The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


New York, Mia

Bella was busy preparing a pot of chicken soup while I sat at the kitchen counter, watching her deftly move around the kitchen. She couldn’t contain her curiosity about recent events, and she decided to address the elephant in the room.

“I cannot believe you turned his marriage proposal down. Girl, I was screaming when I saw the headlines,” Bella exclaimed, her excitement evident in her voice.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. “Come on now, Bells, I barely know the man,” I replied, leaning back on the counter. “If you were in my shoes, you would’ve done it too.”

Bella paused, her fingers momentarily still as she contemplated my statement. “Mmm, would I? It’s Sebastian Thornton we’re talking about,” she mused, her eyes dancing mischievously. She let out a laugh, knowing full well that my situation was far from ordinary. “Gavin was at the front of the apartment,” she added.

I nodded in confirmation. “Yup, I saw him. Slapped his face too,” I said, a sense of satisfaction lingering from that earlier encounter.

Bella couldn’t help but join in my amusement. “He deserved it. Anyway, what did your parents say? Did they catch up on the news?”

I nodded again. “You know,” I began, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation, “not happy.”

Bella sighed sympathetically. “I’m sorry, Mia. You really got a shitty family, not counting your brother, of course.”

I chuckled, appreciating her supportive words. “True, but then again, you’re crushing on my brother, so you’re kinda biased,” I teased her.

Bella chortled as she continued to stir the pot of soup. “That… that is true.”

When the soup was finally done, I grabbed two bowls, and Bella filled them with the comforting, steaming liquid. As we sat down to eat, she couldn’t resist asking about my pregnancy.

“How’s pregnancy?” Bella inquired. “Morning sickness?”

I let out a small sigh of relief. “To be honest,” I replied, “it’s been nice. Not talking about all the drama… it’s actually quite peaceful.”

Bella and I enjoyed our chicken soup together, the warm and comforting aroma filling the room as we continued chatting.

“I never thought you would become a mother so soon. But I’m so happy for you,” Bella said with a smile, her eyes reflecting her genuine happiness for me.

I chuckled, stirring my soup thoughtfully. “A baby wasn’t on my wishlist anytime soon, Bells. But I guess the universe has other plans for me.”

Bella nodded in understanding. “Are you going back to your career after pregnancy?” she asked, her curiosity evident.

I contemplated her question before answering. “Actually, I’ll be working until three weeks before my due date,” I informed her. It was a decision I’d made recently, one that felt right. I needed to stay busy and save some extra money for the baby’s arrival.

“Are you sure?” Bella asked, concern in her eyes. “What about Sebastian? His business is in Los Angeles. Isn’t he going to ask you to move with him so he can be closer to, well, you and the baby?”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I hadn’t thought about that, and it made me realize there were many important discussions we hadn’t yet had. “We haven’t talked about it yet,” I admitted, taking a sip of the delicious soup Bella had made.

Bella raised a thoughtful eyebrow. “You should start talking about those things with him, you know? So you both know where you stand in each other’s lives.”

She was absolutely right, and her words resonated with me. I needed to have those conversations with Sebastian, to ensure we were on the same page about our future together. But for now, my train of thought was interrupted by a message that popped up on my phone screen.

The look on my face must have turned sour because Bella immediately asked, “It’s your family, huh?” I nodded in response, my eyes still fixed on the message from my mother.

“It says, ‘Visit home soon,'” I reluctantly shared with Bella. The idea of returning to that toxic environment didn’t sit well with me. I had to think about my unborn child’s well-being, too.

Bella chuckled, her laughter devoid of any humor. “Ain’t no way you’re going there. Your father is going to push you down the stairs, trust me.”

The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine. My father had been capable of unimaginable cruelty, and although I doubted he’d go to such extremes, I couldn’t put anything past him. “I don’t think he will,” I said, though my voice lacked conviction.

Bella rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed with my hesitation. “Come on, Mia, if he can treat his own daughter like dirt, he won’t hesitate to treat your child like it too. Especially since in their eyes, you’re now a disgrace.”

She was right, and deep down, I knew it. I finally mustered the courage to respond to my mother’s message, typing a single word that conveyed my decision: “No.”

As I hit send, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of relief and guilt. Relief for not subjecting myself and my unborn child to the toxicity of my family’s home, and guilt for distancing myself from them when they were still my parents.

Bella placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “You did the right thing,” she said softly. “Your well-being and your baby’s come first.”

I smiled weakly, grateful for Bella’s support. “Thanks, Bells. I just hope they understand.”

Bella shrugged, her expression pragmatic. “If they don’t, it’s their problem, not yours. You’re building a new life now, Mia, and it’s time to leave the past behind.”

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