The billionaire’s true love


Part 29

“Hey, you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Jose asked, concerned.

Without saying anything, I showed him the text from Trent. He cursed under his breath before he begun typing.

“What are you doing?” I questioned.

“Giving him a reply that would hopefully get him off our backs for good,” he replied. As soon as he sent the message, I took the phone from him to read his reply.

Stay away from Amanda. She is mine now. Go find yourself another one.

I glared at my best friend who was acting more like my executioner right now. “Are you out of your mind?! Why the fuck would you send him this? Trent will freak out!”

“I just told him to back off,” Jose muttered.

“And you think that just because you told him to back off that he would? You know how crazy he is. He does the opposite of what people expect him to do. God, he is going to kill both of us.” I wanted to bang my head against the wall right now. Jose knew the kind of man Trent was and yet he goes and does the one thing that would surely have Trent coming after us.

“How about we do not worry about that right now. We should get home, my cousins are expecting us. My aunt prepared a delicious meal for us and I’m starving.” With that Jose picked up his duffle bag and begun walking, expecting me to follow behind, which I did because I had no choice.

As soon as we exited the airport, Jose hailed a cab. We slid inside and Jose started speaking to the driver in Japanese. I was surprised to know that he knew the language and never told me. Once he was done, the driver nodded and peeled out of the airport.

“I didn’t know you could speak Japanese,” I commented.

“I can’t. Before coming here my cousin told me a few things to say to the driver when telling him the address. So that was all I said to him,” he replied.

“Oh, I thought you knew the language and never told me.”

“I think you have more important things to worry about, like a crazy boss,” Jose stated.

“Yeah. I just hope he shows up after three days, not before that,” I said.

Jose gave me a strange look. “Wait. You mean to say that you want him to come and find you here?”

“Uh no, that’s not what I meant. I’m just saying that he is a very powerful man and it won’t take him long to find us,” I responded watching the colorful shops pass us by and the tall buildings.

“Don’t worry, where we are going, it will definitely take him more than three days to find us. And what happens if he finds us before three days are over?”

“I’ll have to marry him,” I stated.

“You don’t have to do anything. It’s your life, he cannot force you to marry him.” Jose looked angry.

“It’s hard to explain. These Bensons are strange people. They take full advantage of the power they have and are not afraid to use it to get what they want.” I told him.


“Yeah, but tell that to that maniac,” I said.

“Yeah, he will punch me again if I do,” he uttered.

“Did you get a reply from Trent?” I enquired.

“My phone keeps buzzing but I haven’t checked.”

I clenched my eyes shut. “We are so dead. I hope these three days pass quickly; then I don’t care if he finds me or not. Just three days.”

“You worry too much, and you know what I think?”


“Nothing. Forget it.”Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“What the hell? Tell me what you’re thinking,” I ordered.

“Nopes. I changed my mind. Now look outside and admire the beauty that is Japan,” he replied.

“Jose, tell me now or else,” I warned.

“No. Drop it.”

Taking a deep breath, I let it go. Instead I tried to focus on the here and now. “How long until we get your cousins’ place?”

“A little over an hour, they live far away in a secluded place,” Jose answered.

“That is good. Secluded is good,” I muttered, then fell silent watching Tokyo pass me by, and prayed with all my heart that Trent would not find me.


Jose’s relatives were really interesting. Not only were they warm and welcoming, they were some of the most peculiar people I’ve ever met. The moment we had arrived, they wasted no time in ushering us to the dining table which was filled with the most beautiful and delicious looking food I’d ever seen.

He had a total of five cousins, three males and two females. It was only when we sat down to eat and helped ourselves to some sushi did Jose tell me how they were the relatives of his third mother. And while he was barely in contact with his family, he was close to these people.

All of his cousins had hazel eyes and blonde hair, while his aunt had blue eyes. Jose’s uncle was out of country and would not come back for another four months. But that was alright, I was not too worried. I was just anxious about Trent coming here.

Once we were finished eating, Jose’s cousins led us out to the living room, while one of them took our luggage to our rooms. It was so sweet of him to do that, I nearly kissed the cute little eighteen year old; it was so sweet whenever people did something nice for me, it made me want to do something equally nice in return.

Even though his relatives tried their best to entertain me, my mind could not stop thinking about Trent. Jose refused to let me touch his phone, which made it impossible for me to know what he said. So I had no choice but to think about what to do next. The words in the text were serious, Trent was not joking.

The first day, I managed to control myself and not snoop through Jose’s phone. But at night, all I could think about was Trent; what he was doing? Where he was? Was he angry, if so how much? What would he do when he would find me?

Even in my dreams I saw him. And the fact that he was angry was an understatement. Trent gripped me tightly, his knuckles turning white and my skin turning red; he told me that I could kiss my freedom good bye. He forced me to wear a wedding dress and all but dragged me to the alter where he forced me to say ‘I do’ to him. And once we were married, he took me to his house where he ravished me all night long.

I woke up with shakes and cold sweats. Thank God Jose was not sharing the room with me, otherwise it would’ve been uncomfortable for me to tell him about my dream. But the problem was, Brynn, Jose cousin who was sharing the room with me. So when I woke up, it resulted in her waking up as well.

“Are you alright?” She asked, turning on the lamp.

“Yes, I’m fine, just had a bad dream.” I told her.

“Oh, do you want to talk about it?” She enquired.

I shook my head. “No, it’s alright. I feel better now, go back to sleep.”

“Was it about that man?” Brynn queried.

“What man?” What was she talking about?

“The man who you are always thinking about. Did you have a dream about him?” Was I that transparent?

“How do you know I’m thinking about a man?” I asked her.

Brynn shrugged. “It’s in your eyes. You want him but for some reason you are avoiding him, is this why you came to Japan? Is that man responsible for you coming here?”

She was the same age as me, which meant I could confide in her if I wanted to. And I needed a woman to talk to, especially now that Hailey was busy with her kids. Maybe, I could tell her what was bothering me.

“I don’t want him. I mean, I shouldn’t want him. He is demented and a spoiled brat. He wants to rule my life and I’m not letting him,” I blurted out.

“What is he to you? I mean the man, what is his relationship with you? How do you know him?” She questioned. I was relieved to see there was no judgement in her eyes, only understanding.

“He is the cousin of my brother-in-law and he is also my boss,” I answered.

“And how is he crazy and demanding?” She queried.

“He told everyone that we are getting married even though we discussed no such thing. That’s what he does; he makes decisions about my life without even asking me. And one time, he dragged me to his apartment and locked me in there. He even cuffed my ankles! Who does that?!” It felt so good to tell someone about my feelings. Jose was an amazing friend, but he was a guy, and I just couldn’t tell him how I felt about Trent.

“But you like him.” Brynn said it like a statement rather than a question.

“I do,” I admitted. There was no use hiding it now, the sooner I accepted the truth, the better. “He is so sweet and kind…sometimes, and he cares about people, especially those who work for him. He makes sure no one is treated unfairly. He is beautiful and complicated. I want to get to know him, but he does things that make me angry…” I trailed off.

“So you like him but you just don’t want him to be so controlling, am I right?” Brynn said.

I nodded. “Yes, you are pretty much right.”

“Have you tried talking to him about it? Have you told him how you feel regarding his behavior?” She enquired.

“I tell him how he is being unfair and all, but…I don’t think I ever told him how I felt. He just makes me so angry, I keep on yelling at him and threatening to leave him, and then he tells me how I can never leave him even if I want to,” I responded.

“So why not just tell him. Tell him how you feel. If he truly loves you, he will tone it down a little. He is just possessive over you and wants you all to himself. Maybe nothing in his life is permanent and he wants you to be the one permanent thing, the one constant in his life,” she commented, taking me by surprise.

“How do you know that? How can you say that?” I asked her. This girl was smart, very smart.

“Because I’ve been there. I know how you feel and what you are going through, because I am going through the same thing,” she answered me.

“You mean to say that there is a crazy, obsessive man after you as well?” I wouldn’t be surprised if she answered in affirmation; Brynn was beautiful and I could see why a man would be possessive over her.

Brynn nodded. “Yes. He is very much like your man. He is crazy and demanding. He saw me three weeks ago and is demanding me to marry him. And I said no, so he threatened me with my family. He isn’t giving me an option to say no.”

“So did you tell him how you feel?” I enquired.

“No not yet, but I will soon. Maybe tomorrow, I don’t know. Maybe I can get him to compromise,” she responded.

“If he doesn’t listen to you, tell me and I will kick his ass,” I stated.

Brynn giggled. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll talk to him and you try talking to your man, tell him how you feel; I’m sure he’ll change for you.”

“I’ll do it after three days.” I told her.

“Why three days?”

“It’s a bet I made with him. If he finds me before three days then I’ll have to marry him, but if he doesn’t then I can do what I want.”

“That’s interesting. Is that why you came here?”

“Yes. This is the farthest we could go, so we came here. I hope he finds me after three days.”

“I think he already knows where you are,” Brynn stated.

“How do you know that?” Was she psychic? Maybe she was studying Psychology or something.

Brynn shrugged. “I don’t know. I just have this feeling that he knows exactly where you are.”

“If that is true then why hasn’t he come yet?” I asked.

“I don’t know about that, but I’m sure he has his reasons.”

If Brynn was telling the truth and Trent really was here, then why was he not here yet? The man was so mysterious, would I ever get to know him completely? Would I ever be able to claim that I know Trent Benson inside and out?

If so, then when?


The remaining forty eight hours passed by in a blur. Brynn and I talked a lot and she told me that she’d take me to meet the man who was crazy about her. I had to admit, I was excited to see the man who was as crazy as Trent. Maybe I could talk to him and would be able to understand Trent better.

There was no word from Trent. I was worried that he would show up before three days were over, bur so far nothing happened. If he didn’t come before midnight then I would win. There were thirty minutes to go before midnight; thirty minutes until I won.

“So if he doesn’t come today that means you win, right?” Brynn asked, flopping on the couch besides me. Everybody else had gone to bed, and only the two of us remained. Jose had given me his cell phone which I had been begging him for, and I was holding on to it with all my might.


“Then what will you do if you win?” She enquired.

“I’ll spend a few days with you before I go back home. Then I’ll tell him how things would be from now on. He will have no choice but to agree.”

“That’s good. Mason has been calling me, has been throughout the day. I told him I’ll see him tomorrow. You will come with me, right? You haven’t changed your mind?”

“Of course I’ll come with you. I want to meet the man who is obsessive about you. I mean he has every reason to be.” I told her.

“It’s weird how time flies so fast. From thirty minutes now only twenty remain,” she observed, eyeing the clock.

My heart begun its slow climb up my throat. Twenty more minutes and I would win. But I could not celebrate so soon; a lot could happen in twenty minutes. Indeed, time flew very fast.

“I hope these twenty minute fly by,” I said.

“Want to watch a movie?”

“Sure, why not.” I shrugged.

Brynn got up and headed over to her room to bring her laptop, leaving me sitting on the couch with a cell phone clutched tightly in my hands.

She was gone for so long that I started to wonder if she had fallen asleep. Yawning loudly since nobody was here, I checked the time which had my eyes popping open. It was midnight. The third day has ended. I won.

And then the door bell rang.

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