The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chpater 66


I hate these Alpha meetings sometimes. I really do. It’s the morning of the third day, and to say the last two evenings have been difficult would be an understatement. It seems more like a free for all than a meeting of leaders. Yes all of us leaders have been meeting daily, all day, but after the meetings end is when the trouble starts. Some Alphas, and Betas brought their daughters with them to see if they could find their mates. The Alphas have not been pushing their daughters on others, I sadly can’t say the same for the Lunas, and Beta females. The attendants of those that are here for meeting aren’t much better. Add in the females just from the pack we’re staying at, and it seems more like some sort of mating gathering than a meetings, and it’s getting on all of our nerves.

My dad, Dimitri. Jax, and I are all sharing a four bedroom suite, and between the four of us, we’ve had to run a few females out of our rooms so far. I was a little shocked to see the ages of the females dad, and Dimitri had to march out of their bedrooms the first two nights. These girls couldn’t be much older than twenty. Before heading off to this morning’s meeting we opted to put warriors outside the door of our suite, as well as have at least one warrior with each of us when moving around the halls, and during gatherings. There had just been too many issues with females in the short amount of time we’ve been here. The words I have a mate seemed to fall on deaf ears as well.

The meetings themselves have gone well so far though. The king, and queen preside over these meetings so the first day is reserved for each Alpha to go over the status of their pack, where they’re excelling, and where they may need some help. It used to be the second day was for discussing the status of rogues, and what to do about them. The King changed that about 6 months after mom died. He tracked the rogue leader down, and they some how worked out turning the rogues into their own pack. Now rogues are few, and far between.

Due to the fact that the rogues are spread through out the country the rogue leader takes most of the second day to fill us in on how all of his sub packs are doing, what they need, and what they can provide for others. Listening to him was impressive. He really had a clear handle on all of those that were once rogues. He did request that if we, as packs, come across any to bring them in, provide food, and shelter then contact him. He would come to collect them or we could offer them a place in our packs. My heart. went out to him when he went through his list of rogues he was forced to put down because they were. too far gone in their loss of humanity. It was clear he hated doing it, but to protect others, and to keep our secret from the human world he didn’t have a choice.

Today would be the day we review alliance agreements for the King. If any were established, the terms of the agreements were also reviewed. Renewed agreements were a quick review. The ones that would take the longest where the canceled agreements. Those that canceled agreements needed to justify their decision. The king would then attempt to work the agreement out in a manner that both parties found acceptable so the agreement could be reestablished. I was not looking forward to this one. My dad, and I would have to justify why our agreement with Cedar Grove was terminated. I had hoped that this wouldn’t be too involved because Alpha Marvin hadn’t been here to first two days, but I caught sight of him, and Bianca last night. Dad swore everything would be fine though. I just had to hope he was right.

So far things had been fairly simple though. We listened to other packs review their agreements, and any changes made. Our pack was a part of many of the agreements in the eastern part of the country so every time one of our allies was called to review their agreements dad, and I were part of the talks. It wasn’t until Alpha Marvin was called that I started to get a little nervous.

“Good morning Alpha Marvin of Cedar Grove. Nice of you to finally join us. I will be in contact with you this afternoon about the status of your pack since you missed the first two days of this REQUIRED meeting.” The King stated firmly.

“1… Yes your Majesty.” Alpha Marvin sputtered as he bowed to the king.

“Now it is my understanding that you have an alliance agreement that was canceled recently, and you also now have a grievance against this same pack.”

“Yes your Majesty.”

“Very well. Please state the pack, explain to us what your grievance is, and why the agreement was canceled.”

“My grievance is against Moonlight pack.”

“Alpha Joseph, and Future Alpha Rowen please come to the podium.” The King called dad, and I forward.

Dad grabbed his laptop, and a folder he had then we moved to the podium. We bowed to the King, and waited. We would get a chance to state our side of things once Alpha Marvin stated his grievance.

“Please explain your grievance to us Alpha Marvin, and we will see how we can correct the issue, and move forward.” The King requested.

“Several weeks ago Joseph, Dimitri, Jax, and Rowen came to my pack to review our trade, and alliance agreements. While there Rowen dishonored my daughter, Bianca on more than one occasion. When I demanded he do right by her, and take her as his chosen mate, he refused. He said he had a mate already, but he still took advantage of my daughter. If he actually had a mate he wouldn’t have used my daughter. Joseph refused to make his son honor my daughter after he used her, and attempted to throw her away. I am here to demand he do right by her.” Alpha Marvin said smugly.

At one point, as he spoke, my father had to grip my arm, to keep me from speaking before it was our turn.

“I see. What was ALPHA Joseph’s reason for not stepping in, and having his son do right by your daughter?” The king asked.

“Some bullshit about fated mates.” Alpha Marvin responded.

“Alpha Marvin, I understand your anger, but I please ask you to remain professional during these proceedings.”

“I…I am sorry your Majesty.”

“Now please tell me what Alpha Joseph’s response was to his son’s actions with your daughter.”

“He laughed it off, and said that my daughter shouldn’t have agreed to meet him if she didn’t want to risk. getting used then thrown away.”

I growled quietly in my throat at the lies being told. Dad mind liked me to tell me to calm down because he would correct this when it was our turn to speak.

“That is a terrible thing to say.” The King stated.

“It was.” Alpha Marvin agreed.

“What happened after that?”

“They left after ripping up our agreements.”

“I see. And how would you like to see this matter resolved.”

“I want him to honor my daughter, and take her as his chosen mate then take over my pack.”

“I understand. Alpha Joseph, I am going to now give you a chance to explain yours, and your son’s actions in this matter. I must admit I am very disappointed.”

“I understand your Majesty, and I appreciate the opportunity to explain our side of the situation.” My

father responded with a bow.

“They have no need to state their side. All that matters is he do right by my daughter!” Alpha Marvin growled.

“Alpha Marvin, you will refrain from outbursts. They will not be tolerated. You stated your grievances. Now is their chance to explain their side of things. You will NOT interrupt them, or speak at all again, until asked. Do I make myself clear?” The King stated firmly.

“Ye….yes your Majesty.” Alpha Marvin sputtered.

“Good. Now Alpha Joseph please explain what your side of these events is.”

“Yes your Majesty. I had set up a meeting with Alpha Marvin to review our trade agreement as there had been a decrease in goods supplied, but an increase in requested supplies, and financial assistance over the last year. As this was concerning, I wanted to sit down with Alpha Marvin to see if we could help him, and his pack in any way to stabilize their situation again. Upon arriving my son, Future Alpha Rowen felt something was not quite right. He arranged that either his future Beta Jax Bloomfield, or his personal guard Warrior Blake to be with him or guarding his door at all times. He felt being left alone for any reason could cause an opening for something he was uncomfortable with. Alpha Marvin spent much of that evening attempting to get future Alpha Rowen, and Bianca alone together which were denied by Rowen. “That night Future Beta Jax stayed in Alpha Rowen’s bedroom, and when he left in the morning he placed. Warrior Blake at Rowen’s door, as requested. When we convened for our meeting, Alpha Marvin attempted to keep Rowen out of the meeting, but was denied. When trade agreement talks were unsuccessful we moved to review the alliance agreement. It was then that Alpha Marvin stated he had made some minor revisions to the agreement, and we just needed to sign. He attempted to hand us just the last page of the agreement that contains to legalese

that we accepted the terms of the agreement, and signature lines. When asked for the full agreement to review, we were refused. Alpha Marvin stated the changes were just verbiage, but I insisted. Upon reading the updated agreement, we refused his changes. Alpha Marvin became angry with our refusal, and stated if we did not agree our contract was void. He would only accept our agreement to his terms. I opted to give him the night to reconsider as he did need our alliance. After we ended the meeting at an impasse Beta Dimitri, Future Beta Jax, Future Alpha Rowen, and myself left the pack house to have dinner in town.

“Upon return future Alpha Rowen, and future Beta Jax went to Rowen’s room for the night. Rowen opened his door to find Bianca on his bed, unclothed, and attempting to tempt Rowen into joining her. He stayed in the hall with future Beta Jax, and requested she dress, and leave his room. It was as they were standing in the hall, Alpha Marvin, his Beta Zander, myself, and my Beta Dimitri arrived in the hall. At that point Bianca proceeded to claim Rowen had requested her presence in his room that night. She also stated she had been in his room the previous night. Alpha Marvin began to demand Rowen do right by Bianca as he would not hear that Rowen did not touch her or request her presence in his room. This all came about when we rejected the demands he made in the new agreement.

“Even given the events that occurred I still gave Alpha Marvin the night to reconsider our original agreement. He refused, and advised me that I either agreed to his terms, as well as force my son to do right by Bianca for something that did no happen, he would go to war with my pack.” My father explained

“Do you believe your son, that he did nothing to Alpha Marvin’s daughter?”

“Yes I do sir.”

“He’s a liar, and user of innocent girls!” Alpha Marvin yelled, but the King growled at him which caused him to bare his neck in submission.

“Do you have proof of any of this?” The king asked.

“Yes sir. Here is a copy of the agreement Alpha Marvin presented us.” My father handed the folder to one

of the king’s guards.

My father used the mind link to let me know he had received a copy of it by email from Beta Zander right as we were leaving Cedar Grove. We stood quietly as the King read the agreement. I watched as his brows pinched. After reading the first page, he looked at us confused.

“This is quite the list of demands. Why would he expect you to agree to this?” The king asked.

“Read the second page your Majesty, and it will all become clear.” My father responded.

I stood as patiently as I could. I was waiting for the look of shock on the king’s face. When it finally came I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling. Finally the king closed the folder, and slapped it onto the desk in front of him. He looked right at Alpha Marvin, looking very angry.

“Alpha Marvin, how in Goddess’s name did you think they would agree to these demands? Especially the demand that Future Alpha Rowen take your daughter Bianca as his chosen mate?” The King growled.

“I wrote that agreement after my daughter told me of her first night with Rowen, and the promises he made her when he took her innocence.” Alpha Marvin stated.

“Alpha Joseph, do you have anything to counter that claim?” The king asked dad.

“Yes your Majesty. If you look at the date Alpha Marvin wrote the agreement, and compare it to the dates. on the passes we used to enter his pack, that are also in that folder, you will see that the

agreement was written two months before we arrived.” My father advised, and the King reopened the folder.

see. So now we need to settle the matter of Future Alpha Rowen’s actions with Bianca. Future Alpha Rowen, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Your Majesty at no time during our visit to Cedar Grove was I alone with Bianca.” I stated calmly.

“Why is that, and how?”

“Upon arriving, as my father stated, I made arrangements for either my Beta Jax, and my personal guard for the weekend, Warrior Blake to be with me, or at my door at all times.”

“What prompted you to take this action?”

“The behavior, and attire I witnessed when we arrived clued me into a possible trap. I wanted to ensure I did not find myself in a situation where I would be forced to reject my fated mate, whom I love dearly, to take a chosen mate I do not want.”

“You have fated mate?”

“Yes you Majesty.”

“Was she with you or is she here at this time?”

“No your Majesty. She is attending Cloverland Nursing, and Midwife School at this time.”

“I see. Now you claim that Bianca was not in your room your first night at Cedar Grove, and that when you discovered her in your room the second, you told her to leave. You also stated that you had a guard at your door when Beta Jax was not with you. Where was this guard on both nights?”

“On the first night, Beta Jax slept in my room so Warrior Blake was given the night off. He was placed at my door when Beta Jax left my room in the morning to return to his. The second night, Warrior Blake was not at my door. When Bianca was questioned about his whereabouts. She informed us she had given him a sleeping potion so she could get into my room.”

“Were Alpha Marvin, and Bianca made aware of the arrangements you made prior to the incidents in question?”

“No they were not.”

“Did you make them aware of these arrangements after you found Bianca in your room?”

“I did. When I stated that Bianca had not been in my room the first night, and Beta Jax was the witness to this, she claimed he joined in the activities she was stating happened.”

“Is that what occurred?”

“No your Majesty. She did come to my door, and knocked in the middle of the night, but not only did she not gain entry, we did not acknowledge her knocking.”

“I see. Do you have any proof of the events that you say occurred as they occurred or only witnesses?” “Your Majesty, we do have proof.” My father spoke up as he opened his laptop.

“You do? How?” The king asked.

“Future Beta Jax discovered that Alpha Marvin has security cameras placed in many places in his pack house. He also discovered that the entire feed is public, attached to his pack website. The whole thing can be viewed at any time via live feed, with no security needed to access it. The security cameras also have microphones that are strong enough to pick up any, and all conversations had within range of them. Future Beta Jax had forethought enough to review, and d******d the feed during our visit. He

made sure to only stay within our visit. I have the recordings here for review if I could have the cord for the projector please.” My father explained, and a guard handed him the cable he needed.

“What? No! They cannot play that! That is private, personal, and inside of my own home!” Alpha Marvin. protested.

“Alpha Marvin, when you allow such feeds to stream live for anyone to view, they are no longer deemed private, or personal. Alpha Joseph, please show us the recordings.” The king requested.

I hadn’t realized that there were cameras outside of the house as well, until the feeds began. We watched as Bianca adjusted her clothes multiple times, and listened to Alpha Marvin promise I would be hers. I gritted my teeth at that. The feed then moved to the first dinner where Alpha Marvin tried multiple times. to get Bianca, and I alone, as well as to attempt to keep me from the meeting. It moved again to Jax, and I entering my room, followed by several hours later Bianca knocking at my door wearing the flimsy robe, and high heels. It also showed her not gaining entrance, or even anyone answering the door. The recording of our meeting with Alpha Marvin was also played. This followed with the feed of Jax, and I finding Bianca in my room, as well as all that occurred afterwards. The final feed was of Alpha Marvin’s threat. When it ended I looked to the king. He looked very angry.

I stood nervously as I watched him pinch his brows, and sigh. I knew everything was in shown in my favor, but anything could happen. When the king finally looked up at everyone he looked even angrier.

“Before we proceed, I need to ask if anyone else has had similar experiences with Alpha Marvin?” The king called out.

“Yes your Majesty. I traveled to Cedar Grove two days after Alpha Joseph, and his party left. My father, mother, my father’s Beta, my Beta, and my mate, went to also discuss our trade agreement. Despite my mate being with me, and both of us being marked, Alpha Marvin attempted to get me to accept his daughter. He went as far as to degrade my mate, fated mates in general, and demanding I reject my

marked mate. His daughter Bianca was rude, and degrading to my mate, and my mother during the visit as well. She attempted to place my mate, and I in separate bedrooms, got nasty when I said no, and then my guard caught her trying to sneak into my bedroom while I was showering.” Alpha Robert from Dark Moon pack advised.

“Did he threaten your pack when you refused?” The king asked.

“Yes your Majesty.”

“I see. Has anyone else experienced the same treatment from Alpha Marvin?”

“Your Majesty, no other packs have visited Cedar Grove at this time. I have ensured they would not. My Alpha’s son has allowed his greed to cloud his good judgement. I am fully aware of the harm he could bring our pack if he behaves the same with others, as he has Moonlight, and Dark Moon pack. While I am retiring as Beta, effective immediately, I must protect what is left of my pack, as best I can.” Beta Zander stated as he stood up in the back of the room.

I hadn’t even known he was there. It appeared Alpha Marvin didn’t either. He was shocked at first then angry. I could see the rage in his eyes directed at Beta Zander.

“And you are?” The king called to Beta Zander.

“I am sorry your Majesty. I am Beta Zander. I was Alpha Marvin’s father’s Beta for many years. As I produced no sons, I agreed to stay on as pack Beta until a suitable replacement could be found.” Beta Zander responded with a bow.

“I understand, and I appreciate your response.”

“Yes your Majesty.”

“I feel the need to ask you a question Alpha Marvin.” The kind stated.

“Ye… Yes your Majesty?” Alpha Marvin responded.

“You attempted to trap both of these young men into accepting your daughter as their chosen mate. One informed you he had a fated mate. The other brought his fated mate with him. You disregarded this. You also disregarded the fact that your daughter has a fated mate out there some where. You attempted to deny multiple people the gift the Moon Goddess granted each of us. My question is why?” The king asked.

“Fated mates are a joke. A myth we chose to tell our children to try to keep them pure. On top of that no Alpha should have to settle for a weak Omega or low rank wolf for a mate. They are a stain, and curse on any Alpha stuck with one of those. We need someone just as powerful as we are.” Alpha Marvin stated with a snort.

“I will do my best to maintain my temper here, as I am hoping many Alphas are as well. You speak of Lunas of many packs, as well as your own Queen in an incredibly disrespectful manner. It is clear to me that what Beta Zander said is correct about your greed. He neglected to mention your arrogance on top of it. Fated mates are NOT a joke or myth. Nor are Omegas and low rank wolves a stain or curse on any one! Alpha Marvin, you and your daughter have crossed lines that should NEVER be crossed. You made demands you had no business making. You attempted to entrap two different males, knowing they had mates, into choosing your daughter over the bonds they share with others. Bonds that are stronger than. any other bond out there. To make matters worse you presented your case to me, filled with lies and deception, and did not expect anyone to refute your claims. You thought I would force your agenda based on lies.

“Of course all of this followed you disregarding the summons to be here two days ago to review that state of your pack, along with all of the other Alphas already here. That’s ok though. When you failed to appear, I sent out sorneone to investigate the state of your pack. Imagine my surprise to find it pretty much deserted, and the supply of your main trade is almost completely diminished. My man spoke with Beta Zander extensively on the state of things. He did not advise us of this situation, but was very open

about what has been happening in your pack since your father passed away. To say I am disappointed is being kind. Your father would be disgusted, and I know he raised you to behave like an upstanding Alpha. Sadly, you have not.

“Here is what is going to happen. I will NOT be forcing Future Alpha Rowen, or anyone for that matter to

accept your daughter. The ONLY person who will be allowed to accept your daughter will be her fated mate. Provided she has not rejected him at your request. You are both to maintain distance from any member of Moonlight pack, and Dark Moon pack in attendance this week. Furthermore I will not support you attacking any pack. I will not support your allies assisting you in attacking another pack. If you, with or without your allies attack another pack you will have me to deal with directly. You may think angering certain Alphas in the room is risky, know they are nothing compared to me. Your pack may have all but, deserted you, but I will eliminate you, and what is left of your pack. The same goes for any pack that assists you.

“I will not ask, nor expect Alpha Joseph to reinstate ANY agreements with you or your pack. They are completely free of any agreement or obligation to your pack. You have already taken too much advantage of them, and many of your alliances. The same goes for Dark Moon pack. I also will not stop any other pack from canceling their agreements with your pack.

“Furthermore I am giving you one year’s time to turn things around for what remains of your pack or assisting the remaining members finding new packs. One year from now I will be personally reviewing the state of your pack, AND inspecting EVERYTHING. If I feel you have done well to restore your pack, you will retain your position of Alpha over Cedar Grove. If you opted to find your remaining pack members new packs to accept them then I will do my part to assist you in finding a new pack. If for any reason you do neither of these, or continue on the path you are on at present you will be stripped of

your title, and role. You will be moved to Royal Pack, and serve as a laborer in the best capacity of your skills.”

“You…you can’t do that?” Alpha Marvin stuttered.

“Can’t I’m?”

“N….no. That’s my pack.”

“True, but I am the king. My very job dictates that I ensure that all wolves are cared for properly, and their Alphas provide for them. If an Alpha is failing at that, it is my job to correct the problem in any means. necessary. My role as king also overrides your role as Alpha. If you are deemed unfit, it is my job to remove you, and replace you with someone who will put his pack above his own wants, and desires. You have done the opposite. You put your own greed above all else. You have let your pack flounder, and it is failing, badly. Head count as of Monday afternoon was fifty pack members where it was once close to two hundred. I need to do what is right for them.”

“Then force Rowen to do right by my daughter.”

“I will NOT as he did nothing to warrant such action. In any case I will not force him or any other wolf to give up their fated mate to fix the damage you have done. I also will not take your daughter’s chance of finding her fated mate from her.”

“I forced her to reject that good for nothing male! She will be chosen by an Alpha male!”

“So you punished your daughter to rely on finding a male willing to forego his own fated mate for her. I feel sorry for your daughter as she will not find another Alpha male to accept her over his fated mate. You forget what being with your fated mate means.”

“It’s mean nothing! Fated mates are a joke.”

“You are wrong, and I am too annoyed to take any more time to explain to you why. I have made my decision. You, and your daughter are to stay away from Moonlight Pack, and Dark Moon Pack while you are in attendance here. I will NOT be forcing ANYONE into accepting your daughter. As you forced her to reject her fated mate, she will have to settle for being a chosen mate of someone who decides to chose HER. NOT the other way around, and you will have NO involvement in her finding a chosen mate, as you cannot be trusted! You will NOT approach any Alpha concerning your daughter.

“You have one year to turn your pack around or assist your remaining pack members in relocating to new

“I’m sorry young lady, but anything to do with alliances must be handled with the Alpha, first, and foremost.”

My father continued to the double doors at the end of the hall, and knocked on the door. Renee hadn’t moved. I took ahold of her arm, and marched her toward the door. It opened just as we reached it. My father walked in, me following behind with Renee in tow. I gently pushed her into a chair in front of her father’s desk, and stepped back.

“What’s going on here Joe?” Her father asked.

“I just thought that I would share with you Renee’s idea on strengthening our already strong alliance, Will.” My father responded.

“What idea would that be, and Renee why would you be dressed like that to discuss business you are not involved in?” Alpha William asked, but Renee only looked to the floor, and did not answer.

“It seems Renee thought she could strengthen our alliance with a visit to my son’s private room to discuss things. I guess she felt such attire would be appropriate for the conversation she wished to have. In private, with my mated son.”

“I see. Who’s idea was it for this conversation to take place?”

“Of that I am not sure. I had guessed it was not you though, considering Renee’s request that we speak to her mother, instead of you.”

“I see. Renee, did your mother put you up to this?”

“N…no sir.” Renee whispered.

“So who’s idea was this conversation?” Alpha Will asked.

“Some of the other girls, and I all decided to try our hands at mating an Alpha. We’re all Alpha’s daughters. We all think we should have Alpha mates. It’s only fair.” Renee whined..

“Was your mother aware of this?”

“No. Some of the other girl’s mothers are though.”

“So why did you ask to be taken to your mother if she is unaware of this choice you girls made?”

“I….I thought you would be busy, and I didn’t want you disturbed.”

“Renee I wish I could believe that, but sadly I don’t. How did you even enter the suite when I know two of our warriors are guarding the door with orders to not allow anyone entry?”

“…I used my position as your daughter to be allowed in.”

“Renee, I am disappointed in you, for several reasons. The first being that you allowed others to lead you down a path that you KNOW is wrong. The second being that you used your position to do something you KNOW you should not. The third, and most important is that you already have a wonderful fated mate, who adores you, that is waiting for you to finish planning your mating ceremony. You would have caused him immense pain today had Alpha Rowen been a different type of male. You

would have ripped out that males heart almost literally today. I don’t know why you chose to listen to these girls or their mothers, but I expect better from you. Now you will apologize to Alpha Joseph, and Alpha Rowen for your behavior today. You will then return to your room, and put on PROPER attire. Once that is done, you will go apologize to your mate for you actions today, and I expect you to explain everything to him. Finally, the rest of time we have visitors you WILL be with either your mate, your brother, your mother, me, or a warrior. You will NOT spend another moment with those females. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.”

packs. At which point I will personally review the status of your pack, and make a final decision on what to do with you, and your pack at that point. If your pack is still in the same state it is now, I will be liquidating your pack, and moving you to Royal pack to serve under my rule. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Furthermore, at this very moment all Alphas, allied to you, and otherwise are receiving a detailed report on the status of your pack, and it’s goods used for trade. They will be given the option to cancel agreements with you with no backlash for me, continue to maintain their agreements with you as they are, or attempt to assist you to turn things around. Know, and understand whatever assistance they give is strictly by their choice. You have no ability to make demands of any kind to anyone. This type of agreement I hold in my hand will not be tolerated. All Alphas will receive a copy of the demands you attempted to make of Alpha Joseph so they can make an informed decision moving forward. Be careful Alpha Marvin as you are on thin ice. Make wise decisions that are not fueled by your own greed.”

“I would rather be a rogue then to work under you.”

“That can be arranged. Just know that you will answer to me, in all things, and I will NOT be accepting your daughter, nor will my sons!” The rogue leader stated as he stood up.

“I………” Alpha Marvin sputtered.

“Enough. You have taken up enough of our time. Find your seat so we can move forward.” The king growled.

My father, and I remained standing until the king sent us back to our seats. Once we were seated I breathed a sigh of relief. I also texted Chastity to tell her to watch the proceedings from today as all of it was recorded, and could be watched by anyone on the wolf web. The rest of the day flew by. For that I was thankful. I wish I could say that thankfulness last, but it didn’t.

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