The Billionaire Contracted Wife


When I got back to Shelton’s residence, Cayne was waiting outside. He was wrapped up in his favorite black Versace coat and the matching Versace scarf.

It was strange how I knew these things were his favorite. It was almost like we were really together. I shook that thought off as I walked towards him, smiling like my heart wasn’t bruising my chest with every labored beat.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest for warmth. I missed summer already.

“Well, I have the rest of the day off. And I figured out, what better to do with my day off than spend it with you.” He smiled angelically.

I was shocked and I just gaped at him, surprised.

He grinned, then took off his scarf and wrapped it around my neck. And suddenly, I don’t feel cold anymore.

He held out his arm and I took it. He led me to white carriage pulled by four horses that stood proudly that I didn’t even notice when I arrived earlier that it was there. A man wearing a top hat and a suit that reminded me of something from the 1850’s grinned at me warmly.

I looked at Cayne in shock.

“What’s all this fuss?” I asked him.

“Last night, before we went to sleep I asked you what was something you always wanted to do. And you said that you wanted to have a carriage ride. So, I got this for you.” I was shocked yet again. I remember telling last night before we drifted off to sleep, but it didn’t cross my mind that he would actually do something like this for me.

It’s so sweet of him.

“I didn’t actually think you were paying attention.” I giggled.

“I pay attention to everything you say .” He replied soflty.

I looked at him closely. He was swallowing hard and his cheeks were pink.

Is Cayne Shelton-the biggest ladies man on the planet- actually blushing right now?

“Okay, now let’s get you on the carriage,” Cayne said quickly, looking awkward.

The man dressed in old clothing held out his hand and helped me up. I sat down and Cayne followed. Very clumsily. He fell down in the seat beside me, then cursed silently.

I giggled again. I have never seen him being clumsy before for how many weeks already that I spent with him. It was actually endearing.

Cayne sat close by me and spread a thick, warm blanket across our laps.

The man look at us and smiled.

“Cozy?” He asked. I nodded and smiled back.

As we rode by all the mansions- some which were already decorated for Christmas- Cayne’s hand found mine. His hands were big and warm and it sent butterflies swarming in my stomach.

We were silent the entire ride but I enjoyed the scenery. After the ride, the guy turned around and smiled at us.

“Hope you lovebirds enjoyed the ride.” Cayne nodded.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

After we got off the carriage and walked away, I heard the man murmuring, “True love, it gets me everytime.”

It was already dark as we walked to the front door. I pondered the man’s murmur. Did it really look like Cayne and I were in love? Maybe Cayne was just too good as an actor. I mean, duh! We were just pretending, right? Weren’t we?

I mean, it’s true that my heart reacts wildly whenever he smiles or touches me, but who wouldn’t overreact? It’s Cayne Shelton for Pete’s sake. If you looked up the definition of sexy and handsome, Cayne’s picture would definitely pop up. So just because my heart races whenever he’s near me didn’t mean I wanted to be with him. Didn’t I?

“Did you enjoy it?” He asked, suddenly looking at me.

“Huh?” I blinked, snapping out my thoughts.

“The carriage ride, did you enjoy it?” He chuckled.

“Oh, yeah,” I grinned at him. “It was very nice of you to do that for me. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”

His cheeks turn pink again. He said nothing as he opened the door and we stepped inside.

We are now walking to our designated rooms. I wasn’t about to open the door when Cayne grabbed my wrist.

I looked at him and saw that he was oddly nervous.

“Um…. I wondered if you could stay in my room tonight? With me?” His voice has a veiled shyness to it.

I was shocked. From all of the stories I’ve heard about Cayne, he never allowed women he had flings with to enter his room. Based on the stories I’ve heard, he would take them to another room in the house, but never in his room.

So for him to ask me to stay in his room, with him, of course, it was a major decision.

I tried thinking for an answer that I think I will not regret the most. And when I finally found the answer to his question, I looked at him and nodded and he sighed in relief.

He led me all the way past all the rooms and up three flights of stairs. We ended up with a room with wooden double doors which was located in a different wing from all of the other rooms.

He pushed open the giant door and revealed a room way larger than the one I was staying in. I gasped at the view. It was pretty much a house, if I would describe it in my own definition.

His room was filled of black and white designs. The color of the walls and things were also black and white. It looks very neat and clean. I gaped at the room as Cayne closed the door behind us.

“Your room is… huge,” I gasped. “How can you sleep in this very big room of yours. My god! It’s like the whole squad can live here.”

He chuckled and I jumped a little in surprise. He was right behind me and was so close. I hadn’t expected him to be that close to me.

I took off the scarf he had given me earlier and handed it to him. Then I took off my jacket and slung it across the back of the comfy chair sitting in his room.

“I’m just gonna go get a shower,” I said to him, inching out of the room.

I walked to my room and took a few of my necessities before I went to take a shower.

After my shower, I went to Cayne’s room. The room was dark except for the window which was open. The window stretched from one corner of the wall all the way from the other side. The city lights were visible and just beyond that was a balcony.

Climbing all those damn stairs was all worth it because of this view.

Cayne was standing there, staring out the window. Little droplets of water were falling from his blonde hair.

He turned and smiled at me, running a hand through his wet hair. He looked at my legs- no… He stared at them. I then realized how short my shorts were. But the way he was looking at me sent my pulse slamming against my chest and jack hammering against my neck.

I swallowed, but played it cool, walked to stand beside him and looked out of the window.

“You have the best view in town, I think,” I said softly, gazing at the gorgeous scenery before me.

“Yeah, I do,” he responded, looking right at me. His gaze was so intense.

I swallowed again, trying so hard to ignore the warmth building in my stomach.

“You know, I’ve heard stories that you, Cayne Shelton, doesn’t allow women to enter his bedroom,” I began, changing the subject.

“No, I usually don’t,” he answered.

“What made you decide to invite me in here?”

He was quiet for a moment as he pondered my question.

“You’re not like…… another woman,” He said slowly.

“The women whom I brought in this house, I just used them. They held no true appeal to me, just lust. But you….”

He chuckled softly, shaking his head while my heart throbbed.

“You’re so damn feisty and aggravating. And you don’t want me to have sex with you which obviously makes me want you more. I mean, it’s not the only thing I wanted from you in the first place. It’s not it.” It felt like my body was on fire and Cayne Shelton is the cause of it.

“I tried to deny it for a long time now. But the simple fact is,” -he took a big gust of air before letting it go slowly- “I like you, Raszhiel. I like you a lot. You made me do things that I haven’t done before in my entire life.” He stared at me intently and I feel like I’m going crazy because of the way he did it.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“What do you mean?” I ask, feeling my heartbeat that beats so fast because of his sudden confession.

“I know it sounds crazy, alright? I mean yeah, I don’t want us to pretend any more. I want you to be mine, my wife for real now and not just in the contract.,” he came closer, resting his hand on my arm and using his thumb to trace patterns there.

“I want,” he whispered as his lips got closer. “I want to be with you, for real now. And I hope you feel the same way too.”

My heart keeps on beating so fast like a crazy dog. Do I really want that too? I mean I know for myself that I’m feeling something for him but I’m still confused as to what is it. I mean, am I ready to trust a man again? Could I?

I sighed, trying to focus my mind on thinking for an answer. What should I do?

Then I looked at him. He is also looking at me, waiting for me to answer his question.

“Yes, I want that too,” I whispered.

He smiled. Then his lips suddenly crushed down to mine. They moved against mine urgently and I could tell that he had wanted to do this for a long time now. My heart was beating in a jagged rhythm and when I placed my hand in his chest, I felt his heart was pounding so hard just like mine.

When his lips released mine, he placed his forehead against mine.

“Finally,” he whispered.

I closed my eyes, feeling the moment.

I hope I won’t regret this decision of mine.

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