The billionaire’s true love


Part 20This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I woke up to someone shaking me like a rag doll. With an irritated frown, I forced my eyes open only to look at Jose. With a scowl, I threw the comforter aside, fixing him with a menacing glare.

“What the hell? Why did you wake me up?” I asked. Trent had been calling me non-stop since last night; I barely got any sleep. And now Jose was shaking me awake.

“You’re late for work,” he replied.

“No, I’m not,” I said.

“Yes, you are. Look it’s already 10:00 am,” Jose pointed out.

“I mean, I am not going to work. I quit.” I told him.

Jose’s eyes widened. “You quit?! But why?” He enquired, sitting on my bed.

“Because Trent is a grade A asshole! He hates me. And he…he hates me,” I spat.

“Did something happen between you two while you were gone?” Jose kept his eyes glued to me.

I sat up, huffing. “He hates me Jose. And no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work, I’ll never be good enough for him. He’ll never treat me like he treats the other models,” I answered.

For a minute, Jose didn’t say anything. I hadn’t told him what transpired between Trent and I, when we were away two days ago. I was just so angry when I got home that I did not feel like talking to anyone. Thank God it was the weekend, which gave me a reprieve from Trent…not really though, since he kept on calling me last night. The man was persistent; even when I put my phone on silent, he did not stop, instead he started calling the landline. Thank God Jose was a heavy sleeper, so he slept through, but I on the other hand ignored it. But now it was Monday again, and I had to face the world.

“So, does he know that you quit?” Jose finally asked.

“I told him that I quit, he said he won’t let me. But I don’t care. I do not want to work for him anymore,” I replied.

“So you quit, but according to him, you’re still suppose to show up for work today?”

I nodded. “Yes. But I think after today he’ll know that I was serious when I said I quit. Hopefully he won’t bother me anymore.” Even though I said it, my heart did not quite believe it. Would Trent leave me alone if I no longer worked for him?

“What if he shows up here?” I gave Jose a horrified look, but he ignored me and continued. “You know, the man is demented. What if he comes here and demands to take you back to work?”

“He would not do that.” When I looked at my friend, I could tell he didn’t believe me. I mean, I didn’t believe myself; Jose and I both knew how persistent Trent could be.

Just then, my cell phone started ringing. Jose picked it up from where it was sitting on the nightstand and checked the caller ID. He grimaced, which was enough to tell me who it was. With my heart beating heavily, I took my phone from him. When my eyes landed on the caller’s name, my suspicions were confirmed. Trent Benson. Without thinking, I declined the call.

“That was not a smart move; especially when your boss is an asshole,” Jose remarked.

“I don’t care.” I shrugged. “I am done with him. From now on, Trent Benson is officially out of my life,” I stated.

As soon as I finished the sentence, my phone started ringing again. I groaned when I saw my boss’ name flashing. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? Didn’t he understand that I was tired of him and his dominating ways?

You weren’t so tired when you were kissing him back like your life depended on it.

Shutting up my subconscious, I glared at my phone. Once I declined the call, I switched my cell phone off. I had no idea what Trent wanted from me. I mean, he obviously liked Tamara, because she was so much better than me and had more experience. Why did he insist on me continuing to work when he had an amazing woman who was a bitch, as a model?

“Oh come on, was turning your phone off really the smart thing to do?” Jose threw his hands in the air.

“I don’t know! I don’t know what is the smart thing to do. I just want him to leave me alone.” I nearly yelled, burying my head in my hands.

Jose wrapped me in an awkward hug, since I was sitting in bed. He patted my back a little, making me feel slightly better.

“What are you going to do if you are no longer working for Benson?” Jose questioned, as soon as he released me.

I sighed deeply. “I have to get another job. But I doubt anyone will hire me.” I told him.

“Why won’t anyone hire you? You’re amazing, and exceptionally beautiful,” Jose said, sincerity shining in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I spilled my guts. I told Jose everything that happened at the meeting with Trent and Tamara; and how that bitch drugged me, resulting in Trent accusing me of doing drugs in public. I was crying by the end of my little speech. No matter how much I tried to be angry at what Trent did, I couldn’t help but feel hurt. Trent had questioned my character, my integrity. He questioned my self respect.

“That conniving bitch!” Jose shouted, causing me flinch. “Do you know where she lives? Give me her address, I am going to go kill her with my bare hands. How dare she get you in trouble?! And to think that greedy whore slipped drugs in your drink!”

“Jose, calm down. Anger will not help. It’s done, it’s over. Now my boss thinks I’m a certified junkie and I can’t do anything about it. My career is over because no one wants a drugged out model. Maybe I’ll look for a desk job or something…” I trailed off, unable to imagine myself sitting behind a desk, typing away on a laptop.

“No! This is not over, Amanda. Your career is not over; not if I can do something about it. You’re my friend and I refuse to let anyone fuck with you. I’ll figure something out for you; but don’t you dare think of finding a boring desk job. You are a model, and I refuse to see you be anything else.” Jose was breathing heavily by the end of his little speech; his eyes held a determined gleam in them.

My heart felt heavy with emotion. Jose looked like he was ready to take on the world for me. The way his shoulders were set, the determined set to his jaw, made me realize how serious he was about all this. Jose wanted to help me. He was not ready to give up, even though I was almost there.

“What are you going to do?” I enquired, putting my legs on the floor, slipping my feet in my flip flops.

“Don’t worry. I’ll think of something. You go to the bathroom and get ready,” Jose ordered.

“Get ready for what?” I asked, confused.

“I mean, go wash your face, brush your teeth. No offence, but your breath stinks.” Jose waved his hand in front of his nose. I narrowed my eyes before I hurled a pillow at him, which he dodged, laughing out loud.

“Get out of here,” I shrieked, laughing on the inside. Jose was such an amazing friend.

“Hurry up. I have to go out for a while, but when I get back, I want you looking as beautiful as you always look, which is…when you’re not sleeping.” With another chuckle, he sauntered out of my bedroom. “Oh, and keep your phone on, I will call you!” He hollered from the outside.

With a sigh, I turned my phone on before jogging towards the bathroom. I quickly did my business, trying to get my act together while brushing my teeth and scrubbing my face with the face wash. Jose might be determined to help me, but I had to do something for myself.

I emerged from the bathroom to hear the sound of my phone. With a growl, I marched over to my bed and picked up my cell phone. Declining Trent’s call once again, I called Hailey. Enough was enough, I had to get Trent off my back. Hailey picked up on the third ring.

“Hey, what’s up?” Hailey spoke from the other line.

“Trent is driving me crazy!” I shrieked, trying to convey all my pent up frustration through the line.

“What did he do now?” She enquired. Hailey didn’t know much about Trent, as I barely had time to tell her, but she knew he was an irritating douchebag.

“He doesn’t let me sleep. Always calls me, and it drives me crazy, I couldn’t sleep last night,” I complained. I would admit, I was exaggerating, but Hailey needed to know how serious my situation was, so she could tell Theodore to tell Trent to leave me alone.

“Turn your ringer off, switch the phone on silent,” she suggested, causing me to roll my eyes. Like I hadn’t tried that already!

“I did, the asshole started calling my house number,” I responded.

“How did he get your number in the first place?” Hailey questioned.

“He’s a Benson, Lee, how do you think he got it?!” I wanted to throttle my best friend right now.

For a second there was no response, but then I heard Theodore mumble, “Good morning, darling.”

“Did you sleep well?” Hailey asked her husband. I could tell she didn’t want me to hear, but she was not succeeding.

“Is this my cue to leave?” I asked her, but got no answer. Fuck it!

“I slept next to you, I had the best sleep,” Theodore responded, causing me to cringe in disgust.

“Hello, Lee, are you listening?!” I yelled through the phone.

“Yeah, I’m here, sorry I was baking cookies for the kids,” she lied, it was pretty obvious. However, the mention of the adorable twins had me forgetting my problems for some time.

“Oh, how are my favorite babies?” I enquired, ignoring the ringing of the landline. Trent just didn’t know when to give up.

“They are fine,” she responded simply.

“I’m coming over in two hours and I’m bringing new toys for the kids.” With that I hung up, not waiting for her to respond. It had been so long since I saw Matt and Misa, Trent really knew how to occupy my time and mind; but not anymore. I was finally free of Trent, at least I thought I was.

Still ignoring my landline which was ringing as if a devil possessed it, I skipped over to my room. I needed to go toy shopping for my niece and nephew; if Jose would call, I would tell him I was out.

When my cell phone rang this time, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Damn it, the phones were scaring me. Curse you, Trent Benson! But it was only Jose calling me. With a sigh of relief, I accepted the call.


“Hey Amanda. What are you doing right now?” Jose asked me.

“I’m getting ready to head out. I have to go shopping for Hailey’s twins.” I told him.

“Can you wait for a while, I am just about to reach, we can go together; I have to buy a few things as well,” he replied.

“Sure. When will you be here?” I queried, sitting down on the bed.

“In about thirty minutes,” Jose responded.

“What? Thirty minutes?! I thought you were five minutes away!” This man was unbelievable at times.

“I never said that,” he argued.

“You said you’re ‘just about to reach’.” I threw his words back at him.

“Yes, in thirty minutes.”

I groaned. “Okay fine. Hurry up.” I hung up.

Since Jose would be back soon…in thirty minutes, I decided to wear something extra nice. Heading over to my closet, I begun rifling through my clothes; my mind imagining myself in all the dresses that I slid to the side. Maybe I should buy some more clothes while I was at it, a girl could never have too many clothes.

My cell phone pinged, alerting me to a text message. Pausing my search, I grabbed my phone to read the text.

You think you can get away, well think again, sleeping beauty.

It was from Trent. Those words were simple, but they managed to send a sinister chill to every cell in my body. Taking a deep breath, I typed a response as I did not want Trent to think that I was scared of him.

I quit. Leave me alone.

Instantly, my phone pinged again. Damn, Trent was a fast typist. I slid the lock screen to read the text.

You can’t quit. And never, bumblebee.

I didn’t know wht to reply, so I didn’t type anything. But it felt like Trent knew I was not going to reply, because I got another text from him.

You’re mine now.

The knock on my bedroom door had me screaming out loud. I whirled around to see Jose standing with a confused look on his face.

“What the hell, Jose?!” I yelled.

“What’s wrong Amanda? Why did you scream?” He asked.

Placing a hand over my racing heart, I tried to calm down. Trent was fucking with my mind. Even when he was not around me, he still managed to be everywhere. It felt as if I couldn’t evade him, no matter how much I wanted to.

“Nothing Jose, you just startled me,” I answered him, not sure if I was telling the truth or not.

“Okay…” If it was possible, he looked more puzzled than ever.

“So, are you ready to go?” I asked, forgetting about the fact that I needed to wear something nice.

“Yes. Do you have to change or something?” Jose enquired.

“No, I’m good. Let’s go, we’re already too late,” I uttered.

“No, I came back ten minutes early,” Jose stated.

Grabbing my purse and cell phone, I left the room with Jose. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

“What do you have to buy?” I asked him.

“Just things for my camera, if I can find them.” Jose opened the door and stopped short, his mouth falling open in utter horror.

I followed his gaze, and the person who was standing there, right outside my apartment was the same one who I had been trying so hard to run from. He was dressed impeccably as usual. But he looked livid; just like how I remembered him in the car.

Trent Benson was here, and he was pissed.

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