never see his smile again. I’ll never hear his laugh again or hear him call me his Luna. He was in all of this because of me. He was killed because he loved me. Everyone seemed to be dying, because of me. I see my aura tuning colors. White, red, blue, gold, brown, green, but that doesn’t faze me.

I can’t

I can’t

I can’t

I pass out

Roland Pov

I didn’t know Elena still held Marcus in her heart, but seeing her like this now, all broken, makes me wish I could bring him back. He didn’t deserve to die that way. I would do anything to stop those tears from falling. I’ve never seen her like this. I felt all of her emotions through our mate bond. I was still frozen. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t get to her. She was having a meltdown, and I had to watch. No one moved. Even Aya/Raven and her mother watched. I tried to break free while they were watching but it didn’t happen. Her aura was so strong, I was sure it was about to knock us all unconscious. Then it all stopped, and I realized she had fainted.

” Did she die yet” Raven’s mom said plainly? Raven laughed.

” No mom, she just fainted”. Raven chirped

All the wolves rushed to them at that moment. Marlon had an enchantment, and I was released. I went for Elena while they went for the witches. We all seemed to meet in the middle when our vision was clouded by a bright white light.

Elena’s Pov

I’m in a garden. I know this garden. It’s the same one I’ve been coming to since I was 4 years old. My dress was all white this time. My hair is half silverish, half brown.

The moon goddess is sitting by the pond in a light blue dress. She held her arms out to me.

“Elena” she says

I cried on her dress. So much loss. So much pain. I’ve had to suffer so many tears. First my father. Now Marcus.

“I know my child,” she says, rubbing my hair.

“Why me,” I asked. “Why this pain?”. I sob some more.

” Because only you are strong enough to bear this pain and lead. It is your destiny. It was written long ago.” She says, rubbing my hair

“Elena, you’re on the cusp of unlocking your greatest potential. Your full powers are coming out. You must learn to contain them.” She tells me

” I can’t do this anymore, Moon Goddess. My heart can’t take this pain”. I whispered.

“You can, my moon child.” She sits me upright and wipes my face. Your powers will be controlled by your emotions, Elena. You can do some good or bad. You’re a child of the moon. My child. A direct descendant of me. Female descendants of my line go through what seems to be the worst pain, but we live it. We channel it, and we own it. We don’t let it own us. Don’t let it be you. You still have people to save now that the witch is at full power. She is channeling my energy through you. I can’t block her access to it until you let go, Elena. You have to let go of the pain. Let go of the pain. Let go of the torture”. She speaks

“Take my hand,” she says, and I do

We walked to a meadow of black roses, where I saw a man looking up at the moon. He turned around. Blonde hair. Blue eyes.


I run to him, and he catches me, pulling me into a hug and kisses my forehead. I can’t stop the tears that are coming out of me. I don’t want to let go. I pulled him in for a kiss. I know it will be the last thing I could give him.

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” he said and kissed my forehead.

“My luna”, he picks me up and twirls me around, setting me back down.

“Marcus, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you” I cried into his shirt.

” My luna, you wouldn’t have been able to. If that witch didn’t kill me, the spell would have. I was as good as dead. I’m simply happy my last moments were with you”, he says, looking into my eyes.

” I don’t know how to go on, Marcus,” I told him, wiping my tears away.

” Now look here, Elena,”he says, grabbing my arms. My fate was written long ago and so has yours. The moon goddess gave me a peak of your future, and let me just say, I am so proud of you. You won’t know why yet, but when you do, remember this moment, Elena. You are so beautiful and so headstrong. Your light is so bright. Don’t ever lose it, he says.

We hear wolves howling from the forest.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I have to go Elena. I love you. I always have. Tell my sister I am sorry I was not the brother I should have been, and that I love her. If you’re ever feeling lost, or you feel like stuff is too much, come find me here, Elena. Find me in this meadow of roses.”

I nod. He kisses my cheeks, my head, and then my lips and turns around and runs. He runs to the forest and jumps mid-air, shifting into his gray wolf before disappearing in the forest.

“There is one more person I want you to meet, Elena”, I heard the moon goddess say. I turned around and she was pointing to another meadow with a house that looked like my old packhouse. She walks with me hand in hand as I get to it. I knock on the door, and it opens,

Blonde hair, green eyes,


I rush him in a hug, and I can’t help the newly formed tears that are taking place.

He kisses my head. “Elena,” he says, burying his face in my hair.

“Dad, I’m sorry” I pleaded.

“Shhh,” he says, holding me. ” I am so proud of you Hunny. So proud” he says.

We just stayed like that, me in his arms. I missed him so much.

” I wish you could stay here, Elena, but you have to get back”, he says.

” I know dad. It’s been so hard daddy, so hard” I said through my tears.

He turns me to him.

“You’re a leader. You’ve always been a leader. I’ve been watching your journey, and I am so proud of you, my baby girl. Right now, you have a pack that needs your help. They need their alpha to save them. I raised you to be headstrong. To have courage. Let go of all those feelings you have. My death was not your fault, and neither was Marcus. Now straighten up and get your shit together. You have a business to handle. He kissed me on the head before walking back inside.

I nodded to him and wiped my face. Only he would ruin a beautiful moment by scowling at me.

“Tell my son I forgive him,” he tells me as he holds the door. I straighten up, smile and nod

” I will, dad. I promise.”

He nods to me and closes the door.

I turn to the Moon Goddess.

“I’m Ready”

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