The Alpha’s Forbidden Love

Chapter Six


It was time.

It was difficult to breathe. Furs sprouted from every inch of my body, what was once my normal human hands got mangled and my skin peeled away like a banana. They were replaced with the large hairy dangerously clawed hands of a beast. My new body parts started popping out, a slimy dog saliva-like substance oozed out along with blood from my snapping joints.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

The color of my eyes changed, and my pupils too. The red glowing orbs of a predator radiated from my eye sockets, and my pupils dilated like a wolf’s. my eyes were stripped of all humanity and replaced with the eyes of a hunter. My night vision was excellent.

My entire body starts molding itself into its new werewolf shape, I was a lot taller and broader than a human which made me slouch. My bones began to snap, lengthen, and pop through my skin and back into place.

I groaned in pain, the pains were unfathomable, and I couldn’t go on with the process. My bones began to reposition themselves, and my skin had to move too, though skins were pretty elastic, they shredded in some places and stretched in other parts. After the gooey mess was over, a new tightened fully formed layer of skin slides into place over my now stronger and muscular physique.

My ears stretched up out of the side of my head like Laffy Taffy before taking their final form, it was extremely painful. My hearing abilities had enhanced.

The transformation process was almost complete, my face pushed forward and split away as a snout formed, my jaw dislodging to make room for a massive, deadly maw. It was as if someone just grabbed my face and yanked a new one straight out. My old teeth began to elongate while some fell right out of my face as new fangs fit for a flesh-tearing burst through my gums.

My transformation into a wolf was now complete.

“You did good, Chris” I heard my wolf through the mind link.

I howled as I walked around, others had transformed with me but I paid no attention to them, suddenly a white wolf approached me, it stopped when it got close enough and bowed before me.

“I’m Glen, Glen Stawarski,” he said through the mind link “I’m your Beta”.

“I’m Chris, nice to meet you,” I said.

My mother gestured for me to come forward while I spoke with my Beta. Orvyn rose from his seat and walked to the rostrum to make his speech.

“I welcome you all into the coronation of our son, Chris, your new alpha and heir to the throne. Accord him with respect as your new Alpha King,” he said.

The sound of applause filled the air, I howled once more to the crowd showing my appreciation, turning to him I bowed to him.

“Thank you Orvyn; I promise I’ll never let you down.” Then facing the crowd I said to them. “I want to appreciate everyone that has come to witness my coronation. As your new alpha and king, I promise to protect the members of this pack, I’ll ensure no one is in danger under my watch. I only ask that you all cooperate with me in making this pack better,” giving speeches wasn’t a big deal, so this was a piece of cake.

My mother patted my wolf and smiled, then she said

“Now, to the moment we’ve all been waiting for; the moment the new Alpha searches for his mate among us. If no one from this pack is chosen, then his mate is a member of another pack and we must accept and cherish his Luna like ours” she beckoned me to go search for my mate.

Searching for my mate was the most important thing, no matter who it was going to be, I was willing to learn to love that person.

I was nervous as I walked around in search of my mate.

“Are you ready to meet our mate?” my wolf asked. “By the way I’m Gavin”.

“Nice to meet you, Gavin”

“So are you ready to meet our mate now?” he asked again

“I don’t think I am, I’m nervous,” I said as I scanned the area for my mate. I walked around the arena a couple of times until I eventually gave up, my mate wasn’t among the crowd. I felt disappointed.

“We’ll find our mate soon, don’t be disappointed. Our mate is beautiful and loving, though she’s stubborn I won’t lie to you. You’ll love her when you see her,” Gavin assured me.

“If you know so well who our mate is then why don’t you tell me so that I can find her,” I said excitedly but Gavin shook his head

“It won’t be fun if I tell you just like that. Be patient Chris, be patient,” Gavin said before blocking the link between us.

Angered, I moved to my mother for comfort, she patted my shoulder and said “Don’t be this way, son, because you didn’t find your mate here doesn’t mean you won’t find your mate elsewhere. Be patient”

My mother had a way of calming me down with her soothing words. I was calm again but what I needed at the moment was to be left alone. I needed to sleep and rest my head for a while.

“Mother, can I go in and rest for a while? I’m exhausted” I said to her whilst Lothar approached us. I told him what I wanted to do and he gave me leave.

“Yes, you can, don’t forget you have a meeting with the council of elders tomorrow where we’ll decide your first assignment,” my mother said.

“Yes Mother, I understand,” I said before heading back to my room. Kayla saw me leave the arena and quickly rushed toward me.

“Where are they going? The ceremony is just getting started” she said.

“I’m sorry Kayla, I won’t be joining you, you can carry on without me. I need to retire for the night. I’ll see you in the morning” I said as I made my way to my chambers.

I lay on my bed and in no time I was fast asleep. I felt the sensation of someone’s hand on my face which jolted me awake, I opened my eyes to find Cecilia in my room half naked.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, looking confused.

Cecilia had been stalking me for years and it wasn’t new to me anymore but finding him in my chambers took me off guard.

“I came to make you feel comfortable, especially now that you don’t have a mate yet,” she said, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I can fill that position until you find your mate,” she added. I felt her hands move down my chest to my lower limb, I grabbed her hands as she reached out to touch my groin.

“I’d like to be left alone, Cecilia. I’ve had a long day and I need to rest”

“Shhhh” she placed her index finger on my lips “Relax, let me take the stress away, don’t worry I don’t bite,” she said while her hands were busy unhooking my trousers. I pushed her away and got out of my bed, walking to the door, I yanked it open in anger.

“I don’t need your comfort, now get out before I lose my temper!” I yelled at him. She quickly grabbed her clothes and dashed out of my room in fear. I’ve never been this rude to my subjects but I had no choice, she needed to be stopped.

I stood at the door watching as she ran out of my room, I knew how stubborn Cecilia could be and I knew she would show up again one day. The best option was to report to my mother but I knew the repercussions, she would be punished for trying to seduce me and I didn’t want that for her.

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